Chapter 11

April walked out of bathroom and rushed back to Genesis side. She was happy because her dress was as clean as new once again.

" April all cleaned up, now she can eat yummy cake hope you didn't want to....what a minute !"

April saw genesis together with Veronica and looks at the two of them. They both look at April who was standing there.

" There is a pretty lady sitting with you... Who is she ? "

April got up close and personal with Veronica, staring to her eyes with an inquisitive look.

" And who are you? "

Veronica felt a bit tense as april eyes was fixated on her. She didn't know how to answer it in anyway.

" Her name is... "

" Stay out of this !"

Genesis felt irritated as April told him to shut up. He couldn't do anything than sit there with feeling ticked off . April takes her gaze off genesis and turned her gaze back to Veronica.

" Well, who are you? "

" Ugh.... My name is Veronica Saturn and genesis is my.... "

" Hey "

Veronica covered her mouth as Genesis silent her. The arrangement between the two of them is strictly confidential, even April isn't supposed to know of it.

" Genesis is my friend and we are just having a friendly reunion "

Veronica said. April turned her gaze to Genesis and look at his suspicious expression and attempt to figure out the chemistry between them.

" April thought you didn't have any friends or were you lying to her this whole time "

April ask but Genesis turned his eye away from her. This made April very angry till she take up the plate of cake in her hand.

" April know something is going on between the two of you...GENESIS YOU NO GOOD CHEATER !"

April throwed the cake right in genesis face. This action made Veronica extremely suprise. He was angry enough to threaten to kill her earlier and now he has been humiliated to this extent. Everyone in the pastry shop look with suprise.

" Hey "

Genesis cleaned the cake off his face and look at April who quickly hid behind Veronica. Genesis stood on his feet and this made Veronica and April cower in fear.

" Damn it, now I have to clean up the mess "

Genesis turned and walk away. This made Veronica a bit suprised

- I thought he would kill her but he's not angry in the slightest -

" You're not angry ?"

Veronica ask, genesis stopped and look over his shoulder.

" I don't sweat the small stuff, it's not really my style "

Genesis walk to the bathroom, Veronica looked at April, she was still suprised that he didn't get angry at her. Last night he tortured a criminal to the brink of death just because he called Genesis a coward.

- Best not to think too much about it -

Veronica thought to herself. After Genesis cleaned up, he went outside where Veronica was bidding him goodbye. April clung to Genesis, looks at Veronica and pouts with jealousy.

" So I'll see you soon Genesis "

" whatever "

" Goodbye then and take care April "

Veronica said goodbye but April didn't respond but instead turned her head away. Veronica left feeling awkward. She got in the driver seat of a

Koniegsegg Regera and drives off.

" Let's go "

Genesis walked away and April followed.

" Can we go to MacDonald? "

" Tch, I'm getting tired of eating that junk food "

In the meantime.

Veronica looks behind her at Genesis, she take out her phone and call her assistant. She ordered her assistant to prepare everything back at the company. After she hangs up Veronica smiled with confidence.

" Just you wait Genesis, I'll tame you "

She said.

In the meantime.

The evening came, genesis was in the bathroom sitting on a stool washing off his body. His towel was wrapped around his lower body. April was in the tub full of water relaxing and enjoying her bath.

" Hey, who was that girl? "

April ask

" That's none of your business, now shut up..hey Toshiba, how long are you planning to stand there? "

Genesis calls out to Toshiba who was standing behind the door. She was leaned against the wall with her arms fold.

" I'm just waiting for you to come out so we can talk "

" Tch, your a fool, we don't have anything to talk about....."

Suddenly, april splashed water on Genesis face again. She laughed as he rubbed the soap out of his eyes.

" You got soap in your eye "

" This isn't funny you annoying little brat. It's because I'm stuck wearing this headphone or else you have surely.. ... "

Before genesis could finish speaking April splashed water playfully on his face again. Genesis couldn't do anything all he could do his sit there looking pissed off and listen to her happily laughs at him

" Toshiba! Remind me why I have stay with this disgusting little pink octopus ? "

Genesis ask from the other side of the door.

" She's you're responsibility not mine "

She walked away, there was another splash of water followed by Genesis calling toshiba's name again. Later night, genesis sat on the ledge of the tallest building in Sector 12. The air was cold and wind but Genesis didn't seem to be affected by it. After he takes sip of his soda he takes out his phone and dial a number.

>> Genesis, this is an unexpected phone call <<

It was Dr Chelsea on the other side of the phone.

" Dr, I need you to look into someone, Veronica Saturn "

>> Veronica Saturn ? She's the daughter of Rickland Saturn the owner of Saturn Industries, everyone knows that.. Why, don't tell me your screw his daughter or something ?! <<

" This isn't a joke, I have job with her, I need you to look into her and the state of her father's company "

>> Genesis, I'm a doctor not a investigator, you should get Toshiba for help <<

" Tch, I don't want Primal-Task and the government watching me... "

Genesis said, chelsea who was looking through her office window Suddenly realised something.

" Let me guess April is involved in this doesn't it, you don't normally do things unless it involves that little girl "

She ask, Genesis didn't answer her right away.

" All I know is there are some fools out there looking to cause trouble, I end to find them and crush them before things get out of hand "

>> * Sigh *... Genesis, don't get yourself into trouble... If you do this is you'll become involve with the government once again and this time I doubt they'll let you go..they might even revive the X Evolution Project <<

Chelsea said.

" Tch the government, they were like my mother and father until I reached the age of 9 then they started sticking scalpel in my body, that place was like hell itself but here I am still around... "

>> Yeah but you had no choice, you were child then..I don't really understand the trouble you went through, I'm an B ranked Evolver with X ray vision ability but your an S ranked with the power to manipulate the laws of this world <<

" Back then that power meant everything to me, I thought I was a god but after what happened a year ago, not even a god would fall for that experiments... Because of that I ended up hurting millions of innocent lives. "

>> Like I said before genesis, none of this is your fault, Do you know how many patients died on the operating table ? It's not a guilt that can be washed away easily.... You and I have to carry that burden with us Genesis, so it can help us guide our path.....So I'll ask again Genesis, are you really ready to face your past again <<

Genesis didn't answer Chelsea question immediately. He was busy remembering what occurred a year ago. His true power was released, he went berserk and all he remembers was standing 100ft tall in the middle of a crator the size of new york before he returned to his original form . The rain was falling that day and he was frozen in fear and guilty all because he ended up killing innocent people, people who had nothing to do with him.

He remembers how the government officials argued over him about the event that day. The government decided to cover up the incident. They didn't care about the people, In fact they didn't claim responsibility and blamed it all on Genesis. It was because of that day because of that genesis left and he never looked back. Now there are people who wants to use April for there evil deed. For the first time Genesis feels like he's doing something for a reason, he now has a reason to kill.

Genesis smiled sadistically and replied to Chelsea.

" I'm doing this because I'm a son of a b*tch villain "

He said.

Chelsea didn't know how to answer that but in the end she could only smile. To her Genesis is strong and able to take care of himself.

" Then I'll see what I can do "

Chelsea hangs up, thunder strikes and rain started to fall. Chelsea continue to look out the window. She smiled at the rain that was beating against the window.

" Things are about to get entertaining "