Chapter 308: Throwing Pot to the End!

Toshiki's eyes widened, he held his throat, where blood was constantly splattered, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. He was shaking all over, and his mouth kept making a "gugugu" sound. He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't say a word.

In the end, Toshiki's body softened, lying on the anti-gravity skateboard, blood stained his suit. He opened his eyes wide and twitched a few times. Then, his eyes full of unwillingness, anger, regret, and resentment slowly dimmed.

Toshiki is dead!


Many people worldwide who saw this scene were startled by the bloody scene and couldn't help but exclaim.

The parents hurriedly covered their child's eyes, fearing they would have any psychological shadow. But the child could still see the energetic Zeke in front of the camera through his fingers, with his eyes as cold as a knife. The seeds of worship and fanaticism are laid!

"Zeke actually killed the leader of a country in front of the whole world?!"

The Phoenix Kingdom's elders and ministers looked at each other, and they all saw deep surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

Even during the most tragic war in modern times, all countries only dared to send secret agents to assassinate them secretly, and no one has ever dared to publicly kill the leader of a country in front of everyone.

Because what this involves is not as simple as war, but the survival of a country!

Zeke is the first and will be the last person who dares to do so!

"Resolute, decisive, and ruthless... This is someone who does big things!"

North took a deep breath, his eyes flashing.

What Zeke did today entirely made North look at him with admiration.

North never thought that under the face of Zeke's ordinary youth, there was such a ruthless and decisive ambition.

Destroy the naval fleet of Country J, slaughter their air force fighter group, destroy the entire Tokyo, and brutally slaughter Toshiki in front of everyone.

North understands that Zeke deliberately lets everyone see his decisive, cold-blooded, ruthless side!

Only in this way will he be terrifying, and from now on, they will never be able to raise any thoughts about Zeke.

With this kind of skill and ambition at a young age, Zeke's image in North's heart is no longer a so-called "new star" who only knows how to devote himself to researching technology but a person who can truly control and change everything!

At the same time, in the secret conference room of the Anti-God Alliance.

The atmosphere is solemn, and the faces of the eight people have frost that cannot be melted. But if you look closely, you can find that some people's palms are shaking.

They were terrified.

Zeke's actions towards Country J are all reflected in their eyes, and they can see it clearly. No mercy, no sympathy, even the leader of a country was brutally murdered in front of the whole world.

"This is not the first time."

Schmidt, the Prime Minister of Country G, sighed first, breaking the silence, "Late Prime Minister Fischer, I'm afraid he also died like this. We should have thought of this a long time ago. Zeke has never been one of the pacifists!"

Schmidt's words deepened the fear of Zeke in some people's hearts.

"It's time to discuss how to deal with this situation."

Moore was as calm as ever.

"Mr. Biblandi, what do you think?"

Moore asked Biblandi, who was always silent.

The other people all looked at Biblandi.


Biblandi sighed faintly, with endless loneliness in his eyes.

As the pivotal core of the Anti-God Alliance and the mastermind of the plan which almost killed Zeke, Biblandi's ability has been recognized by others. But now, even he has no choice but to surrender. It can be seen that their situation is dire.

"Although I am very reluctant to lose to Zeke, the best way at the moment is indeed to surrender."

Khurbagov, the head of the Country MO, never had a cigar in his mouth again, his expression was serious, and his brows were furrowed.

Others did not speak.

They still have a trace of reconciliation.

As a dignified world power, they have the highest status and influence on this planet!

But now, to surrender to a young man, this is a shame for them!

But what if you are not convinced?

The situation has changed. They can no longer devise any effective means to deal with Zeke. The only way left for them is to surrender.

Therefore, they can only choose to agree to surrender by default.


On the other side, when Toshiki died, Zeke silently retracted the flying knife, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiped the blood on it, and threw it on Toshiki.

"Throw him down."

Zeke opened his mouth softly, and the anti-gravity skateboard suddenly turned over. Toshiki's body fell directly from the sky, and fell into the sea with a puff, becoming an unidentified corpse in the ocean.

Zeke's eyes did not fluctuate as if he had killed a trivial bug.

"The problem of Country J has been solved."

"It's time to solve the next country!"

Continue to destroy?!

Zeke's words made the hearts of people all over the world suddenly burst.

Is this war not over yet?!

"Sir, Biblandi, the king of the Tonda Empire, is calling. Do you wish to answer?"

At this time, Jarvis' voice came out.

"Oh? I thought they would take the initiative to contact me after I arrived in person. It seems they're quite self-conscious!"

"Put his voice on the live screen."

Zeke narrowed his eyes.

The phone was connected, and on the other side, Biblandi smiled and talked in slightly blunt Phoenix language.

"Mr. Zeke, it is a great honor to be able to speak with you!"

From the sound, Biblandi seems to be in a good mood, but Zeke and everyone in the world knows that he is forcing a smile.

"You're a busy man King Biblandi. Why do you have time to call me?"

Zeke said slowly.

"Mr. Zeke, there was a little misunderstanding between the Tonda Empire and the Phoenix Kingdom. I hope I can come and clarify with you."

"The matter of alliance and war is not Tonda's will. Everything is led by Toshiki!"

When Zeke heard this, he sneered in his heart.

Amazing! Knowing that Toshiki is dead, and Country J is finished, just throw all the blame on him and his country, and use this method to cleanse himself, Biblandi is indeed a king.

"However, as a participant in this incident, Tonda has inescapable responsibilities and mistakes. On behalf of the Tonda Empire, I sincerely apologize to you. And make compensation for this. I hope you can forgive the Tonda Empire for this reckless act!"