Episodes 7

"Find out about what, and who are you using this time," Richard asked as he walked into his father's study

Mr brooks ended the call immediately and turned to see Richard standing before him

"Son, you are back, for how long have you been standing here?"Mr. Brooks asked

"Not quite long,... You haven't answered my question," Richard replied taking a few steps toward him, he moved back a little making Richard wonder if there is a problem

"Dad, are you alright," Richard asked

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine... Just having some hard time," so how did it go at school today," Mr. Brooks asked, trying to panic

"This is none like you, you've never bothered about me or anything that has to do with me, so why the sudden change," Richard asked looking straight into his father's eyes

"I know I haven't been a good father but I will try and make it up to you," Mr brooks said praying that Richard should leave already

"Anyway, who are you using this time Dad, what's happening, are you hiding things from me," Richard asked, the ringing of Mr. Brooks's phone made him stop to listen

"I have to take this call, and you have nothing to worry about, you are my son and I will always look upon you," Mr. Brooks said before walking out on him

Richard stands for some minutes before deciding to go change his clothes

Something is wrong somewhere, what is father Upto this time, he has been acting strange and now is sure he's using someone,

Who could it be, I need to do some research. But come to think of it, it doesn't concern me anyway, lemme just leave him and mind my business

I still need to see that damn CEO that sends his secretary to me instead of him, I need to make him sign the contract before anyone else does

And I am even meeting with Chelsea tonight, gosh... that girl, can't believe she did that to me!!!

Sandra Smith, you have a perfect curve. I must have you, either by Choice or by force," Richard thought to himself as he opened his room door only to find someone inside there

"What the hell are you doing here," He yelled, making the maid go down on her knees

"Forgive me, young master, I only came to clean your room" the maid replied

"Why didn't you do it in the morning, or another time is f**king late, can't you see" Richard yelled as she flinched

"Forgive me, young master, it won't happen again," she pleaded still on her knees

"Get yourself out of here...." Richard said rudely


At the Company*

Jason walked into his office followed by Lucy his secretary

"Lucy, What's my schedule for today," Jason asked as he sat down

"Sir, you have a meeting with the board members at 4:20 pm,... A meeting with the CEO of BMA at 5:00 pm,..... A meeting with Mr. Smith the CEO of GV at 4:50 and lastly you have a meeting with the man from china at 6:00" she said waiting for his response

"Lucy, how could you accept all this? You know how busy I have become recently," Jason complained

"Sorry boss, I wasn't just thinking straight," Lucy replied as she bent her head

"Cancel the appointment with the man from china, reschedule it for tomorrow, and also cancel the appointment with BMA and wait for my response before you approve any other appointments," Jason said operating on his system

"Yes sir," lucy replied and made to leave

"Arrange the meeting with the boards, tell them I will be with them shortly, and Please get me something to eat," Jason said not even sparring her a glance

"Alright sir, oh sir I forget to mention that you also have a meeting with the brooks company," Lucy said with so much fear

"Ok, now live, no other meeting for today," Jason said already tired for the day


After some minutes she came back with the food he requested for

"Sir, here is the food and the boards are ready," she said

"Yeah, drop the food there, I will eat it when I am back. Lead the way" Jason said as they walked out of his office


He spent close to an hour with the boards before coming out of the conference room, looking to walk out

"Next is with who Lucy," Jason asked looking at his secretary

"Mr. Smith, the CEO of GV group of companies" she replied

"Put a call across his secretary, for them to prepare my arrival," he said and walked into his office


Lucas walked into the company and made to head towards his office but was stopped by his secretary

"Sorry you can't go in there without having an appointment with him," she said

"Did I need that, before seeing my kid brother?" Lucas asked

"Sorry sir I didn't know that you were his brother, how come he never mentioned something like that" she replied

"Seriously, are you now intruding in your boss's privacy, just tell him am here," Lucas said already pissed off by the secretary

"Just a second," Lucy said as she makes a call to her boss

"You can go now," she said as she ushered him in


He walked in immediately without saying anything, he already knows his way around, cause they visited here the last time together, he opened the door to his office without knocking

"Hey buddy," Lucas said

"Seriously, did I look like a babe to you, how can you address me as your kid bro in front of my secretary," Jason asked as he offered him a sit

"Who knows, I might be older than you, isn't it obvious, you need to start calling me big bro because I might be older than you, Lucas joked

"Alright old man," Jason said

"Did you just call me an old man" Lucas asked

"You said it yourself that you are older than me, which makes you an old man," Jason replied and laughed seeing the look on Lucas's face

"What's that noise," Lucas asked looking at the door

"Don't worry about that, the security should take care of it, by the way, I am going to meet a business partner. So would you mind coming along" Jason said parking his suitcase

"Why not, anything for my kiddos" Lucas replied and chuckled softly

Jason looked at him and smiled, his really a good friend, always has a way of making him smile, can't wait to tell mum about him, someone else also cares about him," he thought and smiled

"What's funny," Lucas asked looking at him suspiciously

Almost immediately his secretary walked into his office

"Am sorry to disturb you sir but he insisted on seeing you," Lucy said calmly

"Who is he, don't this your "he" has a name?" Jason asked moving closer to the door with Lucas behind

"Mr. Richard sir... I mean sir Richard..no Mr.....

"Let him in," Jason said and walked back to his seat

Richard walked into the office to see Jason and Lucas there together, he became dumbfounded

"Jason, wait.....what... What are you doing here?" He asked with surprised

"Isn't it obvious," Jason replied rudely

"Why didn't you tell me, I shouldn't have treated you bad, come on man we got this now, right," He said looking at Jason

"Richard, this company doesn't need you or anything that has to do with you, we've got someone else, so if you could excuse me, I have to be with someone," Jason said

"Jason, look I didn't mean all that, I was just.....

"He said you should use the door, Don't you get it," Lucas intervened

"Hey, when businessmen are talking a coward shouldn't talk, did you get that" Richard asked looking straight into Lucas's eyeball

Lucas stands to fight but Jason holds him back and calls the security instead, four security men rushed in Immediately

"Escort him outside, I don't want to see anything that looks like him anywhere near this company," Jason said

"Yes Boss," one of the security members replied as they carried Richard out of the company

Jason fired all the previous security that refused to touch Richard during their first encounter, he contacted an agency from Paris to get him new securities

"Get your hands off me, I will come back for you Jason, this is not yet over," Richard yelled as they threw him outside the building

"That son of a bitch, I will so deal with him," he thought