Episode 2

Writers pov

A boy could be seen going home after jogging for two hours, he was sweating bad so he decided to follow the shortcut back home even though he knows the danger that was happening in that area, cause it was a lonely road

He was already in the middle of the road when he saw a group of boys beating up someone, he stop and looked closer, he then noticed that they weren't beating him،, they were Robbing him, he decided to mind his business but found himself going towards them

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" He asked as he walked toward them

"Seems like we have got another victim," one of the boys said as they all laughed

"I like it when we do it the hard way," He replied and position himself

The one with the wood attacked first, but he ducked with a punch which sent him flying away, the others attacked and Jason helped him in fighting, within five minutes they were all already down, the guy brought out a knife they all took to their hills

The guy turns and looked at Jason before walking toward him

"Hey, are you alright," he asked

"Yeah, I am fine"

"You don't look like you are from around here, if not you would have known that hoodlums torment people in this area, that's why people don't normally take this route," He adds

"Well, I know, I was just in a hurry that's why" Jason replied

"Am Lucas by the way," He said bringing out his hand for a handshake


" Alright, maybe we will see some other time, am heading home," He said as he made to walk past Jason but he called him back

" Ee em Lucas right?"

"Yeah" any problem

"Am heading somewhere important, would you mind following me, " he asked praying that Lucas would say yes, cause he thought those boys might come after him once they noticed that he is now the only one there

"Sure, I will," Lucas replied as he opened the other side of the car and got in, then Jason opened the drive side and entered

"Let's hit the road buddy," Lucas said



Steve rushed into Sandra's room without knocking, as she was just stepping out of the bathroom, only to meet her in her towel, making her scream with anger

"Steve, "what the hell, get the f*CK out of here now," Sandra yelled as she ran back to the bathroom

Steve was shocked and disappointed at himself for not knocking, making Sandra yell at him because she has never yelled at him before not even for anything

"Steve you have f*cked up big time," he mumbled under his breath and left

After some minutes he returns but this time he knocked before badging in

"What," Sandra asked

"I was thinking if we could go to the Mall together, you know, to get the stuff we need for school on Monday since today is Saturday," he asked not sure if he was calm enough

"You can go alone, am not interested, I will just order mine and it will be delivered here," She replied as she made to walk out of her room

"Am sorry, it won't happen again, don't get mad at me please," he pleaded as he made to touch her but she stepped backward

"Not accepted, now out of my way," she replied and walked out on him going to the parlor to meet her Dad

"Hello old man," she said with a smirk

"Am still young enough to marry you, you know," Mr. Smith replied and looked around for Steve but he was not with her

"And where is Steve," Mr. Smith asked, interrupting her from what she wanted to say

Sandra looked back and didn't see Steve also

"I will go get him,"

She went inside and saw him still sitting on the ground with his head bowled

"Steve!" She called

"Am sorry, I didn't know that you were in there," He replied pointing at the bathroom door

She melted immediately, seeing Steve as this assures her that nothing will go wrong, she blames herself for being angry at him in the first place, he didn't know that she was there anyway so why be cold toward him

"Is alright, you don't look too good, I don't want dad to start asking why you look like that, let's go to the Mall, and please smile for me," she said and started tickling him

Steve laughed very hard as he rushed downstairs avoiding her, She ran after him, he runs towards Mr. Smith and hid at his back preventing her from touching him because he was still laughing, and needed some air

Sandra sees that she can't catch him because their father won't let her get to him, she then went in to get the car key

"Actually dad, we are going to the mall to get some stuff and also our uniforms, did I say our, hell no! my uniform," Sandra said with an eye roll

"Thank God we both were transferred here so there Is nothing you can do about it, let's go get our school uniform, I can't wait to f*CK some p*...." He stopped immediately as he remembered that Mr. Smith was still with them, looking from Mr. Smith to Sandra to see their reaction

Sandra picked a mob and started chasing him, " I will be the one to end you, come here" she yelled as he ran inside the already waiting car and asked the driver to move living Sandra behind

"But sir, what about ma'am.....

"Did you have a death wish," Steve asked

"No sir"

"Then move" he orders as he showed Sandra his middle finger while driving past her..... They reached the gate and he asked the driver to stop

"Did you want to live without my Cinderella," he asked the driver as he went down to meet Sandra that was about to enter another car and follow them..... He walked slowly towards her and carried her from behind making her shake a little,

"Put me down," Sandra said hitting his shoulder, as he carried her towards the car and asked the driver to get down, he slowly placed her on the seat and went in also,

" Mall here I come," Steve said as he drove out

"Steve, did you even remember that you are not a human and you can't drive, you don't even have a driving license," Sandra said looking at him

"Chillax, I can do all things through Sandra that created me, so there is nothing to worry about, just calm down and watch me" He replied



*At the company*

Jason pulled over in front of the company, and stepped down followed by Lucas, they stopped by a boutique and got some clothes for Lucas

He walked into the company as many workers stared at them, wondering the kind of creature they are, cause they looked like demi-Gods

His secretary appears immediately

"Good day sir, welcome," She said with a smile on her face

"Where is he?" Jason asked using his eyes to scan the whole place

"Am sorry sir but he already left, he said he has another thing to do, I tried talking to him but he didn't listen" she replied calmly

"And you are standing here, what's your job here anyway, if you can't keep an appointment for me, you're fired," Jason said with so much anger in his voice

"Calm down man, am sure he might still be close let's just check if we can still catch up with him," Lucas said as he tapped Jason gentle on the shoulder

Almost immediately a man walked into the company looking so walked out

"Mr. Luke you are back," the secretary said with a wide smile

"I dropped something here, did anyone see it, he said

"Looking for this" Lucas said showing him his hand

"Thank goodness, my wife will kill me if I lost that" he replied as he collected it from him, now let's talk about business. He added


"It was nice doing business with you Mr. Luke, Jason said as they stepped out of his office going outside

"The pleasure is mine," Mr. Luke replied and left

Jason stood waiting for Lucas to come so that they could start going, he decided to take a little stroll down and see if Lucas will catch up, he was walking when someone dumbed into him

"Hey, loser watch it," the person yelled

"You dumbed into me, not the other way round," Jason said

"Now apologize," the guy said

"Not even in my dreams," Jason replied

"Well, let's see about it, he said as he made to punch Jason but he ducked it and try to fight back, he looked around to see people staring at them, he stepped back from the guy and tried to walk away but the guy used It as an opportunity... Punch him hard

Arch... Jason yelled as blood started running down from his nose

Lucas saw the scan from afar and ran towards them, getting there he saw the person he hated the most

"Richard, you bastard...