chapter 12

Chapter 13

Same day I made chapter 12

Saturday morning in royal woods and Lincoln loud wakes up to the sound of his alarm but is not irritated, he opens his door and heads to the bathroom with cheer passing Lisa who doesn't make it to the restroom, he then heads back to his room and pass by Lucy he enters his room shuts the door and changes his clothes leaves his room passing both Lynn, Lana and Lola slides down the stairs railing and heads straight into the kitchen grabs a bowl, cereal and milk and eats his breakfast as the rest of the sisters wonder in confusion "What's gotten him all riled up this morning?" "Does he know it's a Saturday?" "Perhaps he's lacked recent sleep time" "his cheerful aura is making me feel uncomfortable today sigh" "He seems more energetic" says all the loud sisters who woke up to use only the restroom and head back to sleep(It is Saturday so obviously they'd rather spend most of their day sleeping in).

(Time skip Backyard 8:45am)

Lincoln sits under a tree reading his comic book while his phone sits right next to him not knowing he's being spied on from the kitchen window Leni, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa are eating breakfast "Wow you were right! he's never this early to spend time in the backyard or even spend time outside" says Luan "Yeah he's suddenly freaking me out" from Lynn "Whatever must've happened last night may have something to do with this" Lana says "Meh, maybe he watched a sci-fi movie with Clyde and got too worked up about it" says Lola "Or he must've played some new game in the arcade" as Lana eats her bowl of cereal on the ground "I disagree to know why someone would be exhilarated at the notion over a newly developed arcade machine" Lisa clarifies as everyone tries to ignore her logic "His over positive mood is enough to make a vampire cry for death" Lucy complains "I don't know guys he looks kinda cute being all happy" Leni speaks and soon Lori holding her phone and Luna arrive "Morning guys/Dudes" they greet as they also grab some cereal "So what's up with you guys?" asks Lori while she munches "What's up is that stinkon is acting all energized too early" says Lynn "When you mean early, how early?" asks Luna "as in six in the morning early" says Lola "Even I'm not that fully energized in the morning, unless I have a big sports event to go to" says Lynn "He's outside under a tree reading his comic book! Outside! Can you believe he's out there this early" says Lana as Lori and Luna look out the window seeing their brother making them smile they then turn to their other sisters "Lay off him dudes, he's just feeling all cheerful today is all" Luna says calmingly "Yeah just leave him be" Lori agrees making the other sisters except Leni all confused "Like okay, as long as he's happy I'm happy" their ditzy sister replies "Something's up and you two seem to know" says Lola being suspicious making Lori and Luna nervous "Precisely! Even our first eldest sibling wouldn't agree to whatever terms our male sibling is planning" Lisa complies "What's going on with you two?" asks Lucy as the other sisters look towards them, Lori and Luna try to look inconspicuous until Lori's phone rings "Oh its Bobby! Well I should get going" she says racing back up the stairs while Luna follows "I just remembered I have to use the bathroom! Laters!" she races upstairs leaving the others wondering "Something's going on and we have to know what?" says Lola then Lynn "Yeah and if we can't get it out of Lori and Luna" "We get it from Lincoln" Luan continues as they all agree.

Outside Lincoln goes on reading his comic book till his phone rings, he quickly puts his comic down and answers "Hey buddy, I was hoping you'd like to go to the comic book store today" It was Clyde making Lincoln a little disappointed "Sorry Clyde but I've got other plans today" he says in reply "Oh okay, wait does this have something to do with last night's date?" he asks "You can say that" Lincoln replies blushing "I assume it went well?" he asks "Yeah it did, marvelously!" he says looking at the sky in a daze "So your hoping she'll call you today huh?" Clyde asks again "Well that's the reason why i woke up early" Lincoln responds "Sorry we can't hang today, maybe another time" he apologizes "It's cool Lincoln, I'll just go with my dad's they're headed straight to a flea market just out of town" Clyde says "Have fun buddy" Lincoln says as he hangs up then his phone rings again only this was a video chat message he turns it on and sees his love life "Morning Beautiful" Jordan giggles "Good Morning to you too handsome" making him blush "So you have any plans today?" she asks "Well not at the moment you?" he asks "Same! I was thinking we could go and I don't know maybe hang out at the mall" she says "Sure I can go for that " he replies "Awesome my mom is gonna drive us there, I'll go tell her to pick you up" she says "See you soon darling" he says in a love daze "I'll see soon too my white knight" she giggles as they both hang up, Lincoln gets up from his spot and heads back inside passing the rest of his sisters in the kitchen shocked at the speed he's at, races back upstairs to put his phone away passing by Luna who just got out of the bathroom and is wearing a towel heads into his room and decides what to wear, he soon comes out wearing an orange jacket with a white polo inside and a pair of blue sneakers, he sees Luna "Hey sis, just heading out" he says "where to bro?" she asks he then whispers to her "The mall I'm gonna hang out with Jordan there" he says as Luna smiles "That's awesome dude! Guess she wants another round huh?" she says teasingly making him blush then Lori comes out "You need a ride little bro?" she asks "No need Jordan's mom is gonna come to pick me up" he says as both girls feel like squealing then Lori realizes "Wait what about the others? How long do you wanna keep this secret up?" she asks him "I don't think me and Jordan are ready for the others to know, otherwise it's gonna be a meddling assault" he says the last part jokingly as they laugh a little "Okay then, well also tell mom and dad where you went" says Lori "Now go get her bro" says Luna ruffling his hair "Thanks guys" he says as he races down stairs "Love you" making Lori and Luna proud "Our baby bro is growing up" says Luna "Yeah" Lori in agreement.

