Chapter 391: Is that so?

The two hundred Stellar Iron Man flying to the front of the alien fleet faced them, and revealed the cannon barrels on their bodies.

It was this barrels that fired the missile that was even more powerful than the explosion of a planet. If these two hundred Stellar Iron Man fired Dead Star bombs, then Kaiz could only retreat backwards.

This projectiles cannot be intercepted by an attack at all, and will automatically evade attacks on it and will change its flight path until it hits the locked target.

So Kaiz had to do something before the Dead Star was launched, again and couldn't just watch himself lose another batch of precious battleships.

"Initiate a communication request to that damn human!"

Kaiz's tone was already exasperated, and he, who was originally aloof, was about to bow his head to an ant. It was difficult to accept this huge drop.

But a hero can bend and stretch, and when he returns to the Elkanza Empire, he must report the shame today.

Zeke was about to give an order to let all the Stellar Iron Man fire a salvo of Dead Star bombs against the few remaining battleships of the Elkanza Empire, however, he received a communication request from the Elkanza Imperial battleship.

In such a desperate situation, it must be Kaiz who sent him a communication request. The aliens of the Elkanza Empire are all hard-mouthed characters.

The captain of the expedition team was Tost, and Kaiz was the best among them, threatening people to do everything.

I wonder what amazing words this proud general of the Elkanza Empire will say this time?

Immediately Zeke agreed to the call request from the Elkanza Imperial battleship.

Under the circumstance of grasping the situation, it was still necessary to give the enemy a chance to speak.

What's more important is that Zeke really wanted to hear what amazing words of a general who had looked down on the world before and didn't take Earthly people seriously would say.

"Hello, general of the Elkanza Empire."

"Despicable ant, you can't do anything to the great Kaiz. I advise you to stop and wait for the Elkanza Empire to take over."

This time, Kaiz's voice was completely different from what Zeke had heard before.

His voice had such a furious tone. Kaiz was thinking the if he was not spared, he would not be able to convene an army to come and takeover the Earth. Not to mention, the life of the entire fleet is already in the hands of others, and he still has such confidence.

Zeke really wants to study the mercury in the head of the people of the Elkanza Empire. What substance can make the attitude of the species so thick.

Zeke did not reply. After a while, Kaiz's voice rang again, perhaps because the other side felt the awkward atmosphere.

"Earthlings, if you obediently get out of the way and send the fleet of the Elkanza Empire back, I can still intercede for the humans of the Earth on behalf of the Supreme Court of Elkanza Empire, and you will have a happy ending. "

Although Kaiz tried his best to make his voice sound sincere, the voice of the Elkanza Empire was very distinctive, and after all, he could not suppress the anger in his voice.

But no matter what his tone, this bullshit general of the Elkanza Empire never realized his situation.

"Are you stupid?"

Kaiz, who has received the language of the Earth civilization, can fully understand the meaning of this word. In such a serious negotiation, this damn Earth person dares to scold him.

Disrespecting a general of the Elkanza Empire is enough to sentence this damned human being to the polar cold star to imprison countless star weeks.

"Damn human, do you want the Earth to be plunged into a state of doom?"

Hearing Kaiz's furious voice, Zeke's mood was better. The time for him to complete the task was not far away.

As long as he completes the task, he can go further, and he doesn't know what powerful technology he will get this time. After a period of development, he can increase his exploration of the universe.

After all, it is impossible for the universe to be all the civilizations of the Elkanza Empire that have eyes in the sky and just want to devour others.

But unfortunately, so far he has not found traces of other civilizations.

In front of him is to destroy the huge tumor of the Elkanza Empire and complete the task given by the system.

Talking to an alien with a bad mind like Kaiz is hard work. It is better to directly challenge his current situation and let him know that he is just fish on the choppingboard.

"I don't know if the Earth will fall into a state of doom, but I know that you will soon be doomed. My purpose is to destroy you, and this moment... I've been waiting for a long time."

Zeke said these words calmly, and every word came from the heart, so that Kaiz could hear a sincere feeling.

But the content of this sentence is a bit appalling. This damn human has the idea of destroying the Elkanza Empire from the very beginning!

How can that be?

This is as impossible as a little ant trying to trip an elephant.

"Hehehe...are you kidding me? It's up to you? There are more and more powerful armies in the Elkanza Empire, but I don't have the authority to order them!"

"If I die then the Elkanza Empire will definitely send someone to destroy you! Your only option is to run away with your tails between your legs!"

Kaiz mocked Zeke's incomprehension.

Originally, he had begun to respect this damned human being a little bit, but after hearing his outrageous words, Kaiz laughed angrily.

He didn't understand where the confidence of the people on Earth came from, just relying on this huge Stellar Iron Man?

The Elkanza Empire has a more powerful force that can restrain this Stellar Iron Man team. As he said, he just doesn't have the right to order them.

But if this damned Earthling really dares to provoke the Elkanza Empire, the empire will definitely take action, and then everything in the entire civilization of the Earth will not be left behind.

This is the end of the challenge to the majesty of the Elkanza Empire, the head of the empire is far more cruel than him.

Kaiz now hopes that this damn human can rationally let him go back, so that next time he comes, the humans on Earth will at most become slaves of the Elkanza Empire.

At the same time, he also hoped that the human beings on Earth would be afraid of dying to offend the highest level of the Elkanza Empire, so that this damned human being would know how stupid he was.

Kaiz is not Zeke, so he doesn't know what kind of cards Zeke holds.

It was also doomed that Kaiz could not get a satisfactory answer from Zeke.