S2E38 - They Do Move in Herds

[Season 2 Start]


"Shit. Dale, we gotta actually get some parts for this piece of shit sometime."

Glen speaks to Dale as the three of us look at the overheated radiator. Dale speaks back,

"I know. Honestly, at this point we may as well abandon the damn thing."

I shake my head,

"Nah. Not until we have a good enough replacement. This RV gives us a vantage point as well as a bed in case someone gets injured."

Dale lightly slaps his hand on my shoulder,

"What're you talking about? The back seats of that truck of yours turn into a bed, too!"

I nod my head,

"Yeah, they do, but there's a difference between leather seats and an actual mattress."

He nods his head,

"That's fair. Alright, I'll need about ten, maybe twenty minutes to fix this."

I nod my head to him. I guess this was bound to happen. The area we're at is the one where all the cars are stopped. Where T-dog rips open his arm and Sophia dies. I won't let her die this time. I'm not Rick, I'll fuck up some walkers.

I walk over to the group who are just standing around aimlessly talking to each other. I speak to them,

"Alright folks. We're gonna be here a while. Let's scavenge the cars for some stuff. Everybody buddy up. No less than two people per group. Kids, stay with your parents. Look for clothes, food, and water mostly. Amy, Andrea, you two are gonna keep watch from the top of the RV. Watch both directions. Don't want anyone sneaking up on us. Remember, no guns unless it's an emergency."

They nod their heads and get to work. Shane finds the water truck and does the thing where he opens up one of the bottles and uses it to cool off. We end up taking those bottles and loading them into the box truck. Daryl and T-dog find a good amount of meds in one of the cars. Lori and Rick find a decent amount of clothes as well. I, myself, don't really find much. I'm too worried about keeping the group safe. I'm constantly looking back to see when Amy and Andrea drop down, as well as keeping an eye out myself.

Then, it happens. I look back and see Amy and Andrea start lowering themselves down, and Dale and Glen getting inside the RV and shutting the door. Shane hides in the back of the box truck. I see the first few walkers coming up behind the RV and grab Carol, Lori, and Rick and show them. Clem is following behind me.

I point to the walkers and say in a hushed voice,

"Everyone get under a car and stay silent! No moving, no speaking, no breathing until those things are gone, alright? Rick, go up ahead and let T-dog and Daryl know."

He looks at Lori and Carl hesitantly. Lori gives him a look telling him not to listen, but I say,

"I will keep them safe. I promise you. If Daryl and T-dog aren't told about this, we could lose them!"

Rick nods his head to me and points to me while speaking to Carl,

"Carl, you and your mom stay here! Penny, please keep them safe."

I nod my head and give him a smile,

"Don't worry. Nobody is gonna die here. I promise you that."

He nods his head to me and sprints off to warn the two. I look at the group around me and say,

"Alright, everyone get under a car. You make no noise, you don't move, alright?"

The group nods their heads and moves to get under something. I take Clem and get under the car next to Sophia. Once again, Sophia and Carol get under different cars. I really hope I drilled into her head not to go out. I look at Sophia, and then to Carol. I see her worrying, so I give her a thumbs up. She nods her head as they start to shamble past us. Their stench fills my nose as the feeling of fear starts to come over me. It's nowhere near as bad as it was before, though. In fact, I'd even say I'm getting used to it.

I hold Clem close to me, keeping her facing me. She closes her eyes and buries her face into my shoulder. I pull my knife from my belt and hold it close to me, ready to shank a bitch. I shudder as one of the walkers stumbles, but stands back up and continues on.

The show really didn't hit home about how long this horde actually took. Already, it feels as though ten minutes have gone by.

It's only after about half an hour that they actually start to dwindle. Instead of a steady sea, it's more like gentle waves. Finally, their numbers dwindle down to just being a steady trickle. Luckily, I haven't heard any gunshots or screaming, so we should be good for the most part. However, I see Sophia getting antsy. She goes to look out, despite me shaking my head at her and giving her an angry expression. Fuck it.

I let go of Clem and climb out from under the car, just in time for one of the walkers to trip over my leg. It falls to the ground beside me, perfect for me to shank in the skull. Another two walkers come up behind it and start moving towards me. I go to get ready to face them, but I sense another three coming from the other direction.


I guess I got out a little too soon. I move backwards, keeping my eyes on the two and go around the car. The other three come up afterwards. I've got an idea. I cross the barrier on the side of the highway and start leading this group down with me. I make sure that I don't make any noise, other than the occasional speech to keep their attention on me and not on the moronic duo of Lori and Carol who decided to get out from under the car and watch. I can only shake my head as the kids come up behind them.

Alright. Let's deal with this group. I move further back into the woods, surprised by the fact that for some reason, two of the walkers are more like runners. They chase me at a brisk pace, leaving the other three in the dust a bit. Well, that's actually pretty good for me. We come across a big tree, and I circle around it, coming up from behind the walkers. I stab one in the base of the skull and shove it at the other, causing it to trip. I then give it a good ole curb stomp on one of the roots of the tree. The other three slowly shamble their way towards me, not really being much of an issue.

I take them out at a brisk pace, shank shank shank.

[Walkers: 18/100]


I start walking back where I came, till I find out…

"Well fuck… I'm lost…"


AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Pat.reon.

https://www.pat.reon.com/sorrestwriting (Remove the .)