Chapter 352: Return!

Country NK

A strange atmosphere enveloped the land.

This atmosphere is called fear.

This is the fear of death, the fear of themself and their loved ones about to disappear on this Earth.

"We are the country that can conquer the sun. With great leaders, aliens are nothing!"

"We are the most powerful nation in the universe, and the aliens are throwing themselves into the net!"

Although the disaster is imminent, some people are still shameless.

Others just don't have this kind of confidence. Instead, they are preparing things and planning to escape.

"Those who escaped shall all be charged with treason!"

At this time, President Kim told the people that their country was not afraid of aliens to reassure them.

But when the Death Star spaceship really came, he was so frightened that his fat trembled, and he no longer had his usual smile.


Tost directly commanded the Death Star spaceship to attack.

At this moment, it used a particle beam attack.

The three Death Star spaceships prepared their turrets and then... launch!

Countless beams flew toward the ground, destroying everything in its way, and everything ceased to exist.

In despair, crying, and shouting, Country NK has lost its usual appearance. The ground is charred black and has become the second human purgatory.

Particle beam radiation exists everywhere, and even after many years, no one would be able to survive on this land.

Of course, whether the Earth can still exist is a question, and no one will think of this problem now.

It took three minutes to destroy Country NK.

"In another three hours, if Zeke hasn't come out to kneel to see god, then I will destroy Country A, Country U, Country G!"

"And after a day, if he hasn't appeared, then I will destroy all the countries on Earth."

Tost let out a few mocking smiles.

Now he is like a cat, and all humans are toys in his hands.

"Why do we have to suffer such a catastrophe!"

"Oh My God!"

After learning the news, the people of Country A naturally encountered great difficulties.

The entire country fell into the biggest chaos in history, and countless people began to protest to let the White House find Zeke.

"May God bless Country A."

After learning the news, the new president of Country A immediately held a meeting.

"Where is Zeke? How do we know..."

"Although Zeke escaped, his ex-wife, the King of Phoenix Kingdom, Grace, is still here!"

At this moment, in the White House, the progress of the meeting is very slow because everyone can't calm down.

In the end, in the middle of many suggestions, the president decided to talk with Tost secretly.

After all, if he wants to save Country A, he can only make Tost give up his idea.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to dare to talk to me?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will destroy you directly?"

After receiving the news of the new president of Country A, Tost's voice was immediately full of jokes and disdain.

"Oh, Lord, I don't understand why you want to destroy our country. You have to know that it is useless even if you threaten us."

"Zeke left his kingdom on this planet, and he was once one of the elders of the Phoenix Kingdom. King Grace is his ex-wife. So if you punish these two countries, he will definitely come out if he learns this information."

The new president of Country A told Tost all this.

After hearing the words of the new president of Country A, Tost obviously did not understand something.

And after inquiring about human biology, he quickly understood all this.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you humans are creatures that reproduce sexually, and Grace, the king of Phoenix Kingdom, is one of that man's spouses?"

"That would be a great idea."

Since he obtained the information about Earth, he was curious about the existence of Zeke, a human being.

It will take a while for the giant Death Star to capture the sun's core, and he also has a playful mentality, so he does all this.

"However, this does not change the fact that you will die."

Tost did not let Country A go, so he directly issued an order and then turned around and boarded the Death Star spaceship amid the screaming and begging for mercy from the senior leaders of Country A. Tost headed towards the Phoenix Kingdom.

After a while, Phoenix Palace.

Everyone saw several Death Star spaceships suddenly appearing in the sky.

Tost's figure stepped down from one of the spaceships, and the air automatically condensed into a substantial platform under his feet. He gradually came to the gate of the palace, opposite Grace.

"Are you the spouse of the man whom the bugs call great?"

"Among the bugs, your appearance is indeed outstanding."

Tost's mercury-like round head stretched and circulated in seven colors, like a flowing brilliance, swaying lightly, looking at Grace lightly.

"I don't know what you are talking about. This is the Phoenix Kingdom's territory. You have no right to set foot here without permission!"

"Please leave now!"

Grace said with serious eyes.

"Your Majesty!"

The elders and ministers exclaimed.

Tost is someone who has even defeated the Galaxy fleet. He has already destroyed several world powers in a row. If she angers him again, the entire Phoenix Kingdom will probably end!

"Very good!"

"I admire you as a bug, and you dare to say these words to me. It happens that I need something new in my pet cage. I think you are outstanding!"

Tost tilted his head, "Put her in a cage for me! I will bring an Earth bug back to my civilization for an exhibition. I believe she will attract many star owners, who will definitely be interested in this new pet!"

After speaking, Tost turned around with a chuckle.

They saw a black metal ball flying down from the Death Star spaceship. It flew close to Grace, and black iron chains suddenly stretched out on both sides, firmly tying Grace's neck, arms, legs, and feet.

"Your Majesty!"

The elders and ministers fell to their knees, crying bitterly, their eyes full of despair.

Grace's eyes were firm, and she let the iron chains pull her body into the air and approached the Death Star spaceship.

She knew that the rest of her life would be spent in humiliation and pain.

Grace raised her head and looked into the distance... She would never hesitate again if given another chance and abandon everything to pursue what she wanted in her heart.

"I heard... someone is looking for me?"

At this moment, there was a very familiar voice from behind Grace.

Tost froze and turned around.

Everyone turned to look at where the voice came from.

They saw a crack open in the void, and Zeke walked out slowly with a leisurely look on his face.