Chapter 394: The King’s Army Assembles!

This time it was an extraordinary army, and even the fleet led by Kaiz was incomparable to it.

The entire fleet seems to have its own division of labor, with assault, defense, long-range, and melee types of warships.

And every battleship is full of technology, and at first glance, you know that it is not easy to mess with. It can be said that the minions of the Elkanza Empire are all reaching out to Zeke.

Such a magnificent scene must be to give Zeke a deterrent and make the enemy cower before the battle. This is the usual method of the Elkanza Empire.

Kaiz, who was watching the live broadcast on Earth, relaxed at this moment. This damn Earthling is finally going to suffer. Even the imperial army has been dispatched. It seems that his king, the supreme leader of the Elkanza Empire is with them.

The Imperial Army holds the most advanced and powerful weapons and equipment in the entire Elkanza Empire.

Although this damned Earthling doesn't know where he got the celestial-level mecha, the imperial army also has celestial-level weapons, so it is impossible for this damned Earthling to wreak havoc in the Elkanza Empire.

The humans on Earth without the Stellar Iron Man are just ants, not even capable of a single blow with the army of the Elkanza Empire.

In his opinion, it is wise for Zeke to send back his Stellar Iron Man troops. So long as these Stellar Iron Man destroy the last wormhole, the imperial army of the Elkanza Empire will not be able to come over and impose sanctions on the Earth for a while, and if the Earth's human beings take advantage of this period for interstellar immigration, then there is no need to worry at all.

Will it still be the same Earth civilization that surprised him many times before, if the damned Earthling is gone?

"I want to see what you can do!"

In Kaiz's eyes, this damned Earthling will definitely not be someone who just sits and waits. Although the end is doomed from the moment the king gathers the imperial army, he still wants to see what response this damned human can come up with.

Kaiz couldn't wait to see this Earthling make a fool of himself, and even more hoped that the imperial army would come straight over, go to the solar system to annihilate this low-level civilization, and bring him back to the Elkanza Empire.

The existence of celestial-level weapons can completely explain the reason for this defeat.

When he returns to the empire, he only needs to admit a fine from the royal family, and the loss of the fleet can be written off. At that time, he will still be the same third-class general, but it is a pity that he can't get the benefits of the solar system and the star.

In fact, he was not afraid that he would not be able to save his life. He expected that Zeke would not dare to kill him, so as not to form a deadly vengeance with the Elkanza Empire.

But in any case, the Earth civilization is a dead end. This is the huge gap between a higher and lower civilization. They don't care about the species of the lower civilization, and they will be wiped out after the victory.

And that damned Earthling is nothing but an ant who suddenly has a tranquilizer gun, and will still be trampled into powder after the giant beast wakes up.

The humans on Earth were also watching the live broadcast screen sent back there, but the screen ended at the screen where Zeke ordered the other pilots to retreat.

Zeke has always been mysterious, and people can't guess his behavior. But this time, the army of the Elkanza Empire gathered, but he let these pilots retreat from the wormhole.

the people of Earth would never believe that Zeke simply stayed behind to break up the aftermath. It is unimaginable how he will face the threat of such a huge alien fleet and drove away all the other Stellar Iron Man.

In the face of such power, he is probably the only one who can still let his subordinates retreat with peace of mind.

Whenever someone else is placed in this situation, there will be two urges to fight or leave.

They only admire Zeke, regardless of his own safety, is willing to put himself in danger every time they encounter a crisis, and stand on the cusp of the storm for the well-being of mankind.

How safe and happy it is for the people of Earth to have such a leading figure!

"I hope the His Majesty can return safely."

"God bless His Majesty to be safe and sound."

For a time, prayers rang out in many places on Earth for Zeke. He was the pillar of the Earth and the pinnacle of human beings in the sea of cosmos.

If Zeke collapses, the civilization of Earth will start to fall apart in an instant, and it will not be long before the it will completely disappear into the long river of history.

However, Zeke didn't consider these things, and all his attention was on the army of the Elkanza Empire in front of him.

Seeing that this group of troops was in a state of panic, but they didn't attack from a long distance, Zeke was relieved that they were a little nervous.

"It seems that the Elkanza Empire still doesn't care about other civilizations at all."

Elkanza assembled a large army, watching this huge mecha team of a low-level civilization leaving only one mecha waiting here, because one is not enough to intercept the imperial army.

So the Elkanza Empire didn't care at all, so they went to the remaining mecha slowly, just like traveling in the universe, and there was no trace of anxiety from the fleet.

It can be seen from the leisurely attitude of the Imperial Fleet that the Elkanza Empire does not care about the retreat of the Stellar Iron Man army. The king of the Elkanza Empire is sure to capture the target he has identified from anywhere.

Now it's just to see the leader of this Earth civilization, so there is no need to rush to destroy this garbage civilization.

Zeke was aware of this, so he stood here so peacefully. He didn't care about everything else, and he didn't care whether there would be weapons in the imperial army of the Elkanza Empire that could destroy the Stellar Iron Man.

Zeke guessed that they must have such a destructive weapon, but it's also very precious.

The army in front of him must be the highest-level army in the Elkanza Empire, and an army like this must have the highest-level destructive weapons.

But Zeke is just sitting firmly, and the reason why he is willing to wait for the other party is to let the people of the Elkanza Empire die.

In the vast universe, an extremely huge Stellar Iron Man stood alone on the side, opposing the army of millions of the Elkanza Empire on the opposite side.

Like a lone hero, floating naked under the gaze of millions.