Chapter 2

At home, after I'm done eating and taking a shower, I meet him in my room. I really wanna get it over quickly. He's waiting patiently in the corner.

"So, what is it? " I say as I sit on my bed

He takes a deep breath "You see, I was murdered "

My eyes widen. Murdered....? No way. This one is out of my league. I thought it'll be something like giving a message to a family member or some unfinished business like returning something to someone. Murder !? Seriously? I cant.

"Look, if you want me to avenge you or something like that, then it's not possible,"I tell him but he just shakes his head.

"No, it's not that. It's the reason I was murdered. I had heard something which I wasn't supposed to hear. A secret. When they found out that I know, they killed me."

Interesting. Usually, when someone is murdered, they want revenge. This has piqued my curiosity "So what do you want me to do? "

He looks at me in the eye "I want you to expose that secret to the world. I was unsuccessful, but I feel that you could do it " I'm left perplexed.

"You want me to risk my life for something you got killed for !? That's even more messed up! There's no way I could get involved in such things "I get up and say. This is getting way beyond my league.

He gets up too "This is serious. You are the only one who can help me. And let me tell you this. Many lives are at stake. I don't want revenge. I want to save the lives of the victims! If I got a chance to be alive again, I'd still go for it. "

I calm myself down and sit back. This'll be hard . "Tell me about it first " I say

He smiles and sits back down too " Helen parker . Know about her ? The actress " my eyes widen

"She's...the one who killed you !? "

"I guess yeah " he nods

"What do you mean ' you guess ' !? This is a good person you're talking about "I say defensively

He just snickers "Not at all. Or rather, she has a dark side. You see, she's involved in illegal activities. Human trafficking "

Slowly the pieces of the puzzle are getting together and now I see the bigger picture. It's so unbelievable "So she's involved in human trafficking and when you heard about it, you wanted to expose her but she found out and then got rid of you, right? " I say

"Yup," he says

"And since I'm the only one who can see you, you need my help "


"How did you find out the secret "

"Well... I worked at her house " he says sheepishly. Seriously? But he looks like a high school kid. He must have seen my expression because he continues to explain

"Part-time. I actually lived independently and was going short on cash. I got to work there through some connections. I was good with plants so She hired me as a gardener. All was going well until one day as I went to the shed, I heard voices behind it. It was her and she was secretly talking to someone on the phone. She was arguing with someone about ' items ' and saying now that she's gaining fame, she needs to be careful and that she's cutting all ties with them. I couldn't understand anything except that she was involved in something shady. But when she said ' look, I'm sorry but if people found out I'm involved in human trafficking, then all of us are doomed, you get that ? ' i guess after hearing that I was so shocked that I accidentally dropped my shovel. She noticed and hung up the phone immediately. I hid until she searched cautiously and then went away. I knew I had to do something. This was serious but Later when I was on my way home, I was attacked know the rest "

It all sounded so unreal. I'm getting into something dangerous "But how do you know that she killed you? It could have been someone else "

"The people who attacked were her guards. After I became a spirit, I went to her to find out more about the human trafficking. But she was cautious and since I guess she had cut ties with them, didn't even talk about them " he says laying down on the floor.

"By the way, where is your body buried ? " it could be a proof.

He grins "I was cremated "There goes that point

He wants me to expose this to the police. I'm going to need proof. It will be risky will also save lives. I need to carefully think this through and make a plan. " I'll...think about it. Right now I'm tired " I get up to close the lights and then go back to bed. I couldn't get any sleep yesterday. At least now I'll sleep.

He starts humming. Angrily, I throw a pillow at him knowing it'll just pass through him.

" SHUT UP! " I yell. To which he just laughs

"Fine," he says holding up his hands.

I'll just get this request over with so he can leave me alone. I'll need to think carefully. Slowly as I'm about to drift off to sleep, I glance at him. He was murdered... it's hard to believe when he's so nonchalant. He's just sitting there, thinking, in a trance-like state. I've noticed he does that a lot. Wonder what he's thinking about?