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Chapter 5 - The Sinners

In most kidnapping situations. They usually prevents the victim to escape. But these people didnt even bother to put rope on me.

I pretended to be sleeping. For the past Hours i had been listening to them. They identified themselves as Sinners. It appears that one of them isnt still here. So it's probably my chance to escape.

I used haste then ran to the large door.

"' That guy is trying to escape HAHA" -???

"Pointless ." -???

"Both of you shouldn't be like that to our new member!" -???

Huh what do they mean by new member

As i opened the door someone tall and large muscled blonde guy appeared.

We both stared at each other.

"Oh Pride you're here!" -???

"Annoying as ever Greed" -Pride

He continued to pass by me and walk towards the middle of the room. I tried to walk outside of the room. But, There was a barrier. I sighed then whispered "Why do bad things keep on happening to me."

"How could you say that to me, Im hurt." -Greed

"Whats up. Did something happen for you all to gather everyone." - Pride

"Envy Found the current holder of Wrath and Gluttony." -Sloth

"Its the guy standing right there." -Envy

"This kid? I could barely feel his aur- " Pride said.

My tattoo reacted to their conversation. The aura started to once again appear. Covering my whole left arm. I stared at them.

'Who are you all...' i said with a cold voice

Everybody looked at me.

"Now now, Lets not do it the hard way." -Envy

"That tall blonde guy right there is Pride sin, Francis. That Cold looking green hair is Sloth sin, Michael. That blonde haired kid is Greed sin, Shin Mizui." -Envy

"What do you mean by kid!? Im an adult!" - Shin

"And i am the Envy sin, Kiryu Hisui " - Kiryu

"We are the sinner. We have a purpose of protecting the earth from Celestial beings.

Most of us got our sins from previous Sinners before they died.

We took you here to inform you about that....

You should join us." - Kiryu

'What if i refuse'

"It's fine." - Michael

"What are you saying Michael. Its the earth we are talking about. Ofc we need his power." - Shin

I highly doubt thats their objective. Their name is labeled dirty in society. They are more likely to have another objective.

"We arent really making you choose right away, Feel free to think about it. Just remember we need to protect the earth from the Celestial beings." - Francis

'Are you allowing me to leave?'

"Ofcourse we are! Right Michael~ ?" - Shin

"Do whatever you want, Im tired." - Michael

He removed the barrier as soon as he walked out of the room. Before i left, I looked back and stared at them.

"How long has it been since i was here?"


After i left i thought about what they said.

I cant help but overthink. What if its true? I've thought about it for a long time.

Well, Lets leave it at that. Im sure father is worried, I wasn't able to contact him for a week.

I entered the house. The lights were off it looked so messy. I had no sense of emergency so i called my father's manager to ask where he is.


"Where's my father? His name is Miyagi Takamiya"

"He's at that hall 1st room at the left."




My father's manager told me that father went to complain about the dungeon to NHGA. To put up a request to find me. 3 days later, My father was ambushed at night by unknown hunters. He was found in the alley. Barely breathing.


I sat in the chair thinking about who ambushed my father. I've thought of killing them. But, with my current strength. i might be the one who's getting killed.


Few months went by i had been clearing Dungeons like a madman to get strong. also to gain experience for my skills. my stats had also increased alot.


[ Name : Kuro Takamiya ]

[ Tittle : Wolves Terror ]

[ Rank : F-Class ]

Strength : 50 +25

Mana: 22

Defense : 27

Speed : 46 +35

Intelligence : 59


Greedy Devourer (Gluttony)

Improvised Haste

Flash Claw

Passive skill :

Silent Void (Locked)


My father told me get stronger if i want to take revenge and to not foolishly lose my life. And never surrender even if you die as it is not the way of Takamiya Family.