Episode 18

"Don't even think of it Brooks," he said looking at him in the eyes

"Did you suddenly go deaf, I said where are you coming from," Mr. Brooks yelled calling Richard back from his imagination

Of course, it was all his imagination, he can't try that if he still wants to live Long. Richard looked down and answered slowly

"I was with a friend," Richard replied

"Don't you dare leave this house without letting me know, the cops are looking for you everywhere. What if you get caught?" Mr brooks said

"I will be careful," Richard replied

"Prepare your men, the party is in two days I hope you know what to do. Madam will fly into the country by next week, I need good results." Mr brooks said and handed some files to Richard

He collected it and went in without saying another word



Lucy walked into the company and went to her office only to discover that her things have been moved to another place

She looked around to be sure that she didn't enter the wrong office but hell no, it was her office. How come the desk has been moved to another place did Jason know about this

Only that damnwitch can do this, what the f*CK is he thinking. She mumbled and headed towards Jason's office

She didn't even bother to knock as she just pushed the door open, reviewing Jason who was busy on his laptops

"Where are your manners Lucy, can't you knock?" Jason said still busy with his laptops

"Sorry sir, I just want to know what happened to my office," Lucy replied

"You have been promoted, you will no longer stay there. From now on your new office is there," Jason said pointing at a Conner in his office

Lucy looked over there to see her things already arranged in a proper way, but why did he suddenly promote her? She can't feel comfortable around him; staying close to him only means one thing, she will not forget that night

Gosh... Why is he doing everything he likes, now I won't have enough time to talk to Lucas anytime I want because he will be watching

"But sir, there is nothing wrong with my office, and if I may ask why did you suddenly promote me," she asked looking him in the eyes

Should I just tell her that I love her, no, what if she rejects me? Gosh... What am I even thinking, she's crazy? I can't possibly be seeing her with Lucas all the time, Jason what are you doing," he thought silently

"Sir" Lucy called and he looked up before saying

"Well you have been promoted that's it, now get to work no more questions," Jason said

Lucy looked at him without saying anything and then went straight to her office, she was working on her system when Jason suddenly showed up

"Hey Lucy, I brought you lunch," he said as he slowly dropped it on her desk

"Thanks, boss, but am having lunch with Lucas and he will be here anytime soon," Lucy replied and looked away

She peeped from the corner of her eyes to see Jason tighten his fist, and she smirked. You've not even seen anything, I will make sure you beg me to date you the way I begged for sex, she thought silently

Jason walked back to his seat without saying anything, but deep inside him, his mind was already occupied. What if they are dating? Is she mad at him because of that night? Many thoughts run through his mind but he can't process them

Suddenly the door burst open with Lucas smiling face

"Hey Jason, did you see my girlfriend, couldn't find her in her office," he asked before looking around the room as his eyes landed on Lucy

"Oh, there she is," he added and walked toward her

"Girlfriend!!!" Jason asked, trying not to let his anger show

"Yeah, she's pretty right?" Lucas asked with a smile

"is that true Lucy?" Jason asked praying that it shouldn't be true cause he will surely kill someone

Lucy looked at the both of them without saying anything, she could see that Jason was hurt already with the look in his eyes

"Tell him Lucy, am your boyfriend right?"Lucas asked looking at her but she still didn't say anything, she knew that Lucas was joking but Jason has taken it serious

What will it take him to confess his feelings, bloody motherf*cker," she thought silently

"Lucy we are still waiting, don't embarrass me in front of him, Tell him already," Lucas said and grabbed her hands, touching her along makes Jason's blood boil

"Let's get going already am starving," Lucy replied and tried to walk out but Lucas pulled her back

"Don't worry I have something that will get her talking, what if I..... Lucy close his mouth with her palms before he could say anything stupid and dragged him out of the place

Jason watched them live with so much anger, that he punched the wall repeatedly until he started bleeding

Why did I care anyway, it is not like she's mine. She can do anything she wants anyway," he mumbled

But it hurts, why does it hurt so much?" he muttered and buried his face in his desk not knowing that someone was watching him



Steve has woken up with a slight headache

He tried sitting up but the headache hit him again, he groaned in pain and forced himself up

He looked around but couldn't recognize where he was, then he heard footsteps approaching

"Who's there?" He asked, looking around

"You're finally awake," Chelsea said and moved closer to check him

"Chelsea, where am I? For how long have I been here? Is this a hospital? Where is everyone?" He asked all in one breath

"Calm down boy, one question at a time," Chelsea replied and drew out a chair from a Conner

"First, you are at a safe place, second: you have been in a coma for four days, and third: this place is not a hospital," she said looking intensely at him

"Where is everyone, what happened? Is Sandra here? How about Mr. Smith? Did he come here Also," he asked panicking, one could see the panic already written on his face

"Well with the look of things it seems you already know what I am thinking, but that's by the way, here drink some water," she said and pass a glass of water to him

He drank it all and gave her back the cup

"I need to leave here now," he said and stand up immediately still panicking

"Not so fast boy, we still got unfinished business," Chelsea said working closer to him

"Stay back, don't come any closer," Steve said as he moved back slowly

"Alright, I mean no harm boy, I just wanna ask you a question and I need the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth," she said calmly

"What did you want," Steve asked praying silently that is not what he's thinking, because if she found out he's doomed

And he can't let that happen, he can't let her ruin his plans, he's never backing out of anything

"You need to eat first, you have been laying there for days now," Chelsea said and clapped her hands together, four maids run in immediately with delicious dishes

Looking at the food alone the worms in his stomach started dancing with joy, he wanted to pretend that he was not hungry but his crazy stomach kept making noise

"Shall we!" Chelsea said and sat down, Steve stood for some minutes before joining her at the table

"So how are you feeling now?" Chelsea asked trying to make him feel comfortable

"Why do you care?" Steve replies more like a question making her chuckle softly

"You are right I don't care, why should I care anyway, but too bad you are close to what I love most in this world," Chelsea said dipping her spoon in her dishes

"And what could that be," Steve asked as he drank some water

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that we should be true to each other," Chelsea added and stopped eating

"And what does that supposed to mean," Steve asked pretending not to know what she was talking about

"Who are you?" Chelsea asked

The question came like a bomb to him cause he choked on his food and nearly fell from his chair

"Water please," he said slowly as she passed the water to him, he drank a large quantity before regaining his strength

He looked up as his eyes landed on Chelsea's own, she stared at him without blinking. He decided to act fast and find a way out

"It's me, Steve," he said gently with a smile

"Still living even at this point, what's that my name again," she asked as Steve gave her that ARE YOU CRAZY look, how can she forget her own name

"Chelsea," he said

"Does it sound stupid?"


"I will ask you again for the last time, WHO ARE YOU?