Episodes 25

The brooks mansion*

Mr brooks were enjoying the perfect view from his rooftop when a guard walked in

"What's new," he asked as he placed his drink back at the Mini table in front of him

"Boss, Phillip is back, and he requests your presence," the guard said as he bent his head

"Let it better be a good News, send him in," Mr brooks commands

"On it boss," the guard replied and left, a few minutes after Phillips came in with a bleeding hands

"Boss," he called calmly, his hands are still bleeding and the pain is becoming unbearable... He thought of going to the hospital but that will be a waste of time

Brooks was stunned to see the way Phillip looks, who the hell did that to him, could it be that they caught him on duty.

Many questions run into his mind but he couldn't bring himself that low to ask such a question, besides he's the boss and he can't look weak before his subjects, he quickly changes his expression into a frown and faces Phillip

"Don't tell me that you are such a waste of time, anyway hope there is good news. If not hold it to yourself," brooks said

"Yes Boss, there is good news," Phillip replied

"Make it quick," brooks said

"Currently, one of the boys is going crazy and at this rate, he will do anything just to get revenge on Richard," Phillip said

"What's that supposed to mean, go straight to the point and stop wasting my time"Mr brook shouted, he's always the inpatient type

"The baron is dead, and I think he is related to the boy somehow, the boy is the last one you were looking for, but smith found him first..... He chops off my fingers and sends me to deliver a message to the young master," Phillip replied as he stopped to catch his breath

" Dead!! The baron?" Brooks asked to be sure

"Yes, boss" Phillip replied

"That's not possible, did you know how many people have tried to kill him and they all end up dead... No, I don't believe this, it better be a joke," Mr. Brooks said, he remembered sending different assassins to kill him but they ended up dead

He even threatened to burn down all his company if he tries anything funny with him again, and since then he hasn't heard anything from him

"I can't lie to you boss, he's dead," Phillip replied

"Wonderful, I am about to kill three birds with one stone... Am a genius, brooks the genius," the said and raised his wine up

Phillip was silent for a while waiting for brooks to finish his celebration so he would continue when brook shouted at him

"Did I need to tell you to continue," brooks said trying to be calm, he doesn't want to miss any part of this important information

"He said I should tell the young master that, he's coming for him," Phillip replied and brooks jumped up from his chair immediately

He was still trying to understand why his master would jump like that when brooks shouted

"Yes!!!!!! Go call Richard this needs to be celebrated," Mr brooks said and Phillip left

"Am a genius, just what I wanted... Let's see how it goes by the time I control Richard and anger controls him. In the end, there will be nothing like the Smith family, " Mr. Brooks

"AM A GENIUS" Mr. Brooks shouted, he was still celebrating when Richard walked in

"Father, you called me!" Richard said calmly, he noticed his father's mood but acted as if he saw nothing

"Yes son, you've made me proud," Mr. Brooks said and ruffled his head twice

Richard looked at him in bewilderment, he didn't seem to understand what was going on, why is his father acting this way," he thought silently

"Father..." He called

"Shh, you have proven to me that you are the son of your father, you didn't only stop the wedding but you sent my long enemy down..... I have decided to hand over the company to you," Mr. Brooks said and Richard's eyes widened

"Really," he asked

"Yes son, for your good work, keep up the good work and make me proud." Mr. Brooks said, as if he means it, he's only giving him the company so that Richard will follow his lead and do anything he asked of him

"I will not disappoint you father," he said and walked over to hug him but brooks shift back avoiding the hug

"You are not yet qualified," Mr brooks said with a wicked smile



The Smith mansion* next day

Jason walked into Lucas's room to see him packing, he slowly walked towards him and tapped him gently

Lucas looked back to see who it was he continues his packing, Jason just watched him packing not knowing how to start a conversation

The room was becoming tense for Jason as Lucas zipped up his bag, then he decided to speak up

"Did you have to go?" Jason asked

"That's the best for me," Lucas replied and rolled his bag outside

everyone was waiting for him, he didn't even spare them a glance. He grabbed a key on the table before speaking up

"Lemme borrow this, I will return it tomorrow," he said

"You don't have to leave Lucas, we understand your pain," Steve said and he walked up to him

"Lucas, we are your family, where else could you go," Mr. Smith added

"Please don't go," Sandra said with tears

"No one here understands a thing about me, you said we will think of a plan once the burial is over. It's almost afternoon yet nothing has happened," Lucas said referring to Mr. Smith who looked away instantly

"Lucas, we are talking about a baron here who might have many enemies, it won't be easy to fish out Richard since his the mastermind behind all this... You need to calm down, we don't know if Richard is working alone or not," Steve said calmly, Lucas lost it and rushed to him

"If there is anyone that needs that lecture it should be you, so quit trying and be true to yourself first," Lucas said and rolled his bags towards the car

All eyes landed on Steve as he wondered if Chelsea by any means told Lucas about him,


Lucas pulled over in front of the cartel and observed it closely, this is the same place paps never wants him to come, saying he doesn't want Lucas to be a baron like him. But now things have taken a turn for him

He walked into the building and all eyes landed on him wondering who he is, some group of boys blocks his way immediately but him being Lucas, it seems not to bother him

"What did you want boy," brown asked standing in front of Lucas, who looks fearless

"Did you miss your way," a girl asked licking her lips seductively

Lucas ignored them and pushed brown aside, brown made to attack but Chelsea appears immediately with some high rant members

"Let him pass," Chelsea said and the boys partway for him

Brown looked at him dangerously, if only glare could kill Lucas would have been dead, Lucas saw him staring but chose to ignore him


"What are you doing here?" Chelsea asked as they walked into the building

"Assemble everyone and announce my arrival, it's time to claim what's mine," Lucas said and made his way into the big hall

Chelsea looked at him and saw the difference in him, the death of paps has done a lot of damage to him

"You heard him, assemble everyone," Chelsea said to bush who walks out without saying anything

Within some minutes everywhere was already filled up, they wondered who the new boy was, it's only paps that have the power to call for the gathering

No one was able to explain what was happening, they just stood and watched since Chelsea was in charge they were expecting her to stand out but she didn't

Lucas walked towards the only chair at the center, he stared at it for some seconds before sitting on it and everyone gasped

"How dare you, you little thing," brown shouted and made to walk towards the chair but a bullet sent him back to his knees

"He's the heir," Chelsea shouted loud enough for everyone to hear it, they all know paps have a son but no one has ever seen him except for the high-rank members

The wounded brown groans and looked at his bleeding leg before looking at Lucas who seems cold

"Am here to claim what's mine, it's a painful thing that my father is not here today... As the son of my father, I will make this place a better place for all of us, the weak shall perish and the strong shall live long," Lucas said not looking at anyone


"Lucas, you still..... Chelsea was interrupted by Lucas

"Don't ask questions, try and be useful by giving me information about the brooks," Lucas said as he walked into his father's chamber

"The only news is that two of their goods are coming back today, one from India and the other one from china," Chelsea replied and Lucas chuckled

"Burn it," he said