Chapter 23: Gaming holiday

The thing was, I didn't go to sleep. I lay on my comfy bed for a long time thinking what else was in store for me. I possibly have 'work' to do. And then, just like that, I drifted to sleep without realizing when.

* * * * * * * *

I woke up, feeling full of energy. I woke up, all pretty and perfect. I stared at my beautiful self in the mirror. After that, I wandered the hallways, hoping someone would find me and tell me what to do.

I somehow made it to the great hall, full of cheerful chattering which stopped the moment I came in. They all stood up and after that, continued with the food and gossip. I slumped into my seat between Ivy and Jorge.

"What do we have to do today?" I asked but not exactly wanted to know. I wanted to explore this world without being fired at.

"As a matter of fact, we don't have anywhere, in particular, to be at." Ivy piped up.

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"The game is going through some updates. So, for the time being, it will remain closed to players." Jorge said.

This was satisfying. I really not wanted to work. And here I am, merely thinking about it and it just got accepted. I'd never felt luckier before.

"What should we do today?" I asked both of them.

"You can go see the city. There are some secret passageways you might find. They come in handy during races. But we can't be sure if they'd even exist. That's the thing about this game-it's unpredictable." Jorge said.

"I'll think about giving it a try," I said.

In the meantime, breakfast appeared. Apparently, no one really needed to eat this. It wouldn't affect them. But they did that for the sake of enjoyment.

"WAIT FOR ME YOU BASTARDS!" I was yelling at the peak of my voice ten minutes later. I was on my bike. Ivy and Jorge overtook me by following a shortcut I didn't know about. I wouldn't say anything much to Ivy but surely, I would choke him to death once I had my grip on him. We were going to see a 'friend' I didn't 'remember' about. That was the plan for today.

The plan for right now was to make it to the center of the city and then we'll go together to see him/her.

"Jorge, Ivy that's cheating," I said almost childishly.

"Look who's saying" Jorge said. Definitely mocking. Gotta admit, I cheated too- and bigger and more unfair than this.