Chapter 43

Driving at a speed of 100 mph Kiva stepped on the gas pedal of the van she was driving. In the black was the others with genesis was unconscious.

" Tch all of his old injuries have been reopened and there is a lot of new ones too. This is bad, We have to reach the hospital as soon as possible "

Chelsea said as she used his ability to uses her ability to check Genesis brain and he grit her teeth looking at the damages he suffered. The ER Headphone genesis wore is now broken and crumbled to bits.

" Will he be okay ?"

April ask.

" Let's hope so dear "

Chelsea said. Suddenly Kiva started to slow down. Blocking the road in front of them was a group of military official including General Granger. Ultimate and the others was surprised when they saw him. They got out of the van and greeted him.

" General Granger, what are you doing here? "

Ultimate ask.

" Good work soldier you manage to stop the S ranked rampage Rest now we'll take care of it from here. Go "

General Granger to his soliders to take Genesis. Two of them open the back of the van and point gun at Chelsea and April and ordered them to get out of them van and they did, with their hand in the air.

" We'll take him back to the base "

Granger said.

" But sir, Genesis is badly injured and his life is in critical condition, He needs to be take to the hospital "

" This is an order soilder ! "

They two men went into the front if the van while Genesis was still in the back.They started the van and stepped on the gas pedal. Suddenly they found something was off, the van wasn't moving no matter how much the step on the gas pedal. Ultimate was the one doing it, he was stopping the van from moving. General Granger noticed this and got very angry at Ultimate.

" What do you think your doing, are you disobeying my direct order ? "

" I'm sorry sir but this boy need to be taken to a hospital for medical treatment and I won't allow you to take him back to the base "

" Your making a huge mistake here Moses, stop what your doing this is an absolute order from your superior "

General Granger shouts. Ultimate started to remember something the times when Genesis said he was nothing but pawn of the government and the military. Genesis words opened his eyes and Ulimate smiled.

"He's right, I'm no hero but like this and so I've decided that I'm no longer apart of the military anymore.. This time I choose my own path, I was suspended before, now I'm quitting the Justice "

Ultimate said. Kiva and the others was surprised by his words when Kiva said the same thing.

" I'm quitting as well "

She said, soon gordon, then Petra, Then Accelerate.

" I'm quitting the Justice X is well and going back to Cheston Academy "

He said.

General Granger started panicking not because they quit but now 5 very powerful individual are standing against him.

" Now General, Call off your men before I do something I might regret later "

Ultimate said as he looked at General Granger with cold eyes.

" RRRRRRR, You'll regret this Ultimate "

General Granger called off his men and left. Chelsea and the other returned to the van and drive back to sector 12 back to the hospital. Chelsea rushed Genesis into the Operation Room while April, Ultimate and the others waited outside.

The surgery became and Chelsea was the lead surgeon. She was operating on Genesis with the bed of her abilities. Under her mask she was gritting hee teeth and her face was sweating continue. Suddenly the machine started alarming and the doctor rushed around.

" Dr The patient is going into cardiac Arrest ! "

" Damn it "

Chelsea started use her abilities and continue to to operate.

- Come on Genesis, don't give up her, Your the world's strongest villain, your much stronger than that -

She thought to herself. After 9 hours of surgery the door open and Dr Chelsea walk out. April rushes up to her with a smile on her face.

" How is he, will he be okay.. Huh? "

Aprils smile turned upside when she saw Chelsea sad face.

" How is he doctor? "

Kiva ask.

" The good news that the operation is a success "

Chelsea said, April started smiling again but the doctor was still depressed.

" And the bad news? "

Gordon ask.

" The bad news is that we did a MRI scan on Genesis brain and it's badly damaged. The shock he suffered massive haemorrhage of the brain . This time I don't think he won't get off that easily. He may not speak, walk or even move again and the worst part is, He may never use his ability again "

The news shocked everyone but April was even more shocked.

" Nooo! "

She rushed pass Chelsea and went into the room where Genesis is. His head was, lying there in a coma and fighting for his life. April starting crying and she pulled his arm.

"No you can't leave April here, Get up, Get up.....Don't leave April behind waaaaaaaaaaaahh "

" No April, you have to leave him "

Chelsea said but April continue to cry as he hold unto Genesis hand and didn't want to leave his side. Ultimate was the one carried april away but she didn't want to leave his side. After two hours of crying continuously April left asleep while Chelsea and the others was outside.

" I know he was cruel but he didn't deserve this "

Accelerate said.

" What ?! I though you hated him ?"

Petra ask.

" I don't hate him, that's a lie, I do hate him he kills people without batting an eye but I finally know why he's doing it, It's to protect that little girl but still he didn't deserve this "

" It's all gone now and so We can't worry about the past "

Gordon said.

" Ha, Genesis is not going to be happy about them when he wakes, He's going flip out when he walks up "

Chelsea rubs her head and stresses about the situation. Running down the corridor was Veronica with a worried look on her face and Irene trying to keep up with Veronica.

" I came here as fast as I could, How is he ? will he be alright ? "

Veronica ask.

Chelsea soon explain the situation to Veronica seeing she was aslo close to Genesis. For the entire time Veronica covered her mouth with both hands.

" No, this can't be happening "

Veronica holds both shoulder while trembling with here.

" Can I see him? "

" You can but you'll have to do that in the morning "

Chelsea said, Veronica then wiped her tears with a smile on her face.

" It's fine, I'll wait here then "

" But miss, You have a business trip in the morning "

" Cancel it Irene, this is more important, Genesis was there for me when I need his help, it's my turn to be there when he needs me "

Veronica said, Irene understand what her boss is doing and smiled knowing that she will support the one she loves. Veronica then turned her head to Ultimate who walked to her.

" I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise to you, Please forgive me "

He said.

" D-don't worry about it, I should be the one to apologize for making such a request, I'm glad that's it's all over now, all we have to is pray that Genesis makes a full recovery "

Veronica said

Later that night while Genesis was in his bed sleeping. The window opened and a rush of cold air came in. Laying on the bed beside him was Nightshade.

" Oh my poor baby, Look what they did to you, I'm sorry I didn't got there in time "

After Genesis left she rode back to the city to fight by Genesis side. By the time she got there the city was destroyed and the fight was over and genesis on the ground wailing in pain. Nightshade who was hiding wanted to grab him and take him away but when she overheard what Chelsea was talking about she changed her mind

Nightshade was watching everything from the moment he went berserk to the moment he was taken away. She wanted to snatch him away when the general arrived but she didn't. Nightshade gently rubs Genesis face with her hand.

" I wasn't there for you and I only have myself to blame so wake up, Punish wake and me please My Love. Don't worry I will always be by yourself and protect you,I will stay by yourside until the day you can rise again and rule over this world as its rightful master because your Genesis who stands at the top and the man to whom my heart belongs "

She gave Genesis a long hard kiss on his lips. After she kissed him she lay down with her head on his pillow and rub her hand up and down his chest.