Episode 5

At the brooks mansion*

Mr brooks walked into his study with a sad expression, he picked up a picture and stared at it, a picture of five happy families, which he has been trying to destroy, he almost succeeded but their father escaped

How can they be happy when they took everything from him, Smith, I will surely find you, you can run but can never hide

He brought out his phone and called someone, the person picked up at the second rings

"Have you found him," He asked

"No boss, but we are still on it

"It's been 11 f*cking years already and you can't get a job well done," He screamed

"Boss my men have searched every Conners in Canada but still haven't found him, he seems to have left town

"How can you tell me he left town when I asked you to position your men everywhere," He inquired

"But we find something you might find interesting

" What's more important than finding smith," he asked

"We find her, Mrs. Hillary is alive, she didn't die in the fire, I don't know how she survived, but she is here with one of the boys

"That's not possible, Hillary can't be alive, I tied her up myself before setting the house on fire" Brooks muttered

"Which of the boys" he added

"I don't know for now, but he is the youngest billionaire in Paris

"What about the other one...

"He hasn't been found, for now, I think he died in the fire that night, cause no one has heard of him, that's the information I can gather now he said and ended the call

"If Hilary was able to escape from that fire it only means one thing, someone helped them escape..... I must not let them meet, I can't let Richard know that he is not mine

"I will poison his mind and use him against them, so the quiet boy is now a billionaire, I would have taken him instead and lived Richard, if only I knew that Richard will be this useless

"I must find the second boy,.... the three boys would have been mine if only Smith didn't betrayal me by marrying my girlfriend, I must find the second boy no matter what, he will be my weapon..... arrhh Smith, you think you are smart, let's see how you will feel when your children kill themselves

It's gonna be fun, I can't let all my hard work be for nothing...

He picked up his phone and called someone..... James, I want you to follow him, tell me about all his moves and that of his mother, if killing them again is what it will take then I will do it," Mr. Brooks said and groaned

"Keep a close eye on them and report back to me at once," He ordered


Jason Company*

"Lucy, you didn't report back last night," Jason asked as he walked into his office followed by Lucy

"Am sorry sir, it didn't end well, and I....

Jason looked at her and saw the bruises on her neck

"What happened to your neck, were you attacked by a wide animal or something," Jason asked raising his eyebrows

"It's all Richards doing sir,"

"What did you mean by Richards doing, wait a minute, he did this to you," Jason asked checking out the wound himself

"Yes sir, he nearly choked me to death but thank goodness someone helped me, this is my resignation letter, please sign it, I don't want to die now," Lucy said in-between tears

"You can't quite, I will fix this, how dare he," Jason said

"No sir please, just sign it.... if you keep doing business with him well am still your secretary, he will surely find another way to hurt me next time, am scared, who will take care of my mother If I die," Lucy pleaded

"Calm down Lucy, let me handle this, you can take a week off, treat your wound but am not letting you go, cause of a bloody fool" Jason sneered, he picked up his phone and called someone after speaking for some minutes he ended the call


Evening, at the brooks mansion*

Richard walked in as all the guards greeted him, he walked straight to his father's study only to be welcomed with a slap, his cheeks turn red instantly

"Dad, what's that for," he asked, his father has never slapped him

"You ungrateful bastard, I made you, I gave you life, you owe me your life..... Or have you forgotten that," Mr. Brooks yelled with another slap

Richard holds his burning cheeks and face down, not knowing why his father was behaving that way

"Just a simple task, you failed it. Did you have to attack his secretary," Mr. Brooks shouted as he made to slap him again but he ducked it

"Oh, you wanna fight me now, if only I knew that you would be this useless I would have left you on that road to die... bravo!!!"

