Chapter 45

3 months later

Chelsea and Nurse June both were in Genesis room. It's been three whole months and he is still in a coma fighting for his life. Chelsea open his eye and shine her flash light in it and his pupils shrinked.

" Everything is normal so far, I guess you could call that a win "

She said.

" Yeah but still it's been three whole months "

"Yes, A lot of things happened within these 3 months that I'm sure Genesis won't be pleased about when he wakes up "

The door opened and April walked in. Her long pink hair was loose and she was in a pink dress with white hearts and cute little slippers. On her hair was a pretty white teddybear hairpin. She was wearing her adorable smile while sparkling.

" Oh April, I see you got a new dress and hairpin. Who gave you this new look "

" Yep, June took April out and she bought the dress for her "

April said, Chelsea turned around and look at June with red eyes.

" June, have you been sneaking out of work again "

" She needed a dress and so I went out and bought one for her "

June replied while sweating heavily. She received two punched to the head from Chelsea.

" That's coming out of your paycheck "

" Awe, can't you show me a little mercy "

Soon after April sat at Genesis side again and hold his hand as she has been doing for the past three months. Her eyes was filled with hope for his recovery and this warmed Chelsea heart.

- Genesis, how long are you going to keep this poor girl waiting? -

Chelsea ask.

After Chelsea and June left April sat by Genesis side watching a commercial on ice cream. She was drooling over the new chocolate ice-cream. April suddenly found her self getting sleepy and she yawned then rest her head on the bed. While she was sleeping Genesis' hand clenched around her again. Suddenly, his eyes slowly open up and he looked at the ceiling.

- Where am I ? The hospital? -

Genesis turned his head to April who was still sleeping beside him. He tried to move and got the shock of his life.

- I can't move ! And I can't talk, What the hell is going on? -

He tried to move his hand but he barley got any movement out of them. Genesis tried moving his leg but they were none responsive. He grit his teeth and tried to move with all his strength but nothing is moving.Genesis started to panick as he realized that he is now disabled. April woke up and rubbed her eyes, She noticed that Genesis eyes was open and he was looming directly looking at her.

" You're awake ? Gasp ?! "

April hugged him tightly and crying on his chest.

" Waaaaaaah April was so worried, she promised that she would be here when you want up she ended up falling a sleep "

April cried as she looked at Genesis but at the time he realized something else was wrong.

- Her mouth is moving but I can't hear a word she's saying, What the hell happened to me?! -

He thought to himself. A Nurse rushed in as fast as she could the moment she heard April's crying. She saw that Genesis was awake and quickly rushed Dr Chelsea office. When she entered Dr Chelsea was on her phone discussing with someone.

" Dr Chelsea ! Dr Chelsea ! "

" What now ?! can't you see I'm on the phone ?! "

" The patient in room 403 has woken up "

The nurse shouts. Chelsea was shocked and she rushed over to 403. After she went in she saw that Genesis was awake from his 3 months coma.

" He's really awake "

Chelsea ran some test on him to make sure that he was responsive. After that she placed some disc on his forehead, At the side of his heads and on his throat and after that she turned them on with a switch. These was a high pitched sound again and Genesis felt a jolt of pain.

" Bare with it, It's to help you return a bit of mobility in your arms while the others help with hearing and talking for a bit. Now can you hear what I'm saying "

Genesis shook his head. Chelsea turned the knob again and this time Genesis was hearing sound from the earpiece but it was echoing.

" Can you hear me? "

Chelsea ask and he gave a response by nodding his head twice. Chelsea took up another controller and turned it only, this one is to check if he could speak. After she asking him to talk, Genesis opened his mouth and starts taking but no words was coming out, only a bad frequency. Chelsea adjusted it again and after finding the right Frequency Genesis started talking again.

" What am I doing here? "

He ask, April and the others was happy to hear his voice again.

" Answer me, what am I doing here and why am I vegetated state? "

Genesis ask with a serious tone of voice. Chelsea used this opportunity to explain the situation from start to finish.

" You suffered a shock to the brain, we don't know how it happened but after that you fell unconscious and we brought you here, Genesis your nervous system has been severely damaged, and you've been in a coma for 3 months You won't be able to speak, hear ,walk or even use your abilities again"

Chelsea explain, intentionally leaving out the part where Genesis went berserk and his powers went haywire. He looked at her silently and look up at the ceiling. He tried his best to sit up on the bed, Chelsea and Nurse June had to be the one to help him up.

" I see, So I'm no longer the world strongest "

He said and everyone was suprised including Chelsea

" You're taking this news rather easily "

Genesis started laughing, he kept laughing and laughing and his laughter was scaring Chelsea and April.

" Easy you say, Is this what you what you wanted wasn't it?! "

" What are you talking about? "

" You sure as hell know what i know I'm talking about, You're all happy that I'm like this, This world strongest Evolver being reduced to this state, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED WASNT IT GO AHEAD GET YOUR FILL OF LAUGHTER and you "

Genesis looked at April with his cold eyes.

" This is all your fault, Every since you showed up I my life there has been nothing but problem and now like this after cleaning up a mess that you and that B*tch Raphaela left behind...I hate you.. no... I despise you to no end.. "

Genesis said he looked at her intensely. April started to cry because his words. Chelsea got furious and she slapped him in his face.

" You Ungrateful Child ! What gave you the right to speak to her that way, You think this is all her fault and because you said those word, Well I should tell you while you we're in a coma she has been by yourside and she hasn't left not even for a day, I know your upset but have a little gratitude You may not see it but she's the best thing that has every happen to you "

Chelsea shout.

" The best thing you say ?! I'm here stuck in a hospital bed, I can't move, talk or hear with these things strap to my skull.You have no right to lecture me... Get out ! ALL OF YOU GET OUUUUUT ! "

Genesis shouted as his face was filled with anger. Soon after they all looked him alone, April continue to cry and Chelsea comforted her.

" Don't worry about him, He doesn't know who lucky he is to have you.. So stop crying now, Why don't you go and get some rest "

She said.

" Will he be okay? "

April ask while drying her tears.

" Hell be fine, I'm make sure of it, Go on "

After Chelsea comfort her april went to her room. She released a sigh and turned to Nurse June.

" He acted just as I predicted, I knew he wouldn't take the news well "

" But if you knew, why did you slap him? "

" Because I felt like it, Damn it, He's such a pain. How could 1 person have that much hatred in their heart and I think it's about to get worst "

Chelsea said.

In the meantime.

Genesis sat alone in the dark room. He noticed the TV remote on the bed beside and he takes it up. Genesis tried to turn on the TV but his fingers was so numb, he was having a hard time holding it.

" Damn it! "

" Allow me "

A hand gently hold his, He got the smell of flowers and quickly turned hie gaze toward Nightshade who appeared in the room beside him.

" It's good to see you again my love "

" You disgusting b*tch who are you"

" D-Don't you remember, I'm Deadly Nightshade "

"......Oh it's you "

" Fufufufu, It's good to see that fire in your eyes once more.. A lot of things have happened since you went into a coma my love "

" What kind of things? "

" Fufufu, Are you sure you want to find out? "

" Spit it out! "

Nightshade turned on the television and there was a news on. Seeing the headlines Genesis was shocked. On the news was Discharge waving at the crowd and shaking hand with the president.

>> The United States of America now as a New S ranked Evolver. Discharge will now stand at the top of the world as it Strongest S ranked <<

Said the news reporter.

Genesis face went from expressionless to fill with anger.