Warring States Era of Japan...

"Majestic Destroyer Flame!" Madara sends out one of his best Jutsu to the Frost Giants and burns them to a crisp.

Kayle nearly trips on nothing 'Holy shit! Naruto is a thing here!? I'm clearly in an Alternate Universe of Marvel if that's the case! And this is clearly the warring states era over here in Japan!' Kayle widens her eyes at seeing Madara.

"Hey! Mortal! Why don't you run? There are thousands of more Frost Giants converging on our position..." Kayle walks toward Madara and Hashirama. Kayle can speak all languages with the voice of all things which allows her to understand all intelligent life... As a Divine being, she can understand all people's languages and can even converse with animals.

Both Madara and Hashirama were fighting each other until Frost Giants interrupted their fight and attacked them both.

'So beautiful...' Madara widened his eyes at such beauty.

"Did you not hear what I said mortal?" Kayle stops and looks up at the trees. Kayle jumps up and cuts a Frost Giant scout in half.

"Mortal? Are you a goddess?" Hashirama is slowly starting to believe that he is in the presence of a Goddess. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before... Kayle looks too perfect to be real.

If Hashirama knew that humans would become just as beautiful as Kayle in the future his eyes would bug out. Right now humanity is primitive in Kayle's eyes and thus they don't have the same level of beauty as they would in the 20th century. Early humanity was far from being as beautiful as humanity of the 20th century... It's evolution at its finest.

"Yes... The Frost Giants are harming you all... And thus all of Asgard has come to push them back... I will do my all to protect you, mortals..." Kayle puts a gauntlet-clad hand on Hashirama's shoulder and nods.

"What did we do to provoke these Frost Giants?" Izuna narrows his eyes at Kayle making Madara smack him upside the head.

"Don't be disrespectful to a divine being! She could wipe us all out if she so wished!" Madara can instinctively feel just how powerful Kayle is and he doesn't want to be on the receiving end of such power. Right now Madara is only in his 20s and is far from the Powerhouse he is destined to become.

'I never thought I would see Madara like this... In the anime and Manga, he would've been defiant if a divine being was in front of him. What changed? Oh right, This is reality not fiction... In other words, I'm confusing Madara from Naruto with the Madara I see before me who is, in fact, a real person...' Kayle has a strange look on her face since she thought she would be dealing with the Madara from the anime/Manga but this is not the case.

"You did nothing to Provoke them... They simply want to wipe out humanity and colonize your world... They want to turn this world into an Icy wasteland... So no you did nothing wrong... They just want your world... It's basically a land grab"

For Kayle and other civilizations that are just as advanced taking over a planet is a land grab... For humans taking over a small area like an Iron Mine is considered a land grab. Kayle and these mortals live on two different stages Kayle lives on the Galactic stage where taking an entire planet is considered a land grab and humans taking over a mine full of minerals is considered a land grab... You can't even compare the two.

Madara, Hashirama, Izuna, and Tobirama all bristled at the audacity of these Ice gods... This is their home their planet! And they will not give it up to these frost gods! Yes, they have been doing Land grabs too... But they don't wipe out every living thing in the area they want! What kind of monsters are they dealing with!?

"Kami-Sama allow us to fight alongside you to push back these Ice Gods! This is our home... Our planet! And we will not let them wipe us out just for a land grab!" Madara gives a respectful bow to Kayle.

"But why? Couldn't the frost giants just inhabit parts of the world that we aren't residing in? There is plenty of room for them to colonize without having to harm us... So why?" Hashirama asks Kayle.

"It's not that simple... or maybe it's very simple... I guess you could just say it's greed... The Frost Giants want it all... They want the whole planet not just parts of it... The Frost Giants population has become too much for their own world so they decided they want your world so they can colonize it.

If the Frost Giants didn't go to war and try to wipe out humanity and colonize your planet they would starve and die out... The Frost Giants are desperate and the only way for them to survive is to take your world as their own" Kayle looks up at the sky and ponders over why the Frost Giants decided to do a land grab now of all times.

And she came to the conclusion that they have to otherwise they would have countless people starving in their world. The Frost Giant world has very scarce food sources now due to its overwhelming population... They simply didn't have a choice in the matter. The world of the Frost Giants can support life still but the land where they plant Frost Fruits and Frost Grains is now scarce and can't keep up with the demand for food.

"So they are desperate... And because of Desperation, they decided to wipe us out!?" Tobirama snarls.

"Yes," Kayle looks straight into Tobirama's eyes and gives an understanding smile.

'Don't show me such a smile... It's bad for my heart!' Tobirama looks away with a blush.

Kayle becomes serious "Well if you really want to fight alongside Asgard and fight for your home then you will get your wish! Here they come!" Kayle lifts her shield up unsheathes her sword and is ready for the thousands of Frost Giants that are running toward her and these Mortals.