Chapter 344: Black Hole Defense!

In the cold and deep starry sky, countless photons flicker.

Then it also gathered on the motherships, accumulating energy, and preparing to attack Tost's Death Star.

At the top of the motherships, those plasma star destroyer turrets similar to the "Eiffel Tower" all turned in unison, aiming at the Death Star.

Although the plasma star destroyer has not been fired yet, at this moment, its light has lit up the entire dark space.

This is pure energy, as if it can destroy everything.

Just through the screen, people can feel the magnificence of this plasma star destroyer and the power contained in the beam.

The war is about to begin!

At this moment, all human beings on Earth are boiling with enthusiasm.

"Interstellar war! This is an interstellar war!"

"We've never seen a real space battle!"

"This is our own galaxy fleet!"

"The plasma star destroyer can destroy everything!"

Countless people can clearly see all this happening.

Embellished with stars and accompanied by thousands of starlights, a large galaxy fleet surrounded Tost's Death Star.

And this is just a part of the human galaxy fleet.

The full-scale harvester mothership is really too big. Because it is too large, it can only be temporarily dispersed in the entire solar system.

And those who are preparing to fight Tost are only one-tenth of them.

Everyone knows the strength of the mothership.

Since they received it, people have done a lot of experiments, and they have a clear understanding of the destructive ability of the mothership.

Even with the small mothership that was only a few kilometers in the beginning, Zeke could use the plasma star destroyer it carried to destroy a meteor several hundred kilometers away, not to mention the current full version of the mothership.

In front of everyone, Tost's Death Star is no different from an asteroid.

The motherships in the starry sky aimed their muzzles at the Death Star, ready to fire.


At this moment, Jarvis and the captains in other places gave orders.

The beam on the Plasma Star Destroyer turrets, the accumulated energy also reached its peak, shining brightly in the starry sky, heading straight for the Death Star.

The beams of countless plasma star destroyers drove the darkness away and illuminated the entire space.

Under such light, the Death Star, the size of an asteroid, has become inconspicuous, as if it can be destroyed instantly.

The beams of each plasma star destroyer can directly penetrate a planet. In the face of such power, it seems that nothing can resist it.

"The war is almost over."

"The siege saucers are ready to be dispatched. We will be able to pick up the wreckage later."

In the harvester motherships, many space fighters began to burst into laughter.

Motherships share information with each other.

So they also know very well that under the heavy siege of the mothership, in the face of the devastating power of the plasma star destroyer, Tost has become trapped.

In the eyes of human beings, the outcome of this battle is almost guaranteed. Under the power of the laser siege saucers, asteroids can be destroyed, not to mention so many flying saucers attacking simultaneously.

"It's over. Tost is over, hahaha!"

"What are aliens like? I really want to dig into it."

Many people on Earth watch this with wide eyes, looking very excited.

Know that this is a battle of glory. After this battle, the crisis of mankind will also disappear.

However, some people shook their heads because they thought of Zeke.

"Zeke, this man is really horrifying. Under his control, now we have such a strong space fleet that even aliens can't beat us!"

These people kept sighing. Once upon a time, Tost's words brought much panic to mankind.

And at this time, countless plasma star destroyers, blooming with dreamy light, converged on the Death Star!

Any celestial bodies on the way were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

An unknown number of plasma star destroyers hit the shell of the Death Star, turning the entire space into a sea of beams, directly submerging the Death Star in it.

"Is this the end? We should control our strength and not directly activate the big killer."

A spaceman looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

Under a barrage of plasma star destroyers, even a giant planet can be obliterated, not to mention this Death Star.

The light of the plasma star destroyers has completely fused with the entire Death Star, and the space emits large waves, destroying all surrounding celestial bodies.

That is the energy fluctuation caused by the beam.

"Tost is done!"

"Is this the power of the Plasma Star Destroyer? It's like how nuclear weapons exploded in space!"

On Earth, countless people stared wide-eyed, looking at everything on the screen, dumbfounded.

After the beam of the plasma star destroyer hit the Death Star, they could clearly see that the surrounding celestial bodies trembled slightly.

There are even countless asteroids that directly turned into ashes under such energy.

What makes countless people feel their scalps numb is that they actually saw Mars in the distance, and under such violent fluctuations, it trembled slightly as if it was about to go off the rails.

"That Death Star should have become scum, right?"

People smiled with satisfaction. Under such a powerful human space fleet, they did not believe anything could survive.


From the screen, humans saw an unimaginable scene. The Death Star appeared unscathed and appeared in everyone's field of vision!

Yes, the tiny Death Star, even if it was located in the center of the explosion point of the beam, still did not change at all. It was still so dark and deep, and it was unremarkable.

What a terrifying discovery!

The black color of this Death Star has become even deeper.

The countless beams and fluctuations around it hit its surface, like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

As if it directly swallowed all the beams!

At the same time as everyone was shocked, Tost's voice rang again.

"Death Star's defense, with the power of you bugs, is simply unbreakable!"

"Since you feel despair, then please watch my destruction show!"

Among Tost's strange tones is the ultimate disdain.