Chapter 38

It's 10 in the night and the moon is out. The hospital hall was empty and April law on her bed watching TV. There was news and on the news they showed a lab that's on fire.

>> A Research Facility in Sector 13 was attacked last night at 1 pm. This is the 4th attack in the past month and the police nor the justice X have caught the perpetrators yet, The police hasn't released any information about the attackers but what we do know is that they go by the name of Misfits <<

Said the news reporter. A month has passed since Genesis and his allies have been going around destroying labs and other facilities. Nobody has manage to catch them so far and the Justice X is always one step behind. April on the other hand has been worrying about Genesis' safety. She looks at the wall where there was a crayon drawing of her and Genesis standing together.

" April hope he's doing okay "

She said as she thinking about him hugging her teddybear even tighter.

In the meantime

Genesis was standing in a corridor deflecting bullets while facing a group of guards who kept firing at him using assualts rifles. At his back was five children's ranging from 7 to 10 standing behind him. Genesis looked around at the scared little children and got irritated.

" Terabyte, remind me why I have to be the one to rescue these kids ? "

>> It's because, your a magnet for kids, children likes you so it should be fine <<

" Tch, don't patronize me "

Genesis slammed his hand on the wall beside him. A crack rushed through the wall unto the ceiling until it it reaches above the guards. Suddenly the ceiling broke and caved in on them. Genesis then turned his eyes to the children.

" Let's go "

The children followed him as he lead them out of the facility safely. Genesis got in the driver seat of the Black Mercedes G Wagon while the children got innthe passenger seat. He drives them to the Rondevu point terabyte told him and there waiting for him was some nuns.

These childrens was taken from the orphanage by researchers involved in the Cloning Project. They were used and test subjects and Genesis was given the task of rescuing them. Now the children are back safety with them.

" These children are back with us again thank you and God Bless you my child "

Said a nun to Genesis. He got irritated and walk back towards the the car.

" I don't need God's blessings ?"

Genesis turned around as a little girl hold into his hand.

" Thank you for rescuing us Mr "

The little said with a smile. Genesis was suprised bad he had a flashback of April's Face.

" Tch, whatever, let go now "

The children left with the nuns in a Caravan. Genesis looked at the children as they wave at him while the disappear into the distance . Genesis returned his head and look at the black BMW parked in the distance. He vanished then reappear on the bonnet and tore off the roof with with his bare hand. Genesis then point his gun at the two occupants inside the car for it was Kurt and Simon.

" Who the hell are you and what do you want? "

He ask and Kurt started to raise the white flag.

" Woah easy there I didn't come to fight, I just came to talk with you so now need for violence. I'm Agent Kurt and this is my Partner Agent Simon we are from Sector 12 Investigation Agency "

" SIA -12, What do you guys want? "

" Why don't you put the gun down so we can talk, what do you say ? "

Kurt said, then after a while of thinking Genesis puts his gun down and jumped off the bonnet of the car. Agent Kurt and Agent Simon got out the car.

" I'm busy so of you have something to say make it quick "

Genesis said.

" Your the one responsible for breaking in to labs and destroying them aren't you ? "

Kurt ask.

" Yes "

" Why? "

" I'm not obligated to tell you that but since your so interest I'll tell you this much. The government is creating clones of people and we are trying to stop them but me personally after the government "

Genesis said.

" I see, You're Genesis are you, the Top S Ranked Evolver "

" You've done your homework , I'm impressed "

" Yes, but all other information about you is deemed classified but enough about that, what I'm interested in the justice X "

" Tch, those bunch of do gooders "

" It seems you've met them, I've heard Ultimate is looking for you and too be honest I don't like that guy, I've worked my butt off to get where I am and for him to show up around me and asking questions"

" He's nothing but a puppet and the government is the one pulling his string. He still an A ranked so he can't come close to me "

" What's thats easy for you to say but for people like me it can me annoying so I propose a deal "

" A deal ?"

" If you help me help you and I help you help me, then we both win "

Kurt deal made Genesis burst into laughter.

" You're a funny guy but unfortunately, I'm not a fool, You want to get me to surrender so you can get a big promotion, sorry but that won't work "

Genesis got into the car and starts the engine.

" Before you go, I should warn you that whatever your doing it will come back to bite you in the long run. so Genesis I suggest to you once again turn yourselve in while you still have a change "

Said Kurt.

" I can handle myself so it's best you leave me a lone and go backroom you office duty because if I see you again, I'll will break your bones, I can promise you this much "

Genesis drives off leaving Kurt and Simon standing there.

" What do we do now? "

Simon ask.

" What can we do? We can't do anything. In his eyes we are no more specs of dust on the road. There is something that has me worried though. Simon that day at the party something scared you. what was It ?"

Kurt ask Simon remember what she saw and started to panic again.

" It was like something out if a nightmare. I don't every want to see that thing again "

She said.

" I see "

As Genesis drives his mind was running on something important so he picked up the phone and called Terabyte.

" Has the government made any war preparation yet? "

He ask.

>> No why ? <<

" Nothing, I'll hang up now "

Genesis hangs up his phone and started to think about something important. It's been over a month since he started attacking their labs and still nothing.

- Why hasn't the government made any moves yet ? They should have making war preparation by now and yet nothing... Are they waiting for something or maybe they are still planning and making preparations ? -

That was the question weighing on his mind.

" I'm probably overthinking it "

Suddenly he found himself thinking about April again.There is something stirring in his heart again and he still don't know the reason. However. he knows when he thinks about her it happens.

In the meantime.

Petra and Accelerate both got out of the hospital. Petra ask in the sunlight as she was still in the hospital for an entire month.

" Finally some fresh air, being cooped up in bed for a month is such pain "

She said,

" Well we have been been injured badly, thanks to thank to treatment we received we got out much sooner than expected "

" Huh, it seems that our ride is here "

Accelerate noticed the car parked up a head. Inside of the car was Kiva and Gordon who came to pick them up. Petra and Accelerate got in the car that drive off with them.

" Petra Accelerate, how are both of you? "

Kiva ask.

" I feel great, I'm all better now and back to full health can wait to get back into action. I'm going to get payback at Genesis for breaking my leg "

Petra said.

" Revenge isn't a good thing, best to let it go "

Gordon said.

" By the way, where is Ultimate ?"

Accelerate ask.

" He's currently with Wallis "

In the meantime Ultimate is in the lab with Wallis. He was around the computer using the sattelite feed to track down April and he manage to find her walking the streets with chelsea by her side.

" There she is Ultimate "

Said wallis.

" Thank you wallis, you've done great work "

" Are you sure about this Ultimate, Are you sure this will work, You are going against Generals Granger orders right now you could be reprimanded for this "

" Don't worry wallis, Trust me. There is no need to inform the others as well. I can take care of this on my own "

After that Ultimate decided to leave.