Chapter 354: Die Together?

Tost can clearly feel that the laser cannons fired by this Tin Man are very powerful. It is already comparable to the laser weapons of those interstellar battleships.

But he couldn't imagine how the laser, which is so small and not even the thickness of a finger, could have such terrifying power.

"Tost, the things of your civilization seem a little vulnerable?"

Zeke said with a smile.

The Mk 42, as well as its laser technology, are the result of Zeke's improvement.

The steel battle suit at this moment is no longer a robot made of pure steel but a product that uses a vast super synthetic metal substance as large as a city. Zeke used the Planet Compressor technology to compress it.

This is also why the Mk 42 left two deep footprints when it landed.

Its mass is almost equivalent to the weight of a city. If it weren't for the anti-gravity engine controlling its force, if it fell hard, there may be an earthquake in the Phoenix Kingdom.

As for the chains earlier, isn't that just tearing off a pair of locks?

For today's Mk 42, it's so easy.

However, Zeke's biggest change is the laser technology.

All current laser weapons are created by extracting the energy of the Cosmic Cube, so its power is superior to that of all ordinary lasers. But obviously, this level is not enough!

Zeke added compression technology to the laser engine to make the weapon more effective and powerful.

The compression technology can be said to be even more powerful than the laser engine. It is like giving the primitive man a fire, opening a new door, and lighting up a new realm of laser weapons.

Because the energy of the cosmic cube is infinite, and any mass or volume does not limit it. Zeke can compress the energy of the cosmic cube infinitely until all the energy is compressed to a terrifying level!

For example, the laser weapons launched from Mk 42 just now are the most obvious example. Each laser beam looks small and weak like a thread, but the power contained in it is comparable to a plasma star destroyer.

This is also why the black sphere, which has an energy cover and its defense, is extremely strong, but it didn't give any resistance and was instantly pierced.

"Death Star, lock on this tin man and start the tractor beam!"

Tost no longer hesitated and directly used their strongest weapon.

As soon as he ordered it, Tost took out a black square object the size of a ping-pong ball from his arms.

With a single press, the black square object immediately unfolded, forming a long black line in the air, and then spun frantically, creating a black hole. There were a few stars on it.

"A wormhole?!"

Zeke's eyes flashed.

He has seen this wormhole from the information collected by Jarvis, but the wormhole that can be used by the Death Star spacecraft is massive; it is Jupiter level. On the other hand, the wormhole created by Tost is only one person tall.

This shows how well developed their civilization is.

"Mk 42, grab that guy for me!"

Zeke ordered directly.

Tost suddenly panicked, turned around quickly, and wanted to enter the wormhole and leave, but Mk 42 was faster than he thought. The ground under its feet shattered directly, and the air was distorted, instantly accelerating Mk 42. In less than a second, it came behind Tost, grabbed his mercury head, and dragged half of his body.

"Now that I'm here, what are you going to do? As the host, and you have come from light-years away, so I have to entertain you."

Zeke said with a smile.

Mk 42 brought Tost back to Zeke.


"I have sent a distress signal to the empire and the coordinates of your Earth. If you dare to do anything disrespectful to me, you are finished!"

Tost said harshly.

"I know all about your plan. You're using that giant spaceship to create a black hole, ready to divert our sun. But, of course, you didn't intend to let us go from the beginning, right?"

"Your empire, is it a group of mentally retarded people?"

Zeke said with a look of contempt.

The conversation between the two shocked Grace, the elders, and the ministers nearby.

The imperial messenger, who was still aloft just now, was caught by Zeke's Iron Man in the blink of an eye. He was unable to move, not even a chance to fight back, and he even sent a distress signal to his civilization.

And Zeke actually took the initiative and despised Tost at will!

" insulted the great messenger!"

"Bug, do you want me to bring you back to the Purgatory Tower and let hundreds of millions of blood-devouring worms devour you until you die?!"

Tost roared, "Number 4! Activate the tractor beam directly kill all these bugs for me!"

The tractor beam is an indiscriminate lethal weapon. Once activated, Tost will also be covered within the attack range and cannot be spared.

Obviously, Tost was already angry.

He wants Zeke and the human beings on Earth to disappear completely.

Of course, he didn't mean to perish with Zeke. In Tost's civilization, matter particles can be reconstituted, and dead beings can be resurrected, but the price to pay is very high. So only high-level existences are only qualified to be revived.

The messenger has this qualification, but after the resurrection, Tost's position will drop a lot, and he will lose part of his memory, causing his status in the empire to decline and his power to weaken. Therefore, if it is not an extreme situation, Tost will not give up on the opportunity to seek resurrection.

Above the sky, the entire Earth has been locked on by the Death Star spacecraft.

"You want to perish together?"

Zeke raised his head and glanced at the Death Star spaceship in the sky, squinting his eyes, "The tractor beam is indeed an amazing technological weapon, but... it's still too weak!"


Zeke was just about to give an order when suddenly, a voice came out.


Everyone looked at it, and the place where the voice came from was the black hole that Tost had just created!