Chapter 342: Black Star!

As the sound of this sentence fell, the president of Country A immediately saw the smooth and strange head on the screen in front of him.


Of course, that is not the only affected computer. This smooth head appeared on all the screens that can be displayed worldwide.

All of a sudden, the whole world knows the time has come.

After a few months of silence, Tost came again.

And this time, obviously... he must have been prepared.

"As you wish, I'm here again. But, this time, I'm here to take away the sun and, by the way, destroy the Earth."

Tost smiled, still looking like he was aloof. Yet, the indifference and disdain in his tone pierced into the hearts of all human beings like a needle.

"The sun belongs to human beings! What qualifications do you have to say such while daring not look at people with your true face?"

"Destroy the Earth? Do you think you are still qualified now!"

"Hahaha, this stupid alien, don't you still understand the situation?"

Tost's words naturally aroused the emotions of countless people in front of the screen.

Taking away the sun and destroying the Earth is a beautiful thought.

However, can he do it now?

Didn't he see the more than 200 harvester motherships in outer space? Today's human beings are no longer afraid of Tost!

"No matter what you think, it is an established fact that I will take your sun away."

After Tost spoke, the image in front of the screen suddenly changed.

It's no longer the head of Tost, but...

Outer space.

In the cold and deep outer space, the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a large gray-brown planet. This planet is so massive that it is unknown how many times the size of the Earth is in comparison.

On top of it, there is an eye-like thing, the Great Red Spot.

This turned out to be Jupiter.

And when the people realized that this was an image from Jupiter, everyone immediately saw a fantastic scene.

Next to Jupiter, there is a strange hole.

Next to this hole, all the light passing through is distorted, like a vortex, and it seems to be connected to another universe, as if it can swallow everything.

"What is this? A black hole?"

"No, this, it should be a wormhole!"

"Look, there seems to be something coming out of that hole!"

"Hmph, just pretending to be mysterious. Can it compete with our solar system defense fleet?"


When many people saw this situation, they were first taken aback and then sneered.

They have enough confidence in their solar system defense fleet, so whatever Tost does now, they feel nothing.

From that wormhole, a behemoth was slowly being spit out.

This is a black sphere.

It was so dark that it blended into the icy universe. It was so huge that it seemed to be bigger than the moon. It seemed not to reflect any light, so it was slowly spat out of the wormhole.

"This thing... what is it?"

"Black hole?"

This time, all human beings couldn't understand this thing

because it seemed too contrary to common sense.

"Look, this shouldn't be a celestial body. There is a depression on that ball!"

"This depression should be the propulsion system of this big ball? Is this big black ball the battleship of the Elkanza Empire?"

Soon, more and more human beings almost confirmed that this should be the battleship of the Elkanza Empire.

It just looks too mysterious.

"Hmph, why is it so mysterious? How can this thing compare to our great harvester mothership?"

"Haha, don't they know that Zeke's small mothership used a plasma star destroyer to destroy a meteor?"

"You look down on our Earth too much, don't you?"

"What's more, we now have more than 200 harvester motherships. So this little thing is not invulnerable at all, right?"

Just as everyone was carefully watching the details of the black ball, the wormhole began to disappear slowly.

It started to shrink from big to small and disappeared next to Jupiter.

Next to Jupiter, there is only that lonely black sphere left.

Against the background of Jupiter's strange eye-like Great Red Spot, this black sphere looks so small and inconspicuous.

Seeing this situation, many humans couldn't help but be astonished.

"My God, look, what did I see?"

"The wormhole opened; shouldn't the Elkanza Empire declare war on our Earth? Why is there only this big black ball?"

"Is this too contemptuous?"


Countless humans began to laugh.

Because of this black sphere, it looks too incompetent.

And it seems to know the questions of all humankind.

Tost actually responded immediately. He smiled and said contemptuously, "No need to ask any more questions. Our Elkanza Empire spans all corners of the universe, and for an inferior civilization like yours, using the Death Star is already the supreme glory of your entire civilization!"

"You know, if I didn't need to take this stellar battery, I wouldn't use the Death Star at all. To destroy your wild planet, I only need to flick my fingers!"

In Tost's words, there is still that innate arrogance.

For human beings, he looks down on them, so he is too lazy to explain anything.

But for all the people on Earth, Tost's words undoubtedly aroused anger in their hearts. Who does he think he is?!

"Too hateful! Do you really think we humans are easy to bully?!"

"Three sentences satirize us and only dispatched one battleship, which is too contemptible! However, he will pay the price for his ignorance!"

"We should have died, but we now have Zeke's space fleet!"

"Since this is the case, I'm looking forward to it! When our super powerful solar system mothership fleet is dispatched, what will this bullshit alien look like?"

The people of the world are furious!

Some people even started laughing, thinking that Tost would only talk big and didn't know he was about to die.

Tost once used a meteor to destroy humans, and he mocked them before, saying that he would destroy the Earth, and now he is provoking them again. They all expect that this alien will fail miserably.

And what gave them hope was naturally the mighty space fleet!

"See the mighty power of the Elkanza Empire, ignorant bugs."

"I'll show you how you were destroyed."

As Tost said, he launched the Death Star and sent it towards the Earth.

This time all human beings on Earth have noticed the change in the sky!