Episode 22


They have been discharged from the hospital, and none of the children seems to understand what was happening especially Jason who seems to be left out

They gathered in the sitting room, and every member of the family was present including Steve... Mr. Smith was sitting beside Mrs. Hillary while Sandra rest her head on her shoulders

"Am so happy to have you all back in my life," Mr. Smith said with a smile and hugged Mrs. Hillary

"I still don't understand anything here, can someone tell me what's going on," Jason demanded, he's running out of patients

"My baby, what he's trying to say is that you all are our children," Mrs. Hillary said blanking back the tears that were threatening to fall

"You told me that my father is dead, that he was shot by bad gangs and now you are telling me that Mr. Smith is my father, seriously mum! This is no time for jokes," Jason said looking at the both of them

"Well the truth is that I was shot, but I didn't die," Mr. Smith said


"It all started....





"That's how it happened, it was a miracle that I survived, and I believe that he's still out there. And he will never rest until he succeeds in taking down our family again, which we can't let that happen.... just look at what he did to your mother," Mr. Smith said and shifted on his chair

"So you are saying that I wasn't abandoned, it was actually that monster who did it all," Lucas who has been silent said angrily

"Yes son," Mr. Smith replied, Lucas, folded his fist and fixed his gaze at the space for some minutes

"We need to see a doctor, I want to remember about my past, I want to know who I am, and what life was like back then," Jason said immediately and they looked at him swiftly

"Am sorry son, but it will be hard, the drug you took was too powerful for an adult let alone for a child, I thought it might kill you both but as God may have it, it didn't and you both are alive and safe..... The main problem now is to find a way and destroy brooks cause my mind is telling me that he's planning something big this time," Mrs. Hillary replied softly

"What could he be thinking," Lucas asked

"That fool, I won't think twice before killing him once I get my hands on him," Jason said with so much hatred

"So what's the plan," Steve who has been silently asked

"Let's wait for the party, now that everyone is back I want to throw a bigger party for all, have made all the preparation," Mr. Smith said and they all looked at him

"Once the party is over we will strike," Jason added



Chelsea walked into the cartels and a recruit blocked her way

"What's this insult called?" She asked looking at the tall guy standing in front of her

"Hey, calm down, I just wanna be friends," the guy replied showing his brown teeth, his teeth look disgusting that Chelsea was forced to look away

"For the love of gambling get yourself out of my sight, you are too disgusting to stand before me," Chelsea said and tried to walk past but the guy grabbed hold of her hand and drew her backward

She looked at her hand and then at the guy, she would have done something crazy to him if only it was ordinary days, she has a task to complete today

"Did you have a death wish," she asked looking at the guy, she lost it

"You look attractive, how about we have a night together? I bet you will be damn cool down there," the guy replied licking his lips

"Try touching me again," she said and made to walk away and this time the guy grabbed her b**t making her stop on her track

She looked back at the guy who is now smiling and others Joined him

👥 Wow, did you see that? He grabbed it

👥 Hmm. Hope it ends well, she always acts tough

👥 Seems like brown is more powerful than her

👥 Haha, crazy niggar can't believe you did that

👥 Brown you rock it

She could hear many people shouting, and slowly turned to the guy again

"You shouldn't have done that," she said and before anyone could know it, she punched his throat and he fell instantly.. blood rushed out from his ear, mouth, and nose

The people around watched in surprise, how did she do that? The hall suddenly became quiet, paps came out immediately with his men following behind

He looked at Chelsea and then at the man on the floor, he called his men and told them to clear the mess, he knows Chelsea doesn't fight unnecessarily if it was another person that did this he would have shot the person right there

He started walking away and Chelsea followed till they went to his inner chamber

"What's the news?" He asked to signal one of his men to bring him another chair

"He's planning something big this time," Chelsea said


"Richard is not his son, he's the son of Smith, and he's using him against his family," Chelsea replied

"Interesting!!" Paps said reluctantly

"It's not interesting cause it involves Lucas," Chelsea replied and paps sit up immediately

"No one touches my son," paps said as he banged his hand on the table in front of them, even though Lucas is not his biological son, he still takes him as his son

"He hasn't but his planning to, and the funny thing is that he's not working alone," Chelsea replied and brings out the record

Paps listened carefully to the record until the end, he was shocked and noticed the voice of the other person immediately


"Did you know her?" Chelsea asked when she noticed the shocked look on paps face

"Send a message across Lucas, let him know about this. If this woman comes here it means war, She's more dangerous than brooks himself," paps said worriedly

"Is she that dangerous, besides the party is tomorrow I don't think I will be chanced to see him, it will be best if you go instead," Chelsea replied, she could see the fear in his eyes

"I think that's a good idea, I have to be there by any means tomorrow, I can't let anything happen to my boy. who knows what they are planning for the party tomorrow?" Paps replied


"There will be an exchange with the Chinese empire tomorrow but I won't make it there so you have to go in my place, take Cobra and some more men with you... No need to tell you the rules," paps said trying to call Lucas but not connecting

"But paps"

"No but, I run this cartel and know everything about it, the Chinese empire won't dare to try anything funny with me, so you have nothing to worry about," paps said calling Lucas again but it still didn't connect

"You can count on me on that," Chelsea said and stand to leave

"Tell bush to report back immediately," paps said and rest his back against his chair




Richard walked out of a store with a guy behind him

"You got all the pieces of information you need right," he asked the guy beside him

"Yes Boss," the guy replied as they walked towards Richard's car where four guards were Waiting for him

"Don't make any mistake, let it be in front of the building," Richard replied as they reached where he packed his car, and the guards opened it for him

"You can count on me sir," the guy said left

"Can't wait for the party tomorrow, it's gonna be a blast," Richard smirked as they zoomed off