Chapter 379: Kaiz is Back!

The black vortex reappeared in the sky after a short disappearance, and the top officials of the Zaft Federation in the Zanarkand Region were all surprised.

Zeke's expression also looked a little ugly. This time, the Elkanza Empire was obviously prepared, otherwise it would be impossible to imprison his two Droplets there.

The reason why the remaining eight Droplets can destroy the eight wormhole generators and return to the solar system safely is because the space near the wormhole generators is unstable, and the Elkanza Empire cannot use the technology for trapping the Droplets there.

But thinking about it this way, Zeke knew that his Droplets were likely to be discovered by the other party as soon as they passed through the prototype wormhole.

If a wormhole can see the other side's fleet, Zeke will definitely control the Droplets to destroy the other side's fleet, which is obviously expected by the Elkanza Empire.

In this way, Zeke's exploration of the prototype wormhole was a complete failure.

Basically, he found nothing and lost two Droplets.

However, Zeke is not worried. Even if the Droplets are constrained, he still has other technologies to fight the Elkanza Empire, so he is not worried at all about what they have prepared.

In Zeke's view, these are nothing more than demonstrations of the Elkanza Empire against the Zaft Federation.

From Zeke's past experience with attacking the opponent's planet, the entire trajectory of the activity was predicted by the opponent. This really made Zeke feel uncomfortable.

Zeke did not speak in the conference hall of the Zanarkand Region, and other high-level officials were silent and did not dare to speak.

But the black vortex outside the window was like a sword hanging over the Earth, forcing them to react.


A sound of electric current came from the large screen in the conference hall, but everyone was standing by the window and no one was controlling the computer. How could the screen make a sound inexplicably?

"Hello people of Earth!"

An alien with a bright mercury head and a gorgeous metal clothing appeared on the screen.

"Sir, an alien signal has invaded all electronic devices on Earth. I am resisting it, but it will take at least 26 hours to block the other party."

"Jarvis, don't resist, listen to what it has to say."

The alien in front of him is the superior of the group of aliens that invaded the solar system before, and also the high-level executive of the Elkanza Empire who threatened

Zeke last time - Kaiz.

Kaiz used the wormhole to directly transmit electromagnetic signals and invaded all electronic communication equipment on Earth.

It seems that restoring the wormhole so quickly is not enough to satisfy their desire to terrorize humans.

This time, the direct connection to all the communication equipment on Earth must be to declare war, and add a little intimidation to make the domestic chaotic first.

Aliens are the essence of a deep war, making the enemy timid before fighting, and if they attack again, they will definitely be invincible.

The frequency of Kaiz's voice was unpleasant, as if it could be inserted straight into the head of a human being. Although it would cause headaches, every word and sentence could be heard very clearly.

At this moment, all human beings on Earth are staring intently at the electronic devices around them.

"According to your Earth standards, I am the general of the Elkanza Empire. Now, I, the Elkanza Empire, have officially launched an attack on the Earth."

"No matter what you do, resist or not, the Earth will become the land of the Elkanza Empire. And you stupid bugs will become the spoils of the great General Kaiz."

"Wait, according to the time calculated by your Earth bugs, there will be at most half a month before my wormhole will be completely constructed, and then you will be able to fully appreciate the power of the Elkanza Empire army!"

"Don't worry... I will not kill you in anger this time, but enslave all of you humans to feed my pets! Hahahaha..."

"It's all because of your stupid leader, who dared to challenge the majesty of Kaiz. Now you will accompany your stupid leader to bear my wrath!"

"Before that, I invite you to watch something."

As soon as the camera turned, a picture of the universe was displayed on the screen.

Looking at this picture, Zeke could feel that this was the back of the capital planet of the Elkanza Empire that he had seen before.

But unlike the previous emptiness, this time, a large number of warships were parked behind the capital planet.

Each of these battleships is as big as a planet, and it is completely a planetary-level battleship, which is much larger than the motherships built by Zeke before.

Moreover, these battleships are completely different from the previous Death Star, and it seems that the level is higher than it.

If the last Destruction Star Fleet was a reconnaissance team, then this fleet is definitely at the level of the regular army. If you imagine that the Destruction Star Fleet has already had a tractor beam, then the weapons on these battleships must be no trivial matter.

"See, my army is ready to move, I hope you can satisfy my fleet."

"In addition, this planet is about the size of your Earth, so I'll let you feel the power of the technology of the Elkanza Empire in advance!"

The screen is focused on a planet that looks similar to Earth, but with no life on it. It should also be a dead star.

A battleship flew out of the fleet of the Elkanza Empire, with a cannon barrel exposed on the ship.

A dazzling beam of light shot from the muzzle and hit the planet directly. The planet seemed to swallow the beam. Except for a black hole on the surface of the planet, there was no response.

The people almost laughed when they saw it. Is the Elkanza Empire slapping itself in the face?

But three seconds later, the smiles of these people froze on their faces, and the planet on the screen suddenly began to shake violently, followed by a huge explosion.

This power... The people on Earth are silent at this moment.

The Elkanza Empire just fired a shot at will, directly blowing up this planet that is no different from the size of the Earth.

Will the Earth also have an ending under this cannon? The answer is yes, under this cannon, the Earth has no reason.

"Come and see! What kind of disaster you are going to meet this time!"

Kaiz's provocation caused concern around the world.

Aliens have conquered all the electronic devices of the Earth, and it has been so long, and the control of the electronic devices has not been regained.

It is enough to see that the scientific and technological strength of this Elkanza Empire must be stronger than of Earth.

The self-proclaimed General Kaiz, who can affect the people of the Earth with just his voice.