Chapter 41

The battle of five against one has started. The Justice X heroes are having a bit of a problem on their hand and that's trying to get pass Genesis Barrier. With the barrier ability of reflecting every attack they throw at him and there doesn't seem to be any openings.

" Damn, that barrier is so annoying "

Said petra as she shoots flame at Genesis but ended up roasting the ground around him.

" Awe, let down, I'm more dissapointed myself. Here I thought you guys would put up a challenge "

Genesis said, Kiva suddenly gathered a bunch of cars and piled them up around Genesis while Ultimate bend it them to create a ball around him. It was a futile attempt and a sign of desperation as Genesis blow it away with ease. There was broken down Traffic LightPole laying on the ground right in front of Genesis.

He placed his foot on it and use his ability to mold it into a thin blade that spin in the air over Genesis head like the propeller of a helicopter. The blade became superheated and He sends the fire spining blade flying at them. The first person it went for is Gordon who manage to dodge it but the building behind him was sliced across the front . The building lost its support and fell over like a tree.The ground tremble as the building collapse in the middle of the road.

" Oh no ! Look out "

Petra shouts as he saw the spining blade flying towards Kiva. She turned around and found it meters away from her body. Kiva didn't have time to react as she could do was watch it come towards her. Suddenly Kiva's life flashed before her eyes and her deceased daughter's smiling face is what she saw.

Out of nowhere she was saved by Ultimate who flew in and took her away before the Spining Blade couldn't reach her. He came right on time to save her from death. Kiva blushes as she looked at his face and was amazed by his bravery.

" T-Thanks for saving me "

" It's my duty to protect my friend, Now let's try to stop that thing "

" You mean you can't stop it? "

Kiva was suprised that he couldn't stop it. Ultimate has the power of Magnetism and the Spining Blade was made of metal.

" It's too hot, My magnetic powers won't work in it "

Ultimate said.

" Then we just have to cool it down "

Kiva used her Psychokinesis, to summon water from pipes and other places around her. While she was doing that Accelerate noticed that genesis was still standing and watching the fight

" Your focus on controlling that thing, which means your defense is now wide open "

Accelerate dashed at Genesis. As he got In close be raised his fist to punch at Genesis when suddenly he turned his gaze and look at Accelerate. He was suprised by this and withdraw his fist to run away. As Sccelerate runs Genesis was running beside him with his hands in his pocket.

" Your strategy was strike when my guard was down wasn't it but it's futile, You're not strong enough and your not fast enough.. Let me show you what true speed is "

Suddenly Genesis started leave multiple afterimages behind him. Accelerate was shocked to see that Genesis was faster than him.

- He faster that the speed of light, impossible-

Accelerate thought to himself. He noticed that all of the Afterimages came out him and punched him. He received a punch straight in the face and all over his body from Genesis. It was like he was punched by several Genesis at once and so he was send flying straight into the door of a truck. He looked up and genesis who was standing over him.

" H-how can you travel faster that the speed of light ?"

Accelerate ask.

" Tch, you can run at lightspeed speed, Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second and but I can control my velocity to go above it ..... Huh? "

Genesis turned around as he sensed the spining blade he had made before flying back at him. Accelerate quickly retreated away as the blade stuck in the large tank full of gas on the gas truck and exploded near Genesis.Ulimate and the others watch the flame at a distance. Soon Genesis walked out of the flame unscathed.

" This is getting really boring, so why don't we end this quickly ?"

He said.

" What are you planning to do ?"

Ulimate ask but Genesis didn't reply instead he put on a wide smile and raised his hand outwards. Suddenly the windmills that was rotating in clockwise direction started to rotate backward. Genesis started to gather the wind in his hand and compressing it. Suddenly the wind turned blue on color.

" What is he doing? "

Petra ask.

" He's using the wind to gather atom particles and heating it up. Damn it, We have to stop him. "

Ulimate said. Howeved it was too late by using electromagnetic force Genesis was able to compress and concentrate it into high velocity lazer beams . Ultimate quickly up a barrier to protected his allies. The atomic beams scattered around slicing building in two and cutting up the road leaving nothing but a trail of lava a small gap in the road

It was devastating attack especially for one person to control. The attack stopped and Genesis walked over to Ulimate and his allies that was on the ground but barely alive. Genesis grabbed until by his head force ultimate to look up at him.

" Look at all these people who live in this world ... These are people who go about their normal lives, The cloning technology was create to replace these people. It was created by the people your trying to defend from us..."

Genesis turned his head to Kiva

" Tell me, you were a mother weren't you, Tell me how would you feel knowing that your daughter who you once loved and cherish got replaced by a clone.. The world is an unfair place to get what you want you have to make the choice of disobeying it's rules. "

Genesis got angry as he look Ultimate in the eyes.

" The real heroes are the ones who put up with us Evolvers, The regular humans that are Police, Firefighter or PrimalTask... They don't have powers to protected themself and yet they risk their lives to fight is and clean up our mess. You guys aren't heroes just cheap imitation, You people make me Ill and I can see you suffering so let me put an end to your misery for you "

Genesis takes out a gun and points it at Ultimate head. Ultimate was too weak to resist because Genesis's last attack because him to use up all his strength to protect his friends.

" Don't do it ! "


Kiva and the others was too injured to even move but the cried at Genesis begging him not to kill Ulimate but he wasn't listen. As Genesis was about to pull the trigger a voiced called out.

" Wait "

It was Chelsea,She looked like she was running a very long distance by the way she's breath. After catch her breath she walked up to him.

" What are you doing here doctor ? "

Genesis ask.

" I should ask you the same thing. Put the gun down Genesis "

" I can't, I have to put an end to this nuisance "

" Put the gun down Genesis "

Chelsea said again, Genesis looked at her with cold eyes as he was very angry.

" Are you going to stand in my way? "

He ask with a deep tone.

" Yes, A thousand times if needed... Listen Genesis, You're my special patient and I won't give up on you, never.. I'll drag you out of the darkness if I have to.... "

She said as she got closer to him.

" Listen Genesis, Your a kid with a bright future, A future where I see You, me,April and all of us living peacefully together, laughing together and having a good time... But this gun is steering you away from that future "

She place her hand on genesis hand that was holding the gun.

" You're not a evil person at heart Genesis, You just had a horrible past but you can let your past decide your future.. Put the gun down Genesis and let's go home "

Her soft words was having a bit an effect on Genesis. He silently look at Ulimate and the gun in his hand. Genesis was wavering in his heart about what he is and what he's supposed to do. He's only a villain because he has committed crimes that makes him irredeemable. Chelsea manage to take the gun away from him and throw it away and everyone started to breath easy again except for Genesis was irritated.

" Tch, nosey woman "

Genesis said.

In the meantime.

In a dark lab there was the tapping of keyboards and on the monitor a program was being runned. On the screen was the world [ Encryption Unlock ]

" Sir I've finally broken through the Encryption code "

" The time has finally come, do it "

By the ordered of the man standing in background the person sitting at the computer pressed [ Enter ]