chapter 8

Chapter 8

Soon Lincoln explains to his friends of the fun time he had with girl Jordan during those weekends and explains to them that they were not dates! Much to his other friends who still think he went on a date "Seriously guys you're all acting like my sisters!" says an irritated Lincoln 'at least some o them thought twice about their actions' he speaks to thought, then the bell rings as Lincoln and his friends head off to first period.

Class with Ms. Johnson's was pretty much you're normal quiz (if you don't count the surprise pop quiz), as the school bell rang signaling that the students are to head to their next class, to most it's their least favorite class, Gym "Ugh Gym class!" Zach groans "I hope we don't do rope climbing, I really don't want to get rope burn again" rusty complies nervously "Maybe Coach will spare us and bring out the trampoline" says Clyde hopingly "I'm okay if it's just running laps" says Liam "Wow! You guys really don't like this subject" says Stella looking at all of the nervous guys then notices Lincoln wasn't nervous at all and judging by his face he looks like he's looking forward to gym class "Hey Linc! You feeling okay there dude?" asks Stella getting no response "Lincoln?!" she asks again still nothing "Earth to Lincoln!" she asks in a slightly raised voice still not getting any attention "LINC! WAKE UP!" she yells snapping out of his mind "Wha? Who?" he says confused "Dude! What the heck was that about?!" she asks making the others look at him with question "Oh nothing just spacing out there" he replies nervously "Okay then, just a reminder were headed for gym" Zach says making Lincoln smile a little bit which is not really normal to his friends.

As all the students enter the gym Lincoln looks around if she was there as well, after looking back and forth through the crowd of kids he sees her, Girl Jordan (Jordan to Lincoln's Perspective), he walks towards her "Hey Jordan!" he says "Oh Hey Lincoln" she replies as they both just stand there facing each other saying nothing 'Well this is awkward' they both say in their own thoughts until the whistle was blown, gym class begins as all students fall in line as Coach Pokawski arrives "Alright kids listen up! I've got a big high school reunion on Thursday, which means I won't be here for gym" he says then gets shocked when he hears all the kids cheer, he then blows his whistle again to get their attention "Quiet down! Now since I won't be here on Thursday I've decided for today's class is dodge ball" he says making everyone groan, except for Girl Jordan who screams 'Woohoo' seeing this making Lincoln a little nervous and happy for Jordan then the whistle blows again "Alright now get into you're teams, I don't care who's on who so just start you're positions" he says, Lincoln gets onto the right side of the gym with his friends and then gets shocked seeing Jordan on their team "What are you doing here?" asks Rusty "Shouldn't you be on the other team?" asks Zach "I just thought maybe I should change it up a little bit today, right Linc?" she looks at Lincoln with a wink making him blush then hears the whistle blow again "Alright! Start Dodge ball!" Coach yells as both teams assault each other, Lincoln and his team get in their new scorpion formation "Uh what are you guys doing?" asks Jordan as she Dodged a Ball "Were getting in position" says Clyde "Like we always do" Liam added "Come on, Seriously!" she says jokingly "Here let me show you how it's done, come on Lincoln!" she says as she grabs Lincoln from the group "Oh no Formation broken!" says Clyde frantically "Regroup! Regroup!" Rusty panics as they try to get in formation again "This is how you do it! First you see someone get distracted, then strike" she explains hitting another kid "Yes! And if you see a ball headed you're way you…. Dodge!" as she flips to the side next to Lincoln "Oh so it's like trying to avoid my sisters when they get too rough!" he says "Well sort of like that" she says not seeing the ball headed towards her "Look out" as Lincoln grabs Jordan pulling her to the side saving her from getting eliminated "Whoa! That was a close one! Thanks Lincoln" she says "No problem" he says then both of them stop and realize Lincoln is still holding onto her arm then let's go while blushing red, then they both proceed to dodge and grab incoming dodge balls and strike back "Whoa that looks cool, let me get in on that!" says Stella as she leaves the group to join Lincoln and Girl Jordan "Oh come on!" says Rusty the gets hit by a dodge ball "Man down" says Clyde who becomes a victim to one "This stinks" says Zach and Liam who, of course are out, except for the trio who take down almost all of the other team until Lincoln spots a dodge ball headed towards her and dives in to save her meaning he's out "Dang it!" he says as he walks towards the others who were also eliminated, seeing this making Jordan's blood boil and she looks around to see who did that and spots Chandler and his friends laughing "Looks like it just Girl Jordan and Stella" he says with a smug look 'You'll pay for that dirt bag' she whispers to herself and starts going none stop on her assault taking out Chandlers crew including Boy Jordan as a bonus and soon Chandler is left alone "Can we talk about this?!" he says nervously looking at an enraged Girl Jordan making the other kids even Stella shocked and a little terrified, except Lincoln who just stares at her in awe 'Wow that was intense… and hot' in his thoughts, she winds up and throws the ball with such force it hits chandler causing him to fly towards the boys shower room seeing this just stunning everyone even coach who drops the whistle from his mouth "Umm Team on the right wins" he says as her team cheers at their victory "Awesome" "you were killer out there" from all the students "Nice job out there, maybe we'll team up again next time" says Stella "Yeah next time" she replies then sees Lincoln "You were incredible! That has got to be the greatest throw I've ever seen! Heck I don't know if my sister can throw that hard!" he says in astonishment making her blush "Thanks Linc" who then blushes from what he said then the bell rings signaling lunch "Well I'd better get going and check on the others" he says "Yeah, I'll see you later I guess" she says nervously as both kids walk in different directions only thinking one thing 'I think my crush is turning to love!'.

I decided to make this after I posted chapter 7, well I had to go back home from the computer shop, eat lunch and then well you get the rest, so I hope you all like this chapter please review!