Chapter 364: I do!

"Marry you?!"

Zeke suspected that his ears had heard it wrong.

In front of him, isn't she the King of Phoenix, Grace herself?

Would she ask him to marry her?

'Is she joking?!'

"You must be joking with me, right? This joke is not funny. You are the King of Phoenix. Are you worried about not getting married?"

Zeke looked at Grace with strange eyes.

Gael, next to him, was also vigilant at the moment and firmly grasped Zeke's clothes.

"I'm not joking!"

Grace looked very serious.

"I admit, at first, I looked down on you and thought you were a worthless person. But then I gradually discovered that you don't seem to be as bad as I thought, and it's not that you are incompetent."

"I didn't expect that you can not only build things like Baymax but also develop Iron Man, super soldiers, and even space battleships now... But, of course, I'm not marrying because you can build these high-tech things. I just like you!"

Grace finally defended herself.

"Could it be my handsomeness?"

Zeke said tentatively.

Although Zeke does not have Earth-shattering handsomeness, after some careful dressing, he can be regarded as a good-looking male god.


Grace said earnestly.

"I like you because you can stand up whenever you are in a crisis. This moves me!"

"There are many people with money, power, and ability... but can they stand up in times of crisis and take the initiative to accept challenges? This kind of courage is simply impossible for ordinary people to have."

When Country J ridiculed the Phoenix Kingdom, saying it was a small country, someone even almost usurped the kingdom.

Zeke took the initiative to fight back. He killed the armed forces supported by Country J in the Middle East and appeared with the Iron Man Legion.

The Three Countries' military exercise was at the door of the Phoenix Kingdom. The ministers and elders all chose to endure it for a while and step back to see the sky. Only Zeke chose to be hard-headed and created the super soldiers, scaring away the Three Countries.

Then Country A led the economic sanctions against the Phoenix Kingdom.

Everyone was helpless and did not dare to make any moves. They could only choose to bear it silently and kept going to diplomatic negotiations, hoping to solve the economic sanctions incident through diplomacy. But Zeke did the opposite and made a mess. After a super advertising campaign, he talked to the leaders of more than a dozen powerful countries at the press conference and used controllable nuclear fusion hydrogen bombs to shock and slap them all in the face.

Especially as soon as the warp drive came out, the leaders of these powerful countries were even more frightened!

Immediately after that, Zeke was dormant for half a year, and the Nine-Countries Anti-God Alliance incident happened. Although this incident was directed at Zeke, the Phoenix kingdom was afraid after being pressured by nine world powers.

Zeke not only fought back but even destroyed their capital cities, causing the nine countries' economies to regress in an instant by twenty years.

Finally, there is the alien invasion that happened a month ago.

That time is no longer the crisis of the Phoenix Kingdom but the end of all mankind and the world!

Zeke can wave his hand and leave calmly without risking confronting the aliens. But he still chose to appear and successfully saved the world and all of humanity.

Zeke's courage and ability completely conquered Grace.

"Yes, you are indeed right."

"I am such a brave man!"

Zeke nodded shamelessly and praised.

"However, you're not brave enough to ask me in person, right?"

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted to get a divorce."

Zeke deliberately talked about their past.

"I regretted it!"

Grace said bluntly.

"I think you are a little unreliable occasionally, but most of the time, you are reliable and meet my mate selection criteria."

"You said that if it doesn't violate the moral code or make you commit a crime, you will not refuse it!"

"And... you dare say you didn't like me at all. Don't you even feel anything for me the slightest bit?"

Grace obviously lost her arrogance as the lord of a kingdom but looked at Zeke like a little girl and said.


Zeke hesitated.

It must be a lie to say that Zeke has no feelings for Grace at all. He can be regarded as a man with standard aesthetics. As the so-called fair lady, Grace is a beauty in his eyes. Zeke doesn't dare to say he likes her, but he has a good impression of her.

Seeing Zeke's hesitant expression, Grace immediately smiled exceptionally brightly.

Before making this call, she had been worried that if she asked like this, wouldn't it be too embarrassing to be rejected ruthlessly?

But now, when Zeke hesitated, Grace realized that he was interested in her, but it wasn't strong enough, so he didn't show it much.

With this, Grace was completely relieved.

"Don't worry!"

Grace smiled and glanced at Gael next to Zeke.

"I understand the feelings between you and your little maid, so I am willing to be a mistress."

Is she mentally prepared for this?

If it wasn't for Jarvis' confirmation, and he heard it with his own ears, Zeke thought that the Grace in front of him was someone else's impersonation.

A dignified king willing to be a mistress shows how low Grace has put herself.

"Uh... this matter is too big. I have to think about it..."

Zeke was a little confused.

"Okay, then I'll give you time to think about it! Anyway, except Gael, I won't let anyone be above me. This is what you promised, and if you dare to go back on it, I will never forgive you for the rest of your life!"

Looking at Grace's serious expression, he knew she was not joking.

Then, Grace hung up the phone.

Zeke has not entirely recovered.

This day is so suspenseful.

Just two hours after the announcement of the global unification plan, Grace threw such a blockbuster at him, and Zeke's head was still a little dazed!