I had to act fast. The blow was coming. At least I had a helmet. There is only one option left: reduce blow impact. Too late. The speed was too high to be slowed down. Hoping against hope, I closed my eyes. I angled the bike towards the glass door rather than its brick walls.
Shards of glass were flying everywhere. My head was unharmed, my hands protected by riding gloves. Unfortunately, I could feel glass cutting through my arms and back. It hurt badly. The health notification popped up in front of me. I was expecting it to be low but it was barely a quarter. The pain vanished soon. I was riding inside the building now. The road map switched to show the map of the building. There was only one way out, and that was the exit on the far side. That would connect me directly to the main route. To my benefit, the building was abandoned. It took me a long time to zoom across but I made it. Once again, I was harmed by the glass shards but the loss wasn't too much.
I was on the road now. All ten players were there. There were three behind me. I couldn't tell anyone apart. Two players were banging into each other in front of me. That lasted a long time and I made sure not to ride too near them, nor exactly at their back. Then finally, one was thrown off balance. The player's bike was thrown several feet away and the player himself lying still on the road. When the coast was clear, I increased my speed too. I had the urge to throw the same player off balance who had done it, and knew I could do it effortlessly. Still, I overtook him.
That left four other players. I got near enough to recognise them now. Easily, Ivy was still in the lead, followed by some player. Then Catherine and Jorge were parallel to each other. I hoped Catherine won't harm him. What were even the odds? Catherine did her thing but Jorge made her taste her own medicine. His blows were stronger and her blows didn't have much impact on his bike either. Catherine fell back.
We were now approaching an underpass. A train was working its way above it. The underpass was dark and lit only by bikes' headlights. The roaring was louder here than anywhere else. It was narrow, and it was dangerous. Once again, I was face to face with Catherine. I couldn't see her face through the helmet. But I could practically sense anger on her face.
I overtook her before she had any chance to harass me and my bike. I was nearing Jorge. I accomplished it. Jorge considered me for a moment and then, turned his concentration back on the track. The tunnel ended and we were met by bright daylight now. It was cloudy though. I was notified that we were approaching the finish line. The air was all dusty. We were out of town now in a deserted land, with only a few trees growing. The road was carved in the middle.
Okay, I was dishearted that I won't win. At least Ivy would, that would mean that Catherine wouldn't and, ultimately, The Masked.
I could spot the finish line in a distance. Just one more curve and straight road to the finish line. According to my calculation, if I maintained this speed, I would finish third or fourth. The battle between Jorge and Catherine was ongoing.
Throbbing pain started in my right arm...I heard gunshot...I felt dizzy....I saw Catherine an inch away...another gunshot...my arm hurt badly now...I couldn't hold onto the bike anymore...darkness was closing me...I fell off....I...I...