Chapter 403: Extinguishing the Sun

The people of Phoenix were extremely enthusiastic, they almost ran towards Zeke at the speed of a 100-meter sprint. While running, they took out their mobile phones and excitedly wanted to take a photo with Zeke.

But everyone quickly discovered that no matter how they ran, the distance between them and Zeke did not change.

This discovery has aroused the exclamation of many people.

"Zeke, we are... back at Phoenix?!"

Grace's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

If everything happened in outer space, it was full of illusory feeling, which made her still a little unconvinced, then now back at Phoenix, a place she is very familiar with, Grace immediately understood what Zeke said. The huge change is definitely more powerful than she imagined!

"That's right! What you see now is the scene of Phoenix."

"In order not to be disturbed, I added a space circulation state to the nationals who saw us and were running. No matter how fast or how far they ran, they could not get close to us within ten meters."

Zeke spread his hands.


The leaders have all seen the state of those citizens. As Zeke said, they are clearly running towards them, but the line of sight is always the same, and there is no change at all.

"As you can see, I accidentally awakened during the war in the Elkanza Empire. No, to be precise, I acquired a special identity."

"It is this identity that gives me a lot of powers that humans can't imagine."

"Everything you saw just now was created by me according to various laws of the universe. The laws of the universe may be a little distant and unfamiliar to you, but you don't need to understand too much. Just understand, I, who have mastered the laws of the universe, are completely different from before."

"Like this!"


Zeke snapped his fingers, the originally clear sky quickly darkened, and in less than three seconds, it changed to night directly.

This time, not only the leaders were shocked, but the people all over the world who were under the sunshine all looked up in horror and panicked. Suddenly it was dark, and this strange phenomenon made them horrified!

"You may not be able to imagine that just now, I let the sun go out."

Zeke grinned.

"Extinguished the sun?!"



All the leaders exclaimed.

North immediately took out his mobile phone and called to inquire. Soon, his face became very solemn, and he couldn't help but look at Zeke with a hint of horror.

"I just called the observatory, and the sun did go out more than ten seconds ago and became a dead star."

As soon as these words came out, all the leaders took a deep breath.

At this level, even the Elkanza Empire may not be able to do it.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the sun is too far away for you."

Zeke said, with a wave of his hand, the night turned back to day again, the bright sun rose from the east, and the whole world returned to its original state.

The sun suddenly extinguished and reignited. The whole process caused panic among many people, thinking that aliens were attacking the earth again.

"Everyone, don't panic, it's me, I just did a small experiment. I just put out the sun and restarted it."

Zeke's voice quickly spread to everyone's mind.

"Zeke? My Lord! It's My Lord! He's talking to me!"

"How can I have the voice of My Lord in my head? What kind of new technology is this?!"

"My God... put out the sun and then re-ignite it? Has our technological civilization advanced to such a level?!"


While the people of the world were excited to hear the voice of Zeke, the great savior, they were also shocked by his terrifying method that the sun was extinguished and rekindled.

Although this kind of thing is extremely absurd, the people of the world firmly believe it.

Just because the person who did this kind of thing was Zeke!


At this moment, Zeke did not know when an old-fashioned pistol appeared in his hand, and it directly penetrated the thigh of the new German Prime Minister Muller!

"Why? My Lord!!"

Muller clung to the blood that kept pouring out, soaking his clothes on the wound, and screamed in pain.

The other leaders watched in cold sweat from the side.

"Muller, you are using the power as a leader to support your army in private, right?"

Zeke retracted his hand, the gun in his hand disappeared without a trace, and said with narrowed eyes.

"My Lord, this doesn't seem to be a heinous crime, right? Many leaders are doing this!"

Muller looked at several leaders, who avoided his eyes, bowed their heads and dared not respond.

"No, raising the army doesn't matter, I don't care."

"But to treat your own army like bandits, burn, kill, and loot civilians, and carry out various bloody punishments. Using this method to exercise their ruthless cruelty and coldness, and shape them into killing machines. You violated the taboo I set!"

Zeke said indifferently.

"Because you are the commander-in-chief, in the global unification plan, I gave you the authority to command the Iron Man Legion, the highest confidentiality authority not to be invaded by any intelligence, and the G region is under your full control, so all the atrocities committed by private armies are so far unknown to outsiders!"

After the global unification, Zeke gave the command of the Iron Man Legion in all regions, and handed over a thousand Iron Man in each region to them. Allowing them to do their own research, arrange their own personnel for training, and strengthen themselves.

And to the greatest extent, it gave these leaders a part of privacy, which even Jarvis has no right to view.

It is for this reason that this tragedy happened.

Zeke also discovered this when he just listened to the voices of the whole world.

"So what?!"

"Hypocritical bastard, do you think you are powerful? I am the supreme ruler of G, and I should be the leader of the Zaft Federation! What can you young bastard understand!!"

Muller gritted his teeth.

His eyes were full of enthusiasm.

It was a fanaticism of faith. Apparently, he was brainwashed.

And the person who brainwashed him was not someone else, but himself. He instilled in himself the concept of "I am the king" and "I should be the king" every day, and over time, the fantasy became reality.

The existence of such a person is very absurd, but there were indeed many people in the world who used to hypnotize themselves and finally implement their goals.

"Good, Very good."

Zeke grinned, and this smile made Muller feel a chill in his heart for no reason.