Chapter 313: A Meteor Big Enough to Destroy the Earth

A meteor hitting the earth?!

Hearing Moore's words, people worldwide were not in an uproar, not shocked, but somewhat confused and puzzled. Everyone's expressions were similar, and they were thinking the same thing.

Are you kidding me?

The rumors of the end of the earth have been heard many times.

There have been prophecies that at the end of 1999, there will be a war that ends the world. Then there is the Mayan doomsday prophecy for 2012 and various other prophecies that littered the internet. This was in the age of underdeveloped science, people might believe it, but in the current time, they don't listen to them anymore.

At this point, it's like listening to a fairy tale; they just think it's funny.

"I'm sorry to tell you this news at this time. But unfortunately, after NASA's investigation, the current human technology cannot destroy or change the orbit of this 418km meteor.

I think everyone already understands that this will be a cruel disaster. A meteor bigger than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 60 million years ago is only a few hours away. The end of the world has become a reality!"

The feelings expressed by Moore were desperate and pessimistic, but because of his negative words, some people gradually frowned, showing suspicion, and began questioning the authenticity of a meteor hitting the earth.

After all, it's not someone else who said this. It's the president of Country A. So even if it's a joke, it won't be so open, right?

"Actually, NASA wanted to announce this matter four days ago, but I stopped it. I think humans should usher in the doomsday and baptism of life!"

"This news is excellent news for me, but for some people, it is terrible news."

"So, Zeke, I really want to know how you feel now!"

Instead of addressing him as Mr. Zeke, Moore called him directly.

Moore's tone was no longer stingy praise, but a joke and ridicule for watching a good show, as if his own death was not worth mentioning, and Zeke's death made him the happiest.

"Of course! If you don't trust me, you can send someone to check whether what I said is true. I believe Zeke has a way to find out!"

There was a hint of madness in Moore's words.

At this time, Moore was no longer the calm, reserved, shrewd, and calm leader of Country A who did not change his face even if Mount Everest collapsed in front of him.

He knew he was going to die.

New York City will be destroyed as soon as the three days are up, and the next person to die is him.

So Moore no longer cares about the so-called leader image, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to what outsiders say and begins to show his true side. The resentment that has accumulated for so long has been vented!

"Sir, the satellite monitoring system of Country A has been cracked. Indeed, a meteor with a diameter of 418 kilometers has entered the impact orbit of the earth.

At the current speed of the meteor, it only takes 175 minutes and 32 seconds at most to enter the earth's atmosphere."

When Moore said these words, Jarvis had voluntarily hacked into the satellite monitoring system of NASA's space agency in Country A, confirming his authenticity.

The world... is really going to be destroyed!

And there are only three hours left for everyone!

Zeke's eyes flashed, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

If he guessed correctly, this is Moore's "killer weapon" against him.

Moore knows that no weapon in this world can compete with him.

Even if Moore escapes to the ends of the earth, he will not be able to escape Zeke's pursuit. Since he is doomed to death, he'll pull the whole world with him. So it was great news for Moore to be buried with Zeke.

"A 418km meteor... I see. Is this your trump card, President Moore?"

Zeke didn't have the slightest panic or anxiety in his eyes. He chuckled lightly.

"I know it's impossible to kill myself with your strength, so I deliberately concealed the news. When I learned about this, there was nothing I could do, nowhere to go. So I can hide the news, just like you, quietly waiting for the meteor to come, turning the earth and human beings into ashes. I have to say, Moore, you are a smart guy. This trick is powerful enough!"


Is there really a meteor?!

As soon as Zeke's remarks came out, there was an uproar all over the world!

"No? Is what Moore said true? Will a meteor really hit us?"

"How is it possible? How can there be such a coincidence? Isn't the end of the world hundreds of years later? If Country A did not find it, could other countries also not find it? Could it be that they all know?"

"It's only been less than a month since the war ended. It's hard to have a peaceful day! Why did the meteor have to hit the earth at this time?! Impossible!"

"It's over... Even Zeke has already confirmed the news. It's really over!"


If Moore's words are not enough to convince everyone, then Zeke's words made everyone in the world believe in the authenticity of the meteor impacting the earth.

No one can accept this fact!

Finally, the war was stopped, and the people no longer had to be afraid. They were troubled by the war. They could realize their ideals and ambitions with peace of mind and enjoy life to the fullest. But in the end, the world ushered in its doom.

A 418km meteor, imagine how terrifying it is!

It is almost equivalent to a medium-sized town. However, if it falls from the sky at an extremely fast speed, with a bang, the generated force is enough to smash the earth across and shatter it into space junk floating in the universe.

There will be no more countries and human beings at that time, and everything will be over!

"Yes, when I heard the news five days ago, I thought God heard my prayer, and it was a gift from him on purpose!"

Moore gave a rare chuckle, "I advise everyone watching the live broadcast to do everything to their heart's content while there are still three hours left. Whether it's killing people or being sexually aggressive, anything will do! No one will do anything else! So forget about the laws and regulations. It will cease to exist from this moment on!"

"Please don't die with regrets!"