Chapter 53

After Genesis got dressed, he decided to do some research on the computer. He typed in [ Power Restoration For Evolver ] on Google and found many results. Scientist in China are working on a Serum to restore Evolvers lost powers, A drug that could turn regular people into Evolvers.

Genesis wasn't please with some of these results because he knew they are fakes. He continued to do his research until April got up. She was all dressed in a white hooded sweater that covered her body.

" What are you doing? "

She ask looking closely at what he's doing. She kept walking around him because of that April is starting to bug her.

" I'm doing research, go bother someone else "

" April wants icecream "

" I'm doing something, can't you see ?! "

Genesis shouts, April continue to look at him as he did his research. Soon she got very bored in watching so she decided to out and by icecream herself.

" April's is heading out byyyye "

She waved at him as she left. Genesis continue to do his research. 2 hours later he decided to give up because nothing was giving him the answers he was looking for. Genesis noticed that April hasn't returned yet and started to get a little worried about April. He looked at his phone and noticed a text from her.

[ Taking a bus into town to the Ice parlor, Going to buy yummy ice-cream and I'll bring some for you, hope you like vanilla ]

Seeing the message Genesis got irritated and take up his crutch.

" That annoying little brat wait till I find her "

He left the house and decided to look got her.

In the meantime.

April got off the bus in front of the iceccream parlor. She was very excited and accidentally bumped into a girl on her way in.

" April's sorry "

" It's okay don't worry about it "

That girl was terabyte and after April left she suddenly realized something.

- Wait ! isn't that the little girl who's always with Genesis? -

Terabyte thought to herself, She decided to use this opportunity to approach April who had already taken her seat and places her order.

" Hey, can I join you? "

Terabyte ask.

" No at all , April's happy to eat with someone "

" You're April aren't you ? "

" You know who April is ?"

" Yeah, I've heard a lot of about you, I'm one of Genesis' close friends "

" Close friends huh, How close? "

April ask looking at Terabyte intense . Terabyte was bit frightened by the gaze the little girl was given her.

" We used to be comrades, we aren't intimate or anything like that "

" Hmmmmmm "

April continue to give Terabyte inquisitive look and moments later her mood brightened.

" Okay April believes you "

- This kid, why is she acting so jealous. Oh I get it, so she is really Genesis little waifu, this is too good -

Terabyte smiled and think to herself as she looks at April. The waiter brought the icecream parfait for April, She ate the ice cream with a smile in her face. Terabyte on the other hand continue to observe April and she found her very interesting.

" How long have you know Genesis? "

She ask.

" April met him more than a year ago, She's was created inside a incubator pod, She's a clone of Dr Raphaela but she was released from the pod early she looks small "

" So I've heard from Genesis and from what I've seen you're a pretty nice girl, you're Super adorable, makes me wonder why you care about a guy like Genesis "

" He had a rough past April has the memories of Raphaela so she knows "

April started think the past, She could see Dr Raphaela patting the head of the 12 year old Genesis with a smile on her face. The way Raphaela rubbed Genesis on his head to the way she used to hug him. April could feel everything as of she has been there with him.

" April just want to take care of him so he doesn't have to get hurt anymore but even when April is around she end up causing trouble for him "

April clinched her sweater tightly as she remembers in the past, how he was hospitalized and what he said to her " I despise you " those were the words he said to her and until this day it still hurts her feeling.

" April is worried about that he might go away and leave her behind "

" Yeah, I don't think he'll do that "

Terabyte saids.

" You're a good girl and it's obvious that you care about him deeply "

Suddenly April cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

" Well april ugh "

" It's okay, you don't have to tell me and I'm pretty sure Genesis cares about you, it may not show but he does. I'll let you on to a little secret, Did you know that the reason Genesis has been fighting is because of you "

Terabyte ask while waving around her lollipop.

" April knows he said that he was cleaning up a messing she caused "

" Well that's a little, Genesis has been fighting because he wants to protect. Think about it, as Genesis ever treat other the same way he treats you. The guy cares about you he's just too bonehead to confess in fact I bet he's looking for you right now "

Terabyte said and she was right.

In the meantime.

Genesis walks around looking for April, showing pictures to people of her and asking if they've seen her but none of them have a yes. Genesis was very irritated as he continued to walk up to the Ice cream.

" Tch, making me come all this way to find her just you wait "

He continued to walk around until he saw April walking out of the ice-cream parlour with a terabyte.


Genesis shouts. April saw him and smile with happiness, she ran up to him happy.

" Here "

She raise her hand as she continues to giggle with joy because she was very excited to see him. Genesis was still furious so he flicked her on the forehead.

" Hey, what are you doing? "

" You annoying little runt, running on your own like that and had to make me come all the way down here to get you "

" April's sorry "

She apologized while generating puppy dog eyes to encourage greater leniency but Genesis wasn't buying it.

" Save it, dont even think those eyes will work on me "

" Yo Genesis, you're looking well "

Terabyte called out to him and inside of greeting her Genesis pulled out a gun and points it directly at her head. The crowd panicked when saw this and immediately scattered in all direction but Terabyte remained unfazed.

" You know I should kill you right here and now, You've got a lot of nerve showing yourself to me damn traitorous b*tch "

" Come Genesis, you arent the only one who was betrayed, After you went bonkers and destroy the city Generals Granger men stormed the hideout. We are all wanted criminal right now, it's not like we could drop by the hospital and bring roses "

Terabyte said.

" Tch, I didn't want you guys showing up anyway "

Genesis put his gun down.

" So what happened to the others? "

" Let's go somewhere private to talk "

Terabyte had a Blue Mclaren parked nearby. The three of them drove to the park at the top of the hill to talk while April was sitting on the bench eating a lollipop.

" When did you got out of the hospital? "

Terabyte ask.

" Yesterday. So where are the others? "

" Well, after the army stormed the place we ended up seperating but we still remained in touch. I'm still traveling around with LockJaw hacking banks and inventing new stuff, Purshion is on the streets she's probably stealing fish again , Zero went back to his family and Overheat decided to joining UFT saying something about wanting to become the world champion "

" I see so everyone on their own again, figures "

" I heard you lost your powers, It must be rough on you walking around with a forearm crutch "

" Tch, It's only temporary setback , I will regain my powers and when I do I'm going straight for discharge "

" I hear you the guys used us as pawns amd we didn't even noticed it. Even I would want to kill him but I can't right now "

" I don't want you interfering, this revenge is mine and mine alone, anyone who interfere will have hell to pay "

Genesis said clenching the handle on his crutch tighter.

" I figured you wouldn't want us standing in our way. Well the misfit may have been created as a part of some plan but your still one of us anyways so we won't stay apart for too long ..after all we are criminals but Genesis do you have a way to regain your lost powers, No one has invent a drug capable of doing that"

Terabyte said.

" You shouldn't be concerned about me. I'm not giving up that easy, I will rise again "