"After all these years, I picked you up when everyone abandoned you, no one wanted you, even your so-called family, I clothed you to become useful but now look at you

"Fight me, Richard, come on." Mr brooks yelled as he punched Richard in his face

He wondered why his father was so mad at him if something was wrong! Why does he seem so annoyed," Richard thought

But come to think of it, why did his family abandon him, was he cursed!!! There were many questions to ask but no one to answer them

"Am sorry dad, I will try and fix this" he said and left


A club house*night

Lucas could be seen at a Conner looking at everyone that passed, he kept sipping from his wine slowly waiting for something to happen, a man walked in looking all good, he smirked and walked up to him

"Want some wine," Lucas asked as he offered him a glass

"Oh, yeah. Thanks

" How about we talk business," Lucas said as he watched the man drink from the wine

"Which business are you into, what's your company name

"This place is too crowded and noisy, let's go over there," Lucas said as he dragged the man to a corner where no one could see them

The wine was mixed with something that will make him sleep, when he wakes up he won't be able to remember anything that happens

"How about you give me your card and tell me your pin, I will use it and buy goods for you from China at a good rate," Lucas said as he dipped his hand into the man's trousers and brought out his wallet...

He collected what he needed and left him there, yeah Lucas is a thief, that's what he does to survive, he is a high-class thief that can steal anything anywhere


The Smith mansion

Sandra walked out with a glass of wine and handed it to Chelsea

"So tell me why did you bring me here," Chelsea asked as she sipped from her wine

"It's simple but hard, I want you to take Richard down," Sandra said

"Take him down, like kill him?" She asked

"No, I want him alive, I want them to go bankrupt, take down his father's company all of them including the school," Sandra said emphasizing the word school

"Why should I do that?" Chelsea asked

"You and I want them down, we can work together," Sandra said and Chelsea scoffed

"I can't do what you are asking for," she said and stood to live

"I will pay you double," Sandra shouted standing up

"The person that directed you to me should have told you that I only work as a spy, stealing which is my trademark, abducting people and kicking some a**, so I can't help you," she add

"But you also want them down, how about we work together," Steve said as he walked toward her

"I don't know what you are talking about, go find someone else," she said

"Who is that little girl that was raped at the age of ten in front of her parents, killing her parents after raping their daughter... took everything from her, and left her to care for herself, with nothing," Steve asked as Chelsea turn to him with burning eyes

"How the f*CK did you know about that," she asked as she balled her fist and punched Steve twice before flinging him away

"Easy Chelsea, we didn't mean to upset you, we both wanted the same thing," Sandra said Calmly

Looking at them now brings back the sad memories of her life... They were one of the richest people in Canada, everything was going normal until that night

She walked into her parent's room to see them being tortured, she could still hear her mother's voice telling her to run.. then a boy of about twelve years made her strip before her parents, they watch as the boy forced himself into her

Her father couldn't hold the sight, he ran to help her but he was killed instantly, they collected everything and killed her mother also, leaving her to feed herself with nothing, she can't forget the face of the boy for anything

She would have killed him' since, but she was waiting for the perfect time, and now these people are offering her the opportunity that she has been waiting for

"Fine, the only way to get to Richard is for you to act like me," she said

"That simply tells more" Sandra grinned they finally got her to corporate

"It's not, am tough and hard to deal with, can you beat him up," Chelsea asked looking at Sandra

"I can't fight, by the way, why do I have to act like you, why can't you just do it" she complained

"That's the only way, I can't do it, I don't know what's on your mind, you are pretty smart so you can do this, he has only one weakness, you have to be able to talk boldly before him, don't do anything funny or he might just kill you once he finds out you are an imposter

Act like a thief and don't be curious around him, he has a girlfriend don't take it lightly with her cause she is a snake, don't make him angry cause you can't defend yourself once he is in for a fight

"Wait, a minute, what's his weakness," Sandra asked

"I can't tell you that now, your first mission starts tomorrow, I will be meeting him tomorrow so you have to go there and act like me," Chelsea said

"Will Steve come along,"

"There will be nothing like Steve there, prepare yourself and wait for Tomorrow," being done here," Chelsea said as she shoved Steve aside and left