Chapter 19

It was after midnight, The moon was bright in the sky. The police was on the hunt for scarecrow who had escaped. They searched arouund the entire hotel but found nothing.

No-one beloved that he would just vanish into thin air and he didn't. 1 kilometers in an old apartment, the footstep of man walking up the stairs couldn't be heard coming from below.

He passed a room where a woman was shouting and dishes was being thrown. He stopped for a second before advancing up the stairs again. The man stopped at a door with the number 32 and he open the door. He flicked on the light, it was scarecrow. Scarecrow removed his mask and showed his real face. It was man in his mid 20s with short orange hair and red eyes. After catching his breath be walked into his living room

" The whole thing was a failure.... Hm ?....what ?! "

Scarecrow was suprised to see genesis sitting in a chair, looking at him.

" You took your sweet time coming home "

" H-how did you find me ?"

Scarecrow ask backing away from Genesis who stood to his feet. Genesis smiled at scarecrow before replying.

" It wasn't hard, As a villain it comes with the territory.. Now I have questions are your going to answer them "

" You think you know me... Allow me to show you my power.. Nothing can escape it grasp"

Scarecrow looks in genesis eyes and activate his ability. Genesis stood still with his gun in his hand, he wasn't moving so scarecrow took out a knife. He was confident genesis had fallen under his hallucination so he dash at Genesis with his blade. Suddenly genesis smiled, this caught scarecrow off guard.

Genesis pulled the trigger and shot scarecrow in upper shoulder. Scarecrow fall to the ground crying in pain. The pain as unbearable for him, he couldn't talk to genesis who was standing over him with a gun. Under this immense pain scarecrow found the opportunity to question Genesis.

" How-How did you break through my hallucination? "

" Your cheap tricks have no effect on me "

Genesis explain, Scarecrow took out a smoke pellets and throw it on the floor. Clouded by the smoke he made his escape through the window. Genesis realized this and look through the window. Scarecrow was nowhere insight, he was already gone.

" Haaaiz, He ran away "

Genesis scratch his head using the hand holding the gun.

" Oh well, the running away is my favorite part afterall "

He said.

Scarecrow ran through a back alley holding his bleeding shoulder. Every step he made he looked behind him to make sure Genesis isn't following him.Scarecrow leaped over fences and run into garbage cans. He was getting dizzy so he stopped and lean again the wall to catch his breath.

" I gotten away, I have to kcontact... Huh? "

Scarecrow saw a humanoid shadow in the moonlight. He looked up and saw genesis standing on a building, he was wearing a sadistic smile and his eyes was glowing.

" Fooound yooou "

" Oh no "

Scarecrow turned to run when he was shot in the thigh of his right leg. He fall flat on his face in the puddles of dirty water that was on the ground. Genesis jumped down from the building top and walk up to scarecrow.

" It must suck to be you right now, An ability that attacks the mind doesn't seem any flash "

Genesis said, Scarecrow manage to stand back on his feet.

" Bastard, just you wait I'll get even with you "

Scarecrow tried used another of his gas pellets but his hand was shot.

" It seems you don't understand that you can't escape. My powers are far better than your "

Diablo smile and put the gun under his chin and pulled the trigger. Scarecrow though Genesis killed himself but was suprised when the bullet curved and hit scarecrow in his leg.

" Gyaaaaaahhhhhh "

Scarecrow fell over on his back ,he couldn't move as both his legs was shot . Genesis walked up to him smiling sadistically

" Something must be wrong with this guns trajectory.... let's try that again "

Genesis stepped on scarecrows injured shoulder and point the gun at him. Scarecrow tremble with fear looking at Genesis.

"Don't even bother run you swine because my next move will be to eliminate you.. I can see you trembling but remember you son of a bitch.. This is what a real villain looks like "

Genesis pulled the trigger three times killing scarecrow. The rain started to fall on them, scarecrow blood was flowing along with the rainwater. Genesis showed no emotion killing him, this was nothing new for him after all. Suddenly, a phone started to ring in scarecrow pocket and genesis took it out and answer it.

