Chapter 368: Compression Complete!

Zeke waited patiently.

Although the Mk 42 has reached ten times the speed of sound and moves forward without resistance in space, since Zeke deliberately chose a farther angle to observe, it took a while for the Mk 42 to reach its destination.


At this time, Gael came in with a bowl of roasted pork noodles, which was Zeke's favorite.

"Gael, you are so thoughtful!"

Zeke took it and took a quick sip.

"Oh~ it's delicious!"

"Master, what are you doing?"

Gael looked at the void gap curiously.

"I've been working on a new technology for two months and will see how it works."

Zeke said while eating.

"New technology?"

Gael's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This time, I have invented something incredible, and the answer will be revealed later!"

As soon as his voice fell, Mk 42 had already sent a message.

"Sir, Mk 42 has reached the marked dead planet."

"Start preparing for planetary compression!"

Mk 42 placed the red cube on the target dead planet, quickly retreated, and began to broadcast the scene in real-time.

When Mk 42 had evacuated to the safe area, Zeke gave an order, Jarvis controlled the gamma-ray transmitter to shoot at the red cube, and the compression of the dead planet officially began.

Gael looked at the dead planet opposite them through the void gap in front of her.

Countless gamma rays hit the red cube, creating a gamma-ray burst, and a dazzling light bursts into view.

Gael's eyes widened. She had never seen such a cosmic spectacle.

In the gamma-ray burst, the edge of the red cube shimmered faintly with black light, and the dead planet seemed to be activated and began to move.

Without the mass imparted by a strong nuclear force and the Higgs field, the red cube embodies its excellent properties, and coupled with a wormhole, the red cube slowly fades, and finally, a black light remains.

The dead planet began to collapse towards the point where the red cube was located, giving the impression that a black hole was consuming the dead planet.

"Master, this planet seems to be eaten by something!"

Zeke poked Gael's little nose when he heard her words.

"This is the latest planetary compressor developed by me. So when you see this dead planet collapsing bit by bit, it is actually being compressed."

"Compression? How small can this planet become in the end?"

Jarvis answered Gael's question without hesitation.

"Twenty-seven cubic meters!"


Zeke snorted as Jarvis stole his chance to show off.

"Twenty-seven cubic meters, such a big planet was finally compressed to the point where it was as big as a house. Young master, you are amazing!"

Gael's little fangirl admiration made Zeke laugh.

That's right, this 950,000-cubic-kilometer planet can only have more than 20 cubic meters left after compression.

Because of this, the density of the compressed planet, more than 20 cubic meters, will be as high as that of a neutron star.

At that time, no weapon will be able to damage it. Therefore, it can be called an absolute defense at present.

The weapons exposed by the Elkanza Empire in the last war were also unlikely to break this defense.

While a dead planet constantly collapses, it can no longer maintain its original hydrostatic equilibrium.

The particles in the dead planet are spinning at high speed, and the dust impurities are thrown out, forming a nebula that looks very beautiful against the black background of the universe.

Girls like this kind of beautiful thing the most, so Gael watched the nebula flow quietly and didn't pay much attention to the compression of the dead planet.

The dead planet is still shrinking, and the speed is getting faster and faster because it also accelerates the collapse process due to gravitational condensation.

Sound cannot travel in a vacuum because there is no transmission medium. Otherwise, the sound of the dead planet at this time is enough to deafen people.

But just looking at the explosive energy from the collapsing dead planet is startling enough.

However, under the control of the planetary compressor, this dead planet is destined to be absorbed by the red cube. It will be unable to release a normal planetary explosion and collapse process.

Gamma-ray bursts also had a devastating effect on the dead planet, speeding up its decomposition.

If left alone, this dead planet might merge to form a new planet after a long, long time.

But now, it can only be compressed obediently, and the planetary compressor is domineering and swallowing the entire star.

The red cube enclosing the dead planet was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they watched with excitement as the compression progressed.

As long as the dead planet can be successfully compressed, this new compression technology can be used immediately, and several pieces of equipment can be updated.

This technology can also be applied to the harvester motherships of the Zaft Federation. At that time, it will be impossible for an alien attack to break through the defenses of the mothership easily.

"Don't explode!"

"Don't explode!"

While Zeke was praying on the side, Gael followed.

This technology is the key to destroying the Elkanza Empire in the future. If this technology is lacking, it is uncertain whether the mission can be completed.

It's just planets now. If it can't be done, then the use of stars will not be considered at all.

Therefore, Zeke, who has always been strict, couldn't help but pray about it, even though he knew this was useless.

But he still can't help it. Planetary compression can be said to be the hope of the Zaft Federation. Otherwise, the next time the Elkanza Empire attacks the solar system again, the Zaft Federation will have to struggle and then surrender.

At that time, all human beings will face the tragic situation of being sold into slavery.

"Master, this planet is completely enveloped in black light!"

The void gap opened by the Cosmic Cube has been advancing infinitely as the dead planet has become smaller.

As Jarvis said, the dead planet is only 27 cubic meters in size, and the black light outside is undoubtedly the evolution of the previous red cube.

Now, as long as he waits patiently for a while, as long as the black light does not explode and the compressed planet stabilizes, he has succeeded.

The black light is still surging, but the fluctuation of the ups and downs is gradually decreasing, and the speed is also slowing down.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

"Congratulations, sir, the new compression technology has been successfully tested!"