Meanwhile outside Lincoln waits by the sidewalk until he spots a violet station wagon, it stops revealing Jordan in the back as it opens the door "You ready for this?" she asks "With you definitely!" he responds as he hops on and the vehicle drives off, but what he didn't know was that he was spied on by the others "Was that Lincoln?!" "Isn't that the girl he hung out with last week?" "Where were they going?" "Something's up?" they all say in complete confusion.

(Time skip Royal woods mall)

After being dropped off by Jordan's they headed inside hands entwined and starting from shopping for clothes (which Lincoln didn't mind as long as he gets to see her trying them on), Going through the comic book store, playing in the arcade and finally they end up at the food court eating sandwiches "So I was thinking that maybe tonight you'd wanna have dinner at my place? My folks really want to get to know you" Jordan says "sure I can do that, but first I have to tell my parents, so by the time I head home I'll call you if they're okay with it" he says "Cool, also what's happening at your place are your sisters getting suspicious?" she asks nervously "Well Lori and Luna are happy for me and still keeping the secret, I don't really know about the others?" he says "What do you mean?" asks Jordan "Well when I woke up this morning the only thing that was on my mind was… you!" he says staring at her with a love-struck look making her blush "I must've left a big imprint on you huh?" she says "A heart shaped imprint" as she giggles and he wipes a bit of ketchup on her cheek making her giggle again as she gives him a small peck on his cheek.

(Time skip Loud House Residence)

The purple vehicles stops at outside of the house and Lincoln gets out "See you tonight?" Jordan asks through the door "We'll see" he says as they share a kiss before the vehicle drives off and the two wave goodbye "You two are really smitten together aren't you?" her mom asks "Yeah, he's just so sweet" she says as her mom smiles at her daughter's happiness, meanwhile Lincoln walks towards the front door and spots Mr. Grouse "Lovely day Mr. Grouse" he greets while walking "Uh sure whatever" he responds as he checks his mailbox, as Lincoln gets in the house he sees Leni, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa in front of him and he gets nervous "Hey guys! What's going on?" he asks nervously and they get irritated "Ugh what's going on? Why don't you tell us that you were with that girl from last week huh?" asks Lynn "Have you two been dating?" Lola demands "Why didn't you tell us?" says Lucy "We could've helped you for your date!" from Leni as all the girl's start babbling nonsense until something inside Lincoln starts to trigger "ENOUGH!" he yells getting they're attention "First off I asked her on a date last Monday also my date with her went well" he explained "and yes I've been keeping this secret from you for a good reason" he continues as Lola starts asking "And what reason is that?" then a voice starts "So you guys wont meddle with his personal life" they look to see Lori and Luna on the stair and they're parents came back from the backyard after garden work they soon realize "Wait you were all in on this too?!" asks Luan as they nod "But why them?" asks Lucy as they turn to Lincoln "Because Lori knows how to make good date options, me and Luna have a special bond so I can trust her and mom and dad because they deserve to know that their son is growing up! Something the rest of you haven't tried!" he says in a small angered tone making Leni, Luan, Lucy and Lana uncomfortable except for Lynn, Lola and Lisa "Oh please I'm more grown up than you are!" says Lola "I myself am more mature, for my superior intelligence is what truly makes me far superior to being grown up" says Lisa making Lincoln annoyed "I don't have time for this" he says as he looks to his parents "Mom, Dad Jordan's parents invited me to have dinner at their place, is it okay if I go?" he asks as his parents smile "Of course son" says Lynn Sr. "they probably want to get to know the young man who made their daughters date memorable" as Rita hugs her son "Thanks guys" he says as Lori and Luna approach him "Stepping it up huh little bro?" "Just like when bobby first came to our house" both sisters say shocking the others "Are you kidding me so you're taking his side? I thought we sisters have to stick together?" Lynn says in anger "He needs sisters who can actually help him" Luna responds "Oh come on! He's bound to screw up!" says Lola "Lola Loud! How dare you speak that about your brother!" they're dad yells making them flinch in nervousness "Since you girls just don't agree with what's happening, you seven are grounded until tomorrow!" they're mom says in anger "What!" they say in shock "B-but we didn't do anything!" says Lola "Not yet you haven't! But if we let this go on someone is gonna get hurt!" they're dad says "Or in this case Lincoln could get hurt" Lori says as she puts her hand on Lincoln's shoulder making him smile at her support "I suggest you head upstairs know dudes, unless you want things to get worse" Luna says putting her hand on Lincoln's other shoulder, then Lynn starts to march towards "Oh I'll show you worse-" only to be pulled back by Leni "We understand, we'll go now" she says then Lola yells "What but Leni!" "Upstairs now!" she says making everyone shocked as the other sisters head upstairs slowly while still looking at Leni who now seems angered, she then turns to Lincoln and approaches him "Good luck tonight Linky" she says as she rubs her brothers hair and then gets shocked when he hugs her "Thanks Leni" in which she returns the hug then heads upstairs and notices they were still there "What did I say?!" she yells as they all race back to their rooms and Leni heads to her room.

Downstairs they're left in complete disbelief "Well that was unexpected" Rita says "Yeah Mom! I've never seen Leni this angry before" Luna responds while Lincoln rubs a tear in his eye in which Lori notices "You okay bro?" he looks at her "I'm fine, it's just thank you! All of you even Leni for understanding!" he says "No problem son" his dad says and they soon have a group hug "Now let's get you ready for tonight" says Rita as they prepare for Lincoln's second encounter with Jordan's parents.

To be continued….

I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I made Lynn, Lola and Lisa sort of the bad guys because they're my least or in other words not my favorite characters, for obvious reasons and I decided to make Leni stand up for Lincoln knowing that he's right, she has to grow up, the only thing left is dinner with his lovers parents, do leave a review and tell me what do you think.