Chapter 32

The next day

Genesis who was still sleeping peacefully awoken up to the smell of spicy foods. He slowly open his eyes and look at the ceiling. He saw up on the bed and rub his eyes

" Fufufufufu "

" Hm? "

Genesis looked at Nightshade that was laying beside him on the bed. She was looking at him and smiling and her suit was unzipped to her naval. Nightshade decided spend the night beside Genesis watched him sleep.

" Yo Genesis, breakfast "

Overheat knocked on the door and open it. He was suprised to Genesis strangling Nightshade. She was laughing and getting sexually aroused but Genesis still continue to choke her.

" Disgusting b*tch, You just crawl into my bed without my permission... Are you brain dead or you looking to die ? "

" I-I was trying to warm the bed for you while protecting you that's all, If I did something wrong please punish "

" Shut up and die?! "

Genesis electrocute nightshade while overheat stood there with a numb expression on his face.

" I'll just leave the two of you alone "

After the commotion, he went to the others. They were sitting around a table eating fast food from MacDonald.

" Hey Genesis why don't you join us? "

" Tch, I don't eat fast food "

Genesis denied discharge invitation and walk over to the vending machine he stole before and took out a soda. After that he return back to the table and have a seat there. Soon after nightshade returned and sit with them. Discharge stand on his feet and address everyone.

" Okay, now that's everyone's here, it's time to discuss our plans. Terabyte and I've been doing some digging and found out that the government has been implementing a new kind of technology, Cloning Technology "

Genesis was suprised hearing this. Cloning Technology was developed by Dr Raphaela.

" It's allow them to replicate the genes of any living organisms, It was developed by Raphaela "

" I thought that data was lost when Raphaela died "

" That's where your wrong Genesis, Fragments of the data was recovered from the lab and scientist have not only managed salvage those data fragments but aslo create a new program for that data.. The cloning Technology has been for months now and numerous clones have been made successfully "

Discharge explain.

" So what is the government doing with clones anyways? "

Nightshade ask.

" We don't know that yet however we have collected data on these clones "

As discharge talked Terabyte showed them Graphs and Genetic Data on the clones.

" We know that the Technology teplicate the DNA of any living organisms but there are still flaws. For instance the lifespan is only 3 months and they are weaker compared to the original. Not only has Regular that have been clone but Evolvers and when an Evolver is cloned that have ten times less value than the original "

Suddenly discharge words made sense to Genesis. He remembers something that happened a few days ago. The day he was brought in to meet the Government Officials he was escorted by four people that looked odd. They way they walked and acted wasn't of normal human being ,instead it look more robotic.

" The technology hasn't been perfect yet and so they need one more piece of the puzzle "

Discharge and the others suddenly looked at Genesis.

" The kid "

He said, April is the last fragments they need to fully perfect the cloning technology. Her memories and Index Core are vital component they need to make that happen. Dr Raphaela has left a huge mess behind and now Genesis is the one who has to clean it up.

" And the reason they haven't made a move on her yet is Genesis, they fear is power and that could work to our advantage, There is a Lab in Sector 23, we'll go there tonight and destroy it, Call it our grand debut "

The meeting was adjourned for the time being and so Genesis decided to leave. He got in his bike when discharge approached him.

" where are you going Genesis? "

" It's none on your business "

" It's my business, as long as your on this team "

" You think of yourself as top dog don't you ?"

Genesis ask with a cold stare.

" It's not like that Genesis, we are all equal here "

Discharge said, They looked at eachother for a while before genesis started his bike and rev it up.

" I'm going for a ride, I'll be back "

Genesis rides off and as he ride he looked at the bracelet in his hand. He felt irritated and grit his teeth and rides faster. The problems keep piling up one after the other, He's not even sure he can't handle them all. Back in the old days whenever he did a task it would be overwith in a second but now he has to make plans and preparation with his fellow teammate. April is having an affect on him but he still doesn't know it of yet.

Genesis went back to the small supermarket to guy sometime to eat. During the entire time the cashier has been staring at Genesis. He didn't like that so he took the initiative to ask her.

" Uhm, I want to thank you for saving up last time "

She said, Genesis was confused because he doesn't remember saving anyone.

" Uhm that day when the robbers came in here. You stopped them with ease and saved all our lives. I want to thank you saving us, Please all me to repay the debt of gratitude "

She ask.

" I don't need anything from you "

Genesis turn and walk away leaving the cashier in awe.

" Such modesty, He's like hero fighting to protect other and ask nothing in return "

She said to herself

Later that evening he returned and they were all waiting for him.

" Are you ready Genesis? "

Discharge ask, genesis didn't answer immediately. He just stood there with his hands in his pocket and with his eyes closed, He then open his eyes that glowed.

" Let's go "

And so they headed out, Genesis was riding his bike while Overheat, Nightshade and Lockjaw was following behind him in a Custom Mercedes Benz G wagon with Green Neon. The sound of Genesis bike as it speeds up on the empty highway could be heard for miles. They rode all the way to Sector 23 to a lab.

The four of the stood on a building across from the lab. Genesis look through binoculars that the lab guarded by solders on night patrol duties. The place was well reinforces with surveillance cameras, Electric Fences and walls that were 9 centimeters thick.

" This place looks more a prison than a lab "

Nightshade said,

>> Well it was once holding cell for an evolver with a very dangerous abilities <<

Said terabyte through earpiece. She was still back at the hideout with the others. She in her control room looking at Genesis and the others.

>> So how should we go in high or low ? <<

Overheat ask excited about the situation.

" Whatever you please "

Said discharge. Hearing that overheats smiled and turned his body into flame.

" High it is "

He flew off into the sky and blast through the gate. The guards noticed him and raised the alarm. Some started to shoot at him but the bullets melted before coming to contact with his skin. Overheat generate a small ball of flame in both hand and fire it at the guard blowing them away. Luckily they were only knocked unconscious.

" Hahahaha, how awesome am I.. Ouch? "

Overheat hold his head when LockJaw smack in on the head on behalf of terabyte.

>> You idiot showing off and get moving! <<

Terabyte shouts.

" Geez you don't have to tell In my ear "

As they advance to the door more guards appeared. Nighstade tangled them with vines and squeeze them till they were unconscious. Genesis touched the from door and a sky blue lines run through the door forming a net. The area around his hand started breaking into cubes and forming a hole.

" Cool "

Overheat was impressed by his abilities but Genesis ingnored his worcs and entered. Inside was even more guards firing bullets at Genesis but the bullets was deflected back at guards. He ignored the shots behind fired and continue to walk.

LockJaw send out his tentacles and enlarged them. Some of bit off the hands of the guards. The guards screamed in pain as the rolled on the ground bleeding. The four of them continue to advance down the corridor clearing the until the find the control room. They walked into the white room and looked around. There was a control panel with a lot of keyboard, knobs and small monitors

" This seem to be the control room, alright let's turn it on "

Genesis walked up to the control panel and pressed a button. In the glass of the other room lights came one. The four of them was suprised to see what is in the other room. Incubator pod filled with people who look identical to each other.

" Clones "