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Chapter 2 - The Disaster

Next day.

I woke up

"I still remember about the girl who i met yesterday."

"Well time to go prepare."

I prepared some items like Teleportation stones, Health potions, etc. and went to school.

As i entered the school the students were already lined up."

"HEY KURO COME HERE WE'RE ALREADY LATE." the teacher shouted

(Im hundred percent sure we're 20 minutes early than leaving time.)

I hurriedly went to his group and entered the bus when they got to the portal.

The teacher told them that instead of groups of 5 we are going to be a group of 10 since there were only 4 A-Ranked Hunter available at that time.

My group was grouped with Shiro's Group.

My happiness can be seen after being with the same group as her.


The other groups came in and went out after 1 hour in the dungeon.

We waited until our turn

and when its finally our turn the hunter told them to follow him so that he can protect them if necessary.

We followed and enter the Portal.

When we entered i saw a Castle made out of bricks and stone on fire and Lava surrounding the castle having only one path that is leading towards the casttle.

Our group admired the view of the dungeon.

"The leader said, We should look around the castle if the boss is there."

[the portal has a path towards the castle. of course the boss would be in there!]

They walked towards the castle and entered it. Since the castle was in a plain view i thought the Boss was inside.

but, the castle was empty.

Although we already scouted the castle we scouted it again. since, we cant really make a conclusion after scouting once.

We went towards the Big Hallway. then, we saw a Big Door at the end of the hallway.

"W-what the this door wasn't here before."

"Shiro said, if it appeared out of nowhere it must be the boss or something but this is suspicious."

"The leader said, It does look suspicious but for now lets have a rest here after an hour we'll continue inside."

After we were done resting we went inside the Big Door.

We saw a Big room without anything at all.

its empty, shiro said.

The leader said, lets look around stay close to me incase something happen.

We walked towards the center of the room and saw a Box with a unknown language written on a paper.

the leader said, dont touch anything its dangerous then we walked past the box while were walking. I noticed we're missing 1 person so i looked for the missing person then see him about to touch the Box.

A light blinded us.

After the light vanished

A big monster in a cloak with a skulled face holding a sycte appeared. His presence felt as if the God of Death is looking upon us. Fear and anxiety started to rise. Nobody dared to move...

It angrily said…

You Dare Awaken Me You Lowly Mortals!

Thou shall be punished!!

The person who touched the box was sliced into two

The members of the groups screamed

they all panicked.

The leader was shocked at what happened and is staring at the Dead body

I was too terrified to move.

Shiro used a Water Magic towards the Creature but it phased through the monster.

She spoke, Le-lets leave here everyone. We looked at Shiro who is shaking.

The leader snapped out of fear and said,

Get out of here i'll hold it back use this stones to teleport out of here.

hands over a stone.

We took the stones and run towards the Exit.

While running i wondered why is a strong creature in a F Class Dungeon.

After we got out of the Door they tried to use the stones but isnt working they tried doing it again and again but isnt working

I looked back at the Creature then i saw it smirking.

My eyes widened and spoke, Its a trap lets go inside!!

I grabbed Shiro inside. Some ran towards the hallway and some Inside.

We looked at the people that was running away.

Then suddenly an army of shadow monster rised up from the ground. scattered inside the Room and at the hallway.

The people who ran towards the hallway was massacred.

We ran towards the Leader's position earlier hoping for him to protect us. But, we saw the leader lying on the ground with blood. The sight of the Leader made us devastated.

I looked at the Creature with an angry face.

The Five of us are in a devastating situation without any Hope.

We were floating and cant move in the air. We were lined up the 4th is Shiro and i was the Last.

The creature Laughed and said i will punish you mortals to watch your own race die.

The others all screamed in agony apologizing and crying.

I looked at Shiro who is staring at the ground with a blank expression.

i gritted my teeth. Then, weird things starts to happen. Some kind of dark aura appeared then i fell of the floating magic. I didnt overthink about what happened i grabbed a knife in the bag and rushed towards the Big Creature knowing i would die.

The creature said, Oh a brave one… i'll give you the right to watch them all die then you're next!. He laughed then grabbed me. I Cried and Begged to atleast let Shiro go!!

Then he started to kill them

As it gets close to Shiro. My body heated up... it felt like someone was taking over. The dark aura is flowing.

[ Requirments Achieved : The Choosen One ]

[ New Passive Skill achieved : Silent Void ]

As i gradually lose my conciousness.