Chapter 377: Captured Droplets

Zeke used the Droplets to gather info from the prototype wormhole and to teach the fleet of the Elkanza Empire a lesson.

Through the Droplets, Zeke can see that there are eight giant machines at the end of the prototype wormhole, which are as big as a planet, releasing electromagnetic waves into the void.

This makes the surrounding space fluctuate regularly, and the eight giant machines are undoubtedly the wormhole generators of the Elkanza Empire.

The energy consumption of such a huge machine must be very amazing. After all, it is impossible for the Elkanza Empire to have an inexhaustible and inexhaustible Cosmic Cube like Zeke.

If there was no Cosmic Cube, energy will definitely become Zeke's biggest concern, because the Earth has just started, and there is no ability to collect massive resources, which is equivalent to limiting his development in disguise.

Fortunately, Zeke got the Cosmic Cube from the system, so he doesn't have to work hard to solve the problem of energy, he just needs to devote himself to the development of technology.

In fact, the important thing in the battle between the two civilizations is not the other's soldiers, but the other's axle load and grain, which is why the ancients always liked to burn the enemy's grain.

Food and grass are equal to energy. As long as the food and grass are lost, the opponent's combat effectiveness will continue to decline, and the successor will be powerless.

As long as the energy of the Elkanza Empire is cut off, this war may be eliminated.

The reason why Zeke didn't destroy the eight wormhole generators in front of them was because this thing could be completely recreated. With the strength of the Elkanza Empire, it would only take two days at most, and it wouldn't help.

But as long as the energy source to supply the wormhole generator is found, such a large machine's energy source will definitely not be small.

If they want to gather enough energy for a while without shaking the foundation of the empire, they can only slow down.

This is much more difficult than calling up a spare wormhole generator from the warehouse, after all, the spare energy of such a large device can't last for a while.

It is absolutely too late to temporarily allocate energy, so Zeke plans to destroy the energy bank of the wormhole generator with the Droplets in one fell swoop.

Not in a hurry, Zeke dispatched the Droplets to monitor the eight wormhole generators.

The other two Droplets had to fly straight to the conspicuous part of this galaxy to investigate and prepare.

There is no fleet of the Elkanza Empire stationed nearby, presumably the other party does not think that there is anything on this side of the Earth that can pass through the unstable prototype wormhole.

So these two Droplets can freely observe everything in this galaxy.

From their observation, Zeke saw the target he was asked to eliminate by the system - the Elkanza Empire.

A planet full of metallic luster came into Zeke's eyes. This planet was different from the Earth, and its technological development could be observed in the universe.

The huge steel base covers half of the planet and is exposed in the universe.

Countless spaceships and fleets come and go on this central planet, and the entire planet is full of prosperity.

Without Zeke constantly throwing out new technologies, the entire Earth may still be at the point of exploring the solar system, and he doesn't know how long it will take to develop to this situation.

There are many other planets surrounding the central planet, but each planet has different characteristics.

It seems to have developed into a mature interstellar civilization.

Zeke directly probed the planet with the highest energy on it with the Droplets, so this planet must be the most important energy planet in the Elkanza Empire.

The detection result pointed to the planet surrounded by multiple other planets, the capital of the Elkanza Empire!

This can't help but give Zeke a headache. The protection of the main planet must be extremely tight, let alone Droplets, even if the smallest thing breaks into the detection range, there will be nothing to hide.

Even Zeke's current technological strength can achieve this level, not to mention the Elkanza Empire, which is extremely technologically advanced. As long as the Droplets invade within a certain range, they will definitely be discovered by the other party.

But no matter what, he must try, or this trip will be in vain!

Zeke mobilized the two Droplets to rush towards the capital of the Elkanza Empire and another planet whose energy storage was second only to the capital at the fastest speed.

The characteristics of the Droplets determine its lethality, as long as these two can rush into the core of the planet to disturb it.

Then the two planets will become unstable, and in the end, the collapse and explosion of the planet will naturally occur.

Once these two planets are finished, the Elkanza Empire will surely be humble for a long time.

He has already got the coordinates of the Elkanza Empire, and the Zaft Federation will be ready to attack them in turn.

The disposition of the Zaft Federation was changed from passive to active at once, and it got rid of the passive beating situation.

Zeke controlled the Droplets to accelerate, reaching 10% of the speed of light outside the target planet, and quickly rushed to the two planets, with a chance to pierce both.

As long as this move is successful, Zeke will quickly urge the other eight Droplets to destroy the wormhole generator, and then come back before the prototype wormhole dissipates.

At that time, the people of the Elkanza Empire will be so angry that they have nowhere to vent. Zeke also wanted to express his anger as well and let the people of the Elkanza Empire know that not everyone is so easy to bully!

Ten percent of the speed of light is very fast, so fast that people have no time to react, but the Droplets suddenly stopped as soon as they rushed into the shield of the planet.

Did Droplets reach the speed of light? How can it be still?

A big question emerged in Zeke's heart. The Droplets were a great weapon in his hands. They had been brilliant in the previous war, and the opponent had no power to fight back. How could they be still on the planet now?

The situation is not right!

Zeke quickly urged the other eight Droplets to attack the wormhole generators. After the eight wormhole generators were unable to emit electromagnetic waves, Zeke let the Droplets return through the prototype wormhole.

Just before the prototype wormhole disappeared, he received the last picture from the two Droplets.

People from the Elkanza Empire appeared near the Droplets and directly loaded the Droplets.

Zeke's face was full of surprise, he still underestimated the Elkanza Empire, thinking that the Droplets should be invincible at present, but now he can only see the Elkanza Empire imprisoning his Droplets, and calmly taken away.

This means that the Droplet has been restrained by the other party, and the other party can use a technology to confine its actions.