Episode 16

"Wait..... What!!! Mum..... No way... Mum!!!" Jason yelled as he ran out of the company

Lucas ran after him immediately

"Jason you need to calm down," Lucas said and walked toward him

"Calm down, I should calm down when my mum is missing. Who knows what they might be doing to her now," Jason said not ready to listen

"Let's think of a perfect plan, OK; now that you are going out did you perhaps know where they are? Since you contacted the police already allow them to do their job and the best thing for you to do now is to wait for the kidnappers to call then we can track them down from there," Lucas replied trying to make Jason see reason with him

But the blockheaded Jason seems not to get anything Lucas was saying

"I can't just stay here and do nothing, what if they are torturing her? I need to follow the cops in search of her," Jason said and zoomed off before Lucas could say anything



Mr brooks walked into the building with his boys behind him, he smiled seeing the person sitting before him. He looked at Richard's shock and pet his head

"Nice one son, now I know that you are my son," he said before walking towards the person

"Hello Hillary, it's nice to see you again," he said with an evil smile

"What did you want with me brooks,, haven't you done enough harm already?" She asked looking him in the eyes

"I was also thinking about that," Mr brooks said and chuckled before bringing out a sit

"You separated me from my family and destroyed my home. Why can't you just live me alone," Mrs. Hillary said remembering everything he has done to her and her family in the past

"This is just the beginning, now that Smith is back I will show you both how evil I can be, "Mr brooks said looking all over her

"For how long will you continue like this? Why can't you see that all this is your fault," Mrs. Hillary said

"Don't even think of blaming me, it's my fault because my girlfriend married my best friend right? you are worse than a slut," Mr brooks said and a slap landed on his right cheek right away

"Don't you ever call me that in your life again," Mrs. Hillary sneered

"I will let the slap slide but don't push me, you will stay here until when I am satisfied with you, I will make sure those things you called children suffer, I will kill them all just before your eyes... You will feel the pain I felt then," Mr brooks said and stepped closer to her

"you aren't always there whenever I need you, you were always giving excuses each time I complained,..... You never care to make things right instead you sent your friend who turns out to be loving and caring, I wasn't the one that told my innocent heart to fall for him, I don't see any reason why you should be hunting me like some animal" Mrs. Hillary yelled and tried hitting him but his boys hold her back

Mr. Brooks looked at her without saying anything, he wondered if it was his fault. But he's not giving up, not now. He turned to Richard

" look after her, don't let her go or do anything. When I come back I will decide her faith," Mr. Brooks said and left


"How come you have so many untreated injuries? did You fight with someone?" Mrs. Hillary asked looking at Richard who was busy trying to bandage his wounded arms

"Nobody," Richard replied rudely

"I will help you with that, get me my handbag," Mrs. Hillary said, Richard looked at her for some minutes before speaking up

"Why did you want to help me," Richard asked instead

"I just wanna help, besides you aren't getting it right," Mrs. Hillary said and stood from her chair

"Just sit down, I will get the bag but don't try anything funny," Richard said and left

After some minutes he returns with her handbag and handed it to her, not without checking it to be sure there is no gun there

"Lemme see," she said

"Why are you helping me?" Richard asked again as she cleans the face of his wound properly

"Why didn't you treat your wounds when it was still new," Mrs. Hillary asked instead totally ignoring his questions

"Father didn't let me, he said it's a punishment for disobeying him," Richard said making Mrs. Hillary wonder the kind of father that will treat his son that way

"What if it gets infected," Mrs. Hillary asked

"I dunno, just stop talking," Richard said as he winced in pain

"Does it hurt? Sorry... Am almost done," Mrs. Hillary said and applied the necessary things needed

"Done, avoid getting on his bad side next time," Mrs. Hillary said

"Why are you helping me," Richard suddenly asked again now more serious than before, that's the question that has been bothering him since she started the treatment

"It's good to be good, I believe there is still some goodness in you. Just let it show someday, stop letting others decide for you," Mrs. Hillary said as she packs her bags

Richard looked at her for some minutes, Wondering the kind of person she was. Even when he is holding her captive she still has a heart of gold

But the devil in him didn't let him, he shook his head and faced her

"Why should I listen to you, you are not even my mother," Richard said rudely

She glared at him without saying anything


Lucas has been hacking from one security system to another, it seems like the kidnappers are not anywhere around Canada

he has already hacked into so many systems that he was now tired but still, there is no sign of her, but a red light suddenly shows when he reached Jason's new sight, it's the signal he has been waiting for

it was already evening, He picked up his phone and called Jason

"Where are you? I found something" he said

"Did you see her face, how was she? Did they torture her? Did she look like someone that has eaten for today? Are there any marks on her face? Is there....."

"Quite the damn question and drag you f*cking butts down here now," Lucas shouted looking at his phone as if Jason was there

Mummy's boy, such a weakling," he mumbled before grabbing his car keys


"Boss they found us," one of the guards said as he runs into the building alerting the others

"Which way are they coming from?" Richard asked and grabbed a gun, he ran outside but he remembered Mrs. Hillary he went back for her

Before he could step out they had already been surrounded by cops, he looked to his left and right to see that there were more than enough cops everywhere

"Don't shoot, he has my mum," Jason shouted as he came running into the building

Hearing that Richard places the gun on Mrs. Hillary's head

"One more move and she dies," he said moving back slowly till he gets to a dark corner and drags Mrs. Hillary along

Knowing the kind of devil he is, they stayed back

But Jason refused to stay back so he followed them with some cops

"It's over Richard," Jason said and folded his fist, thinking of what he will do to him

"It's not over until I say it's over," Richard replied,..... Am sorry Mrs. Hillary, you are such a nice person," he said before pushing her down

He jumped to the next b" building immediately and took off in a car that was already waiting for him

It was like a movie to everyone as they watch Mrs. Hillary falling from the top of the building

"Mrs. Hillary..." Steve called with his mouth wide open as he ran out of his car with Lucas

Jason couldn't believe his eyes.. his mother was falling from the building

"No........ Mum!!!," He shouted as he made to jump but the cops were fast enough to catch him

"Mum!!!" He called as tears streamed down his eyes, before passing out