Chapter 34

" Hero Ulimate and Heroine Kiva, A pleasantry suprise "

Veronica said.

" We have some questions we would like you answer and your the only one who can provide us with them "

" If I'm capable of answering them, then yes, go ahead Ulimate "

" Genesis, what can you tell about him ?.. Leave no details out "

Veronica was suprised by this question but in her mind she sorta knew this day would come sooner or later.

" I'm sorry but i don't know anything about him.. Good day "

She turned and walk away when Kiva stood in her away. Veronica look back around at Ulimate and saw his serious expression.

" This is a serious situation, Innocent people could get hurt "

Said Ulimate

" I've only known Geneisis for a couple of days, I don't know much about him because he never really opened up to me. What I do know is that genesis would never hurt innocent people "

Veronica stated.

" You don't understand, just a few hours ago a lab was destroyed and a lot of people was killed by the hands of Genesis "

" What?! "

Hearing this news Veronica was surprised.

" He's a dangerous threat that must be stopped so are you sit by and let innocent people gets hurt "

Kiva ask. Veronica stood there and pondered on the idea. If she hold information it would make her a public enemy and if she talks she's be Genesis' enemy. Either way Veronica will be in big trouble and after much consideration she decided to do the right thing

" Fine I'll tell you what I know... Genesis maybe a coldblooded killer but he never hurts innocent, not intentionally anyways and he doesn't like interfering in other people's business but if he does, he's doing it for one person. April "

Veronica shows them a picture on her phone of a small pinked haired girl hugging a brown teddybear with a smile on her face.

" Who is she, his sister? "

Kiva ask.

" She's not his sister, She's a clone of Dr Raphaela "

Ultimate and Kiva was suprised to hear this. This was because they know who Dr Raphaela is.

" A clone? "

" Yes, She was created by Dr Raphela before she died. The clone April has been with Genesis ever since. April is a sweet girl and she's always clinging to Genesis side.. It may not be visible but Genesis has a bit of soft spot for her....if he's killing people and destroying buildings he's doing it to protect her "

" Protect her? "

Kiva was confused and Veronica laughed.

" You mean you don't know, there are people out there after April, The government to be precise. They are after her or rather what's inside her, a special device . So for Genesis to oppose them is he's trying to prevent them from getting access to it "

" Well his methods of going about it are wrong, So where is April? "

Ulimate ask.

" Even I don't know, genesis hid her someplace even someone likw me couldn't find her but I have to ask, do you guys think you an A ranked can stop Genesis, the strongest S in the world ? "

Veronica ask as she ridicule ultimate.

" We have to try, if no one won't who will "

He said, Veronica saw his determination and submit her thoughts to his will.

" Alright I'll trust you on this but I have a request "

" what is it ?"

" He a good person and has good intentions, he's just going about it the wrong way.. I think it's because of the environment he has grown in and how he was taught, so try your best to convince him, for our sake"

" We'll try our best "

Ulimate and Kiva flew off.


Ulimate remember this and stopped flying and return the car back on the road to veronica could go. As the drive Irene kept looking around at Veronica who had a worried expression on her face.

" You're worried about Genesis aren't you "

Irene ask.

" N-no why would I worry about a guy like him. He's must stronger that I am and plus he's he's you know Genesis. So for me to worry about him is a complete waste of time. I can't believe you say such a thing, how dare you say their is something going on between us "

"But I didn't say there is something between you "

Irene said, Veronica realized her mistake and calmed down

" Miss Veronica, I've been with you for more than 9 years now so I know when there is something bothering you, Please tell me and I'll help you to the best of my abilities !"

Irene exclaimed, Veronica started to think about something. That evening she gave away her first kiss to Genesis but she still don't know if she even made an impact on him.

" Irene, have you every, you know like someone who wasn't interested in you at all "

Veronica ask.

" Yes, I've been in similar situations, it was back in highschool, there was this boy called Jake. He played American Football and he was very popular in our School. Back then I was a shy little girl who wanted to get close to him but we lived in two different world so I give up "

" I-I see, So you think I should give up ?"

Irene looked at Veronica sad expression through the mirror.

" Tell me, Are you in love with Genesis? "

She ask

" No No No, what's makes you think that, I'm not in love okay I'm lying. Yes, All my life my heart has never felt this way for another guy before. Whenever I was around him I felt safe and when he's not there I find myself thinking about him. In a way, you could say that I'm love with him "

Veronica admit her feeling.Suddenly Irene stepped on the brake and stopped the car. She removed her seatbelt and turned around to holf Veronica hand.

" Then you should never give up on your live "

" What?! "

" I've been dreaming of this day for a very long time. Miss Veronica, Please allow me to assist you in your conquest for love "


In the meantime

After Ultimate left he pondered on what Veronica had told him. He started to picture April's face in his mind.

- A clone, What's truly going on? -

Ultimate and Kiva returned to his superior.


Ask General Granger, A 60 year old man with diagonally blade wound across his face. Ultimate gave his report in great details. He told about all about what he discovered that the destroyed lab in sector 23. Unfortunately, the general doesn't seem to be too pleased with this result. This attack on the lab in sector 23 was unpredicted. Over 7 billion dollars worth of equipment and data was destroyed.

" Sir, what was in that lab? "

Ulimate ask

" That's classified information, your job is done dismissed "

" Sir, If we don't know what is in those lab, we don't know what Genesis after..."

The general slam his fist down on the table in a fit of rage.

" Are you defying my direct order soilder. Need I remind that not only did you fail to capture the S ranked but you fail to stop him from destroy the lab.. Do you think your in any position to question me?! "

Ultimate silent looked at the general silently. He clenched his fist tightly as he responded with a " no "

" Then go out do your job ! "

Ulimate and Kiva left the general office.

" You intentionally hold back information about the girl didn't you? "

Kiva ask.

" We don't know what's truly going on or who's telling the truth but we have to do something investigating on our own . We can start by trying to find that girl "

In the meantime.

Back at the hideout Genesis and the others was lazying around doing nothing. Overheat was sleeping on the pile of boxes and snoring loudly, Purshion was aslo cat napping, Iron jaw was standing in one place carving a sculpture out of wood, Zero was playing games on a new PSP, Nighstade was beside Genesis trying to win his affection but ended up getting punched in the face and Genesis continued scrolling through his phone.

The place was silent, only the snoring of overheat, The tapping of Zero PSP and The chipping of wood. Suddenly the door to the underground control room open. Discharge and Terabyte walk up the stairs. Everyone looked at the two of them except for overheat that was still snoring.

" Okay we've finished salvaging the data you brought back and found some pretty important information... Hm? "

Discharge looks at Overheat who was still sleeping. He couldn't carry on this meeting without everyone's full attention so discharge did the unexpected. He generate a thunder cloud over Overheats body and strike him with a lighting.

" Gyayayayayayayaya "

Overheat fall off the boxes and steamed with black smoke coming from his mouth.

" Hey which motherf**ker did that?!.. Huh? What's going on ?"

" It's meeting time so time to be awake..."

Discharge started to explain the details about everything they've found so far. Most of the information was about the clones and their data log but there was key information in the data they recovered such as the names of the scientist involved and the company who have aslo invested in the cloning project.

" One of these Sponsors is Welsh McNeil, Who's the minister of science and technology, He's scheduled to arrive back in America in two days, "

" So you want us to capture him? "

Overheat ask.

" Yes and I think Overheat, Terabyte, Zero and LockJaw shouldn't handle this mission, You guys should be enough "

" hell yeah, it's been about time I went on a mission "

Terabyte said.