Chapter 300: Crazy War!


Everyone in the world was stunned, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

He wants to wipe Tokyo off the map?

Could it be that he wanted to blow up the entire Tokyo?

This is crazy?!

"Destroy Tokyo?! Does this lunatic plan to perish with Country J? Crazy! He must be crazy!"

Schmidt's eyes trembled when he heard Zeke's words.

Destroying the capital city of a world power may not be particularly surprising before the emergence of nuclear bombs, but with its emergence, all countries have atomic and hydrogen bombs that could check and balance each other. Destroying a city has already become an impossible event!

Even the nine countries only dare to attack the Phoenix Tree when they unite. If they dared to attack the Phoenix Kingdom alone, then the kingdom would definitely devote all its strength to fight them forever.

However, now Zeke has publicly declared that he wants to erase Tokyo from the map, this behavior is tantamount to preparing to perish with Country J!

Once Country J is forced into a corner, it will inevitably use nuclear weapons at all costs.

"There will definitely be a lot of people who are surprised by my actions now, and they will even criticize and abuse me, thinking that my actions are too inhumane. But I don't care!"

"Since it is an open declaration of war, then, of course, I'll fight! I will no longer have any mercy if you don't want peace. Don't worry, I will give you the deepest impression of this war, and make you very happy in the future!"

"But I need to state that I now have nothing to do with the Phoenix Kingdom. Whether declaring war on the nine countries or destroying Tokyo, it's all my responsibility!"

"Although I am no longer a nominal Phoenix person if you dare to give the Phoenix Kingdom a little more thought. I promise that the next time I destroy something, it will no longer be a country's capital but the whole country!"

Zeke's eyes were sharp and cold as if they could pierce people's minds, and they couldn't help but feel intense panic and fear!

This is the reason why Zeke left the Phoenix Kingdom.

He wants to leave enough deep fear in these nine countries.

Don't these people like to make trouble for him?

Then give them a dose of poison in one breath, so that from now on, they will no longer have the slightest thought about him.

"Elder Zeke is serious...he really intends to destroy Tokyo!"

The generals of the Phoenix Kingdom looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

For them, destroying a country's capital, a world power's capital, is simply impossible. Except for natural disasters, no country in the world dares to do this, and there is no sufficient confidence to do so.

But Zeke dares!

He is the only one qualified to wage war against nine powerful countries in his own name and issue such a threat to destroy the capital city.

This alone can make people feel the huge gap between themselves and Zeke.

"Does he really plan to do this?"

North loosened his collar. Zeke's words still had a trace of disbelief.

Country J used to be one of the world's hegemons. Don't look at it as a small island country, but it is also incredibly brilliant. Even Country A and Country U dare not underestimate its existence.

Even though Country J was defeated in the previous world war, the foundation is still there. Zeke is confident that if he wants to destroy the capital, Country J will definitely do its best to resist!

"Father! Father!"

At this moment, Elena's screams came from outside the office door.

After all, Zeke's "death news" still reached Elena. During that time, she closed herself up, and no one had seen her since. Her only interest was painting her memories with Zeke.

Until just now, she heard that Zeke was not dead and was still broadcasting live around the world, Elena immediately put down her brush and rushed over!

When Elena saw Zeke on the monitor screen, tears flowed uncontrollably, crying and laughing, excited, happy, resentful, and thankful. All kinds of complex expressions were vividly reflected on her face.

"Elena, look at him! The man you like is doing something incredible right now!"

North's tone was full of sighs.

"What's up with him?"

Elena asked him with confusion.

"In front of the whole world, he announced that he would destroy Tokyo, the capital of Country J, and gave the residents of Tokyo three days to clean up. Elena, I'm concerned now. Will you be with such a lunatic? Become as crazy as him?"

"I really don't know if it was a good choice to follow your advice and stand on the Phoenix Kingdom's side. But, if Country J becomes crazy and implicates our country, the consequences will be bad!"

North said helplessly.

"Father, I know Zeke. He is not a reckless person. The fact he would say this proves that he must have unimaginable means!"

Elena wiped away tears and said firmly with her red eyes.

"I hope so!"

North sighed.

At this point, no matter the final result, he can't do anything except admit it.


"I've already told you what I need to say."

"Residents of Tokyo, I believe you should be able to understand what I said. If you don't want to die, leave now!"

Zeke raised his head and glanced at the exquisite watch, "Ten minutes later, I will arrive in the airspace of Tokyo, the capital of Country J. If you have any means you want to use, I will take them all on!"

"Remember, this is not a game. It's a war! While the war is going on, this is because I uphold the humanitarian spirit and sent you a little kindness. I don't need to show mercy to any of you. So don't doubt the truth of my words!"

"That's it, everyone. See you in three days!"

Zeke smiled, then all the screens in the world became static, and all the electronic devices returned to their original images.

[Tl/n: More stones more chapters.]