Chapter 372: Gundam Battle!

"Yes, sir."

Zeke was determined to carry out this selection strictly. Therefore, one can imagine how intense this selection would be.

He has already given orders to Jarvis, and Jarvis will strictly follow his standards.

There is no need to worry that someone can bribe Jarvis, the big housekeeper.

The new compression technology has been successfully researched, and the most urgent task now is to overcome the Droplet technology and create more of them.

The Droplet is an invincible weapon, and the absolute defense has been acquired. Zeke decided to start making multiple Droplets.

The starship trooper selection registration has been completed. However, the number is still huge after screening out the people who have made up the number. Therefore, Jarvis decided to conduct the first round of selection on the internet.

For a time, the people who participated in the selection stayed at home all day to participate in the competition. The designated game for shooting games-Crossfire, for driving games- Need for Speed, and for strategy games-StarCraft.

Jarvis provided high-level servers for the three games, enough to accommodate everyone in the game. Now that the virtual reality technology is very mature, this time, a separate line was opened directly for those who participated in the selection.

"There is still half an hour before the starship selection server will open, come on, I must pass!"

"Me too!"

Not much to say, everyone is looking forward to the start of the game.

Shooting and driving are same-day competitions, and the commanding competition is next week, which also makes it easier for everyone to sign up for both competitions so that the chances of passing the selection will be higher.

In the virtual network world covering the Earth, all the young people who signed up for shooting competitions were dumbfounded.

This is entirely different from the Crossfire and the Need for Speed they usually play.

In the virtual world, 300 million people were divided into more than 30,000 war zones. Each war zone had a total of 10,000 people, all of whom were standing on a barren planet.

In front of them were 10,000 mechas. The figures were massive, and behind them was the deep universe.

Each mecha shone with a metallic luster that was enough to evoke the blood of men, and the gun barrels and weapons carried on the fuselage made these young men who participated in the competition warm up.

Nothing excites men more than weapons, not to mention this is the first time they have seen such a mecha.

If Zeke were here, he would have shouted loudly, "Gundam RX-78-1!"

This anime can be said to be what his youthful heart yearned for. But, of course, who wouldn't dream of piloting a Gundam!

But all this is very novel to the young people on this Earth now, and they don't know what this thing is for.

The people who just landed still don't understand what happened. They were obviously participating in shooting and driving games, so why were they suddenly put in this place?

Suddenly, a cold electronic voice sounded in the space.

"Will you be a coward for a lifetime, or a hero, even if it's only for a few minutes! You need more than courage! The revolutionary cry from the bottom of your heart is only to wake up a few people."

This quote from Mobile Suit Gundam resounded in the minds of the young people participating in the selection, and every word hit their hearts.

"When I heard this quote, I felt like my whole body was going to burn!"

"Yeah, aren't we here to be heroes?"

"Even if it's only a few minutes, it's a lifetime without regrets!"

This sentence is undoubtedly very provocative. Jarvis read this sentence to everyone before the game based entirely on Zeke's account and gave these young people a lot of blood. After a while, they will definitely be hyped.

The electronic synthesis sound continued to sound, and the battle instructions began.

"Everyone, please board the Gundam prototype and prepare for battle."

After hearing the order, some young people were too timid to step forward, but one person quickly rushed toward the Gundam prototype.

Daniel has been playing Crossfire for almost ten years, and he is crazy and obsessed with the feeling of being in control of everything in the game.

In reality, Daniel's father even lost the house because of gambling. His mother divorced his father and took him away from his gambler father.

Misfortunes do not come separately. Soon after, Daniel's mother became ill from overwork and died of it.

With no family, Daniel dropped out of school, played Crossfire with the computer his mother bought for him before her death and lived on the prize money won by participating in the Crossfire competitions.

Sometimes, internet cafes invite him to participate in exhibition competitions and other activities. But, of course, he can barely survive on this, so his quality of life is not high.

Not long ago, the girlfriend he met because of the game also left him after being together for a year.

Before leaving, she left only one sentence: "You who only play games are useless!"

After the hangover from drinking his sorrows away, he was ready to end his story but happened to see Zeke's announcement for the selection of starship troopers.

The selection conditions are to be the top experts in shooting, driving, and strategy games.

It was literally tailor-made for him! Ten years of gaming experience, plus he often won championships in various competitions, and he is only 20 years old this year, so all the conditions are met.

The announcement made him, who was on the verge of death, pull back to the world in an instant. This was his only chance!

Daniel was the first to rush to the Gundam prototype and began familiarizing himself with its operation mode and overall attributes.

He found a countdown on the virtual screen in front of him, which apparently started after the end of the electronic synthesis sound. This proved that their official time to understand this Gundam was limited.

The whole body of the mecha is composed of a mental sensor frame, which can achieve a sense of operation like a real arm.

This is very similar to the Stellar Iron Man, which is why Zeke chose to use a Gundam to test them. Those who perform well in this game are likely to be directly selected to become the pilots of the Stellar Iron Man.

The fuselage carries beam cannons, rail guns, beam shields, beam sabers, beam rifles, as well as advanced target locking systems, and other special equipment.

Daniel has never seen such a perfect mecha. If such a thing comes out, how powerful will the Earth be?

And within three minutes of getting to know the Gundam, Daniel has deeply fallen in love with this thing, as if he was born here.

After the countdown was over, the light flashed, and everyone's vision changed.

"Start the fight! Take the number of kills as the ranking, and the admission is based on the ranking!"

After hearing the electronic synthesis sound prompt, Daniel did not hesitate. He quickly retreated, hid behind a meteorite, and instantly pierced the two Gundams around him with the beam saber.