Chapter 323: Interview with 10 million people

After the list was announced, it was another tense hour.

According to the notice sent to them by the official website of ZTech, everyone must stay in front of the computer, TV, or mobile phone at eleven o'clock, waiting for the interview video to appear. If they miss it, there will be no second chance!

"Mom, I'm going to have an interview. I'm so nervous. What if I get eliminated!"

"Daughter-in-law, the interview seems to start after a while. Do you think the suit I'm wearing is formal enough? Do you want to change it?"

"It's over. I feel like I have to go to the toilet again. How can this be tenser than the college entrance examination? It used to be said that the college entrance examination was the most critical step for a person. Now, isn't it necessary to replace it with the most critical step in life?"

Tens of millions of people from all over the world are sitting nervously in front of a computer or pacing back and forth in front of a mobile phone.

Before eleven o'clock, everyone's relatives, friends, colleagues, and leaders gathered around, and they were curious about how this unique interview was carried out.


At eleven o'clock, the mobile phone, computer, and TV screen in front of everyone turned on by themselves.

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

As the screen lights up, a digital face formed by numbers appears in front of everyone.

"Please start your self-introduction!"

Jarvis' voice came from the device.

"My name is Perry Joson. I am a doctoral graduate. My main specialty is machine manufacturing, drawing drawings, working as an editor, and personally participating in machine assembly..."

"My name is Dave Tayag, I am good at architectural design and have won many world awards! As you can see, my room is full of famous trophies in the design world! So if you admit me, I will definitely be able to help you design the greatest buildings in the world!"

"My name is Jenny Barnes, I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a Ph.D., and I have published papers in various well-known physics journals. These are the papers I have published on the desktop. A Fortune 500 company, a commercial R&D project with an investment of 32 million pounds!"


Everyone confidently explains their abilities to Jarvis, bringing out their proudest, most worthy of showing off, most remarkable achievements and wanting to add points to themselves in the interview.

Jarvis analyzes and judges the person based on the subtle expressions on each person's face, eyes, and mental state.

Jarvis now has a certain human thinking logic and recognition ability, plus the various micro-expression observation programs that Zeke has input to him. This ability has surpassed that of ordinary humans!

Then Jarvis asked a few more random questions.

The interview process took about fifteen minutes on average, but because of the time some people expressed, the longest delay was half an hour.

"Okay, the interview questions are over, and your interview results will be officially announced at noon on the official website of ZTech. Please log in to the official website after noon to check your admission status. I wish you all the best. Good luck, bye!"

After Jarvis finished saying this, the display went black and returned to normal.


Almost all of the 10 million people around the world breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and many were sweating profusely as if they had fought with someone.


"Sir, all the interviews have been completed according to your requirements. Would you like to take a look?"

Zeke never doubted Jarvis' ability. Instead, he just shook his head, "No need. It's up to you to announce it directly."

"Okay, sir!"

Jarvis responded, "By the way, sir, have you entered the process of making the Zanarkand Kingdom's Nationality ID Card? Do you have any requirements?"

"Oh! ID card! I almost forgot about that!"

"Since it's my kingdom, the ID card must be special; otherwise, how can it reflect the status of our kingdom?"

Zeke rolled his eyes, "Jarvis, use pure gold to make an ID card, with the ZTech information chip implanted inside and engrave the words "God and Heaven" on the back of the ID card. As for the image, just use a Phoenix."

For thousands of years, the people of the Phoenix Kingdom have always claimed to be the descendants of the phoenix. The previous rulers liked to embroider the phoenix on their clothes as a symbol of immortality and to bring good fortune.

Although this is no longer popular, Zeke himself is from the Phoenix Kingdom and respects the phoenix very much in his heart. Therefore, using the phoenix's image can be regarded as an answer to his separation from them.

'Although I established my own kingdom, I am still a Phoenix person in my bones!'

The time for the official announcement at noon has not yet arrived, but the internet is already buzzing with activity.

"Is what you said above true? Did you lie? What kind of interview question is this? No one would admit to lying, okay?"

"Do you love your motherland? This question is really a bit difficult. It's basically the same as asking who will you save first, your mother or your girlfriend."

"The interview is straightforward. Basically, it is some questions that can be passed without thinking. I thought it would be difficult!"

"Why do I feel that this is not an interview but a psychological test?"

"There are many questions about morality. However, it seems that the Zanarkand Kingdom pays more attention to personality. If they recruit more citizens next time, I might have a chance!"


Since 10 million people were interviewed at the same time, many people recorded the interview process and posted it on the internet, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole network.

But to the surprise of netizens, it is not a particularly professional or incomprehensible question, most of which are related to personal moral quality.

Finally, under the whole world's attention, noon came quietly.

All interviewees can't wait to log on to the official website of ZTech to check their admission status as soon as possible.

"WHAT?! Why?! Why didn't I?! I answered it perfectly!! It's not fair!!"

"Oh my god! I passed! Really passed!! Mom!!!! I passed!!!"

"NO! NO! NO!! How could such a thing happen? All my questions have been carefully considered, and there are absolutely no loopholes!! With my ability, how could I lose the selection?!"


As soon as the results were announced, some people were naturally happy, and some were distressed.

But there are obviously more people distressed. After all, only 20,000 people can be picked out of 10,000,000, so only one of 500 people can pass. With such a probability, it can be seen how cruel the elimination is.

And just when the happy people were cheering, something even more surprising came to them. A Laser Iron Man personally sent the identity card belonging to the Zanarkand Kingdom to their place!