Chapter 361: Leader of the Zaft Federation - Zeke!

The whole world instantly stirred as soon as this statement came out.

Global unity?!

This almost dream-like thing actually happened?!

"My God... Some time ago, someone on the internet said that the world would move towards a unified situation, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"It's useless for anyone to say, only Zeke can do this!"

"Since Zeke has already said it and all the countries have approved, I support global unification!"

"Haha, if we go to other countries in the future, we won't need a visa anymore. The whole world is our family!"

"After the world is unified, what about the countries now? Change the name to provinces?"


This kind of unification of the world, no matter which leader in the world says it, will inevitably cause everyone great dissatisfaction. Only if it comes from Zeke's mouth will it be different.

Only a truly great leader like Zeke has the qualifications and ability to convince all of humanity and lead them to the road of unity.

Therefore, people's first reaction is not to consider the rationality of global unification or to question the various contradictions and discords that may arise but to start imagining what kind of life they will be able to live after the global unification.

"The battle of Earth's counterattack a month ago has left a deep impression on you."

Zeke continued.

"In this war, we have seen a real extraterrestrial life, a civilization that is completely different from Earth, and we have learned the gap in the level of science and technology at the cost of life!"

"I deeply feel the inadequacy of human beings themselves!"

"Now that extraterrestrial civilizations have discovered the Earth, the era of the big universe has been officially opened to human beings in silence. We can no longer be like before and can no longer be self-sufficient and trap ourselves on a planet for our own interests. We humans must catch up with those extraterrestrial civilizations in all aspects at an extremely fast speed!"

"With the first interstellar war, there will be a second and third time. The war between interstellar civilizations is no longer about the strategy and killing between nations on Earth. It is not only about a little territory, some oil resources, or thousands of people, tens of thousands of lives... but the survival of a planet, a biological race!"

Zeke's words silenced countless people all over the world.

Those who have experienced the war in person understand the feeling of being treated as ants, and their life and death are in the hands of others. So they can understand how vital Zeke's question of life and death is.

Interstellar war is not child's play. Once one is defeated, it will involve a significant event for a whole race.

"The global unification plan will be implemented in full coverage after today's live broadcast!"

"I know that there are many people who will question the issue of territorial division, resource allocation, the ownership of their respective countries, changes in various laws and regulations, etc. after global unification. These are unavoidable practical issues."

"The most crucial point, and the one that countless people are most concerned about, is the issue of resource allocation."

Many people nodded.

Indeed, the most challenging thing after global unification is the division of resources. There is no longer a country to distinguish between each other; what is yours is mine, what is mine is yours, the world is unified. But in all regions in the world, the distribution of resources is extremely uneven; some are rich, and some are barren. If all resources are distributed evenly, Earth's civilization will have to go backward by hundreds of years!

"I am here and can absolutely tell everyone in front of the screen - I have unlimited energy!"

Unlimited energy?!

Hearing this, many people's faces showed surprise and suspicion.

"At this moment, I believe many people are suspicious and surprised by what I said. But people who know me a little bit will understand that if I didn't have infinite energy, how could I create a mothership?"

Zeke's eyes flashed.

"What does the existence of infinite energy mean? But, of course, you should know better than me. A few days ago, I already made corresponding actions. Do you still have any impressions?"

"Growing cocoa beans in the desert, growing potatoes on the seabed, and growing a watermelon field within minutes. These are the latest agricultural technologies that the Zanarkand Kingdom has conquered, and they can do this because there is unlimited energy support!"

"And the energy used by the mothership, the beams that are enough to destroy the planet, are all because of the existence of this infinite energy!"

"In fact, infinite energy has already appeared, but this is the first time I have told you this news."

"Next, I will use the infinite energy to start a development plan worldwide!"

Zeke's mouth lifted.

"Yes, infinite energy. I will provide it to everyone in the world, including the latest agricultural technology conquered by the Zanarkand Kingdom.

After ensuring global unification, everyone can enjoy it as long as you are willing to work hard. Then, you no longer have to worry about basic survival!"

"The most commonly used electrical energy in your life, the energy of the anti-gravity facility, including all the energy consumed by the world, is contracted by me. The exact meaning is that from now on, the slogan of saving electricity can be completely removed. What do you think? Use it as you like, and I will supply the world with uninterrupted power for free!"

"There are also warp drives. I will start laying them worldwide and distribute them to every family. So you can have your own warp drives for free, and energy is also free!"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes suddenly brightened, and all of them couldn't help but get excited.

"Of course, these are just the basis for implementing the global unification plan. What really matters is the issue of resources."

Zeke smiled slightly.

"Everyone understands that the resources of the Earth are limited, but the universe's resources are unlimited! Whether metal minerals, rare Earth resources, or various precious and rare elements, everything is in the universe!

But before, I could only look at it and couldn't get it."

"But now it's different. I will equip each region with enough energy and new motherships. How many minerals can be excavated in the universe depends on your own capabilities in each region."

"To sum up, global unification and the interstellar journey of mankind have officially started!"

"Also, allow me to reintroduce myself."

Zeke coughed and said with a smile.

"I am the supreme leader of the Zaft Federation, Zeke! Please give me more support in the future!"