Episodes 9

"OMG," he shouted

He was lost staring at the beauty in front of him, Steve noticed that and tapped him gently

"Hey man" Steve called out to him

"Yes... Emm... Where is Lucas," Jason stammered

"Are you high? Can't you see me standing in front of you," Lucas said checking him out

"Let's go," Jason replied, trying hard not to let them know that something was wrong with him


Next day

Star rock college

Everyone seems to be minding their business, no one paid much attention to others, some students were busy chatting while others were doing their stuff

Richard came early today so he's sitting on his chair, thinking about how to deal with Lucas

Soon it was time for lunch everyone was already going to the cafeteria but he didn't even seem to be interested in food

Soon an idea popped into his head as an evil smirk appeared on his face, that's what am gonna do," he said muttering

The few students that were still in class turned to look at him as if his going crazy. He noticed that everyone was looking at him

"Damn I must have said that out loud," he thought but decided to act,

"What's with the long faces, is there anything on my face?" He asked rudely glaring dangerously at them all

But no one dares to talk, he walked out heading to the school garden, he saw Lucas running after someone and decided to follow him


Jason and Lucas were going to the library when they sighted Sandra and Steve coming out from the cafeteria

"Isn't she so beautiful, I have never seen anything as beautiful as she is, mum was right. I have to get a girlfriend and I think I have found one" Jason thought silently

"But the problem now is how to get close to her, will she accept to be my girlfriend??"

"What if she turns me down, I love her at first sight, gosh can't believe I didn't sleep well last night cos of her," he added

Someone is In love," his subconscious mind mocked

"What did you know about love, just shut up," Jason said out loud making Lucas look at him suspiciously

"Who are you talking to," Lucas asked with raised eyebrows

"Oh, was just meditating, it's nothing to worry about," Jason replied

"I will be right back, get going I will catch up with you in the library," he added and left before Jason could abject

Jason waited to know where he was going in such a hurry, he looked closely to see him walking up to Sandra and Steve

"Oh no, let it not be what am thinking," he muttered as he fixed his eyes on them

Lucas walked up to them and shook hands with Steve Sandra brought her hand for a handshake but he hugged her instead, taking her by surprised

The students around gasped and murmured between them

👥 Oh my, did you see that?

👥 Did he just hug her, she's so lucky. I wish he could just see me

👥 I hate her already, she's a new student yet she has gotten the cute guy

👥 Why won't she get him, her father is so rich

👥 I wish he will just look at me

They heard many whispers but chose to ignore them all

"What was that for," Sandra asked as she disengaged from the hug

"Oh, sorry, just felt like doing that," Lucas replied

Jason watched from where he stood and folded his fist until he couldn't watch them anymore and left

"So where are you guys off to," Lucas asked looking from Steve to Sandra

"We are going to the football field" Steve replied

"Heard there will be a match today, the red house will be playing against the blue house" Sandra added

"Can't wait for it, lemme go get Jason, I will catch up with you guys there, "Lucas replied and made to live but was blocked by Richard and his gang

"What's this supposed to mean, why blocking my way?" He asked

" stay away from Sandra, she's mine, and mine alone she will be," Richard said as he folded his fist ready to punch

"And what if I say no," Lucas replied

"Then you will have to face the consequence," Richard said forming so much anger

"I hate threats, I will let it slide cause I am in a good mood today but the next time you try this shit with me, "Lucas didn't finish his statement and walked away

"Your days are numbered here, I must make sure you live this school Lucas, is a promise" Richard yelled, loud enough for him to hear


At the field*

The field was already filled up with students, everyone wants to know the team that will win this time around

The red house has always been the winner of every game, the white used to come second, the greenhouse third, and the blue house fourth

The blue team walked into the field and everyone shouted with so much excitement

Immediately the red inters the whole student stood to welcome them, it was as if everyone wanted them to be there

Some were screaming Richards's name while some were holding a sticker on his face, others were wearing his shirt

It was as if the match was for him, cause they paid more attention to him than others, why won't they? his team is always the winner in every football game, making him the football captain cause he's always the one to score all the goals

Every team was complete except for the Blue team, one of their players had an injury

"Today the blue team will be playing against the red team, but unfortunately one of the blue members has been injured during the last match

We want to pick out someone from the audience to play in his place," the coach said looking around if there are any volunteers

"How about Lucas, he's good at football, I have seen him many times but I don't know why he chose not to play for the school," Richard shouted pointing at Lucas

"Lucas, can you please step out," the coach said

Lucas looked at Richard without saying anything he went down

"Now the two teams are complete" the coach announced as everyone cheered



The match had already begun, the blue house was doing well with the ball but suddenly the red house took it from them

They keep passing it from one person to another until they scored the second goal

Everyone shouted in excitement cause it was Richard that scored the goal, no one has ever beaten him in times of football

He looked at Lucas and smirked, the ball was passed to him this time and everyone was cheering his name as he moved to the blue house post

He knowingly shot the ball at Lucas instead of the net, Lucas shouted in pain as he falls, he didn't know that Richard was aiming at him

The ball ended and Jason rushed to him, Sandra followed with Steve, they checked him and found no bruise on him

Sandra made to touch him but Richard holds her back, she looked at him in disgust before flinging his hand away

Richard watched them with so much anger, he balled his fist and walked towards them, getting close he punched Lucas twice making him staggered, everyone gasped in shocked

"Stay away from her, don't you get it," he yelled and pushed Lucas away

Lucas cleaned the blood on his mouth and watched as Richard made to walk away from the field, he rushed towards him and jumped on him making them come rolling on the floor

"No matter how hard you push me, I will stand up again and again and again and again," Lucas replied hitting Richard at every word he said

"Argh, get your hands off me loser," Richard replied and pushed Lucas away from his body

"Now lemme ask you, are you happy?" Lucas asked boiling with so much hatred

"What do you mean," Richard asked

"Are you happy with your life, cause I have got to find out that the reason why you are behaving this way is that your life sucks," Lucas shouted at the top of his voice

"Shut up, what did you know about my life, my life is perfectly good than some thieves own who Claim to be nice," Richard blurted out

"You can call me whatever you want, but I have got to know that you are tired of your life, that's why you are looking for an escape room," Lucas replied

"Am perfectly fine, your life is no better than mine" Richard lied

"Tell me what makes you think you are fine, everyone knows that you are not happy, you hate yourself. That's why you have become like this," Lucas fired back

"You will never be like me," Richard replied calmly, knowing that Lucas's worlds have got to him

"Thank God," Lucas replied and walked out

Richard watched as he left his sight and signed in frustration, why Is it always him, is it high time I act fast," he thought before walking out