>> Scarecrow, you have a new mission <<

The voice on the otherside of the phone sounded familiar for Genesis.

>> Rickland Saturn is back, you need to take care of him for me <<

Genesis hangs up the phone and stood under the rain with the gun and phone in his head. Suddenly he started giggling, then he bursted into laughter.

" Things are getting more interesting, fine I'll play along until the final showdown "

Genesis crushed the phone in his hand and walked away. The next day, Genesis rode all the way to Veronica house. As he was riding on the highway he looked at a balloon with a large monitor on it. It was displayed the news of scarecrows body being found last night by civilians.

He didn't pay attention to it, he just shifted into 4th gear and popped a wheelie on his bike. Soon he reached Veronica house. He parked his bike beside the sportcar in front of the house. Genesis walk up to the door and ring the door bell. Veronica was the one who open the door.

" Genesis, I'm so glad you're here, I've been waiting for you "

Veronica greet him with a smiling face. After she told him to enter, He walked in the house. For some reason Veronica happy today. Genesis look at Veronica and wondered what was up with her.

" Would you like something to drink? "

Veronica ask.

" Why don't you tell me what's really going on and stop hiding behind your girlish attitude "

" What makes you think I'm hiding something "

Genesis didn't respond to Veronica question. He just kept looking at her intensely, soon Veronica gave in.

" My father is here "

" Your father, I thought he wasn't arriving till later today "

" Well he came back as early as he possible, he heard about what happen and heard of your heroic deed, he want to thank you personally "

Genesis was confused but in the end he agreed to go with Veronica. He accompany Veronica to her father's office. The door was opened for them and they entered. Sitting at the desk was an old man who look at Genesis and narrow his eyes. Genesis looked back at the old man intensely as if they both have an history.

" Father, this is him, this is Genesis and genesis this is my father Rickland Saturn "

Veronica introduce the two but they just kept looking at eachother. The mood was dampened, leaving Veronica standing there with a dumbfounded expression.

" Genesis "

" Mr Saturn "

They sternly look at eachother.

" Do you guys know eachother? "

Veronica ask.

" I've only seen your father on TV a couple of times, other, we are total strangers "

" What he said?...are you the one who saved my daughter ?"

Rickland ask

" Yes "

Veronica started telling her father about genesis heroism. He protected her from any danger that appeared. The way she was praising him, this doesn't sound like genesis at all. In the end Genesis stood there silently listening to her rambling.

" and then father.. "

" That's enough Veronica...I would like a moment to speak with Genesis alone "

" Father? "

Veronica looks at her father's serious expression and in the end she decided to leave. The door closed, There was a deep silence between Genesis and Veronica.

" Genesis, I'll get straight to the point, what's going on between you and my daughter "

" There is nothing between us.. However, we have a contract "

" What kind of contract? "

" I act as her bodyguard and help her find the ones who are after both of your lives "

" Bodyguard, the last time I check your weren't the protective type, You're considered a sadistic coldblooded killer "

" Kehehehe, trust me old man even I'm suprised myself... One day I'm lounging around doing nothing and the next I'm protecting the daughter of multi-billionaire, my life couldn't get any more interesting "

Genesis stated.

" Listening Genesis, I won't want my daughter to end in danger "

" When your daughter came to me her life was pretty much in danger "

Genesis and Rickland continue to stare at eachother.

" One last question, what's your stake in this? "

Genesis laughed to the question.

" It's understandable that you're afraid, leaving your precious daughter in the hands of a villain like me, but don't worry as long as the contract between the two of us stay valid I will defend your daughter even from an apocalypse... And as for my stake in it, well let's go say it's personal "

He said, Rickland clenched his cane tightly. It was obvious that he don't trust Genesis in the slightest. In the end he couldn't do anything but adhere to his daughters wishes.

" Fine I'll leave Veronica in your care "

Rickland stated.