Chapter 78

On the roof of another skyscraper, the streets are still being dominated by the androids and the heroes fight together to defend their city. Raphaela, Terabyte, Overheat, Lockjaw, Zero, Purshion, Nightshade, Ultimate, Kiva And Gordon was gathered together only Genesis was far away from the crowd. He remained silent as he stood at the edge of the building looking out. It was very obvious to everyone that he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

" What happens now? "

Kiva ask.

" We don't know, Genesis was supposed to kill raphaela and everyone but something happened. Even we don't know the answer to it but we still have to come up with a plan, Dark Neptune is still alive and she still has the advantage over all of us "

Terabyte explain.

" We have to do it fast because we don't have enough time. Dr Raphaela, My name is... "

" Oh I know everything about you, I know everything about all of you, so no introductiom need hehehehe "

Raphaela said.

" Can you tell us a little more about what happened? "

Kiva asked Artemis and Artemis explain everything to her.

" Dark Neptune has taken over April's body and in order to stop her from launching missiles to kill millions of people Genesis had to make the sacrifice of killing April and save all those people. However, April was nothing but a puppet used to get Genesis angry enough want to kill Raphaela."

She explained, they looked at Genesis once again.

" This was repeated over and over for millions of times. However, it's not clear how all of this repeating process began but this time things have changed because Genesis hasn't killed Raphaela "

Terabyte said

Kiva walks over to Raphaela and check her. She caress the little girls cheek and couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

" How could something like this happened, A poor innocent child had to die for no reason, This is really and unfair world "

Ultimate used this opportunity to approach Genesis.

" Genesis, I'm sorry for your lost, I know how it feels to loose someone close to you but for that person who have to keep fighting so this would never happen again "

He said.

Genesis didn't answer him, the place was so silent you could hear the sound of the wind blowing by. They all waited for him to respond but in the end he didn't say anything.

" Genesis "

Ultimate called out again and this time Genesis replied back in a soft voice.

"....what's the point, it's all over, we have lost they have won... There is no use fighting more, it's pointless "

" So you're just going to give up after coming this far, There are still people out there who need our help and we need yours, Are you going to sit back and let them die "

".....Yes "

" Well I'm not giving up, i will keep on fighting and I'm sure April would want you to keep fighting "

Ultimate place his hand on Genesis shoulder.

" She didn't give up on you, so you shouldn't give up on yours, Lend us your strength so we can make this world a better place "

Ultimate and the others waited for Genesis to give his response. Suddenly Raphaela burst into laughter and the others was confused as to why she's laughing

" Hahahahah you guys are so silly, why are you all talking like April's dead, she's still alive right now "

" Eh? "

" Huh ?!"

" What?! "

" No freaking way?! "

Everyone was shocked when Raphaela said this. Even Genesis was a bit shocked in hearing this but he didn't look around.

" Well the truth is, April is still alive because I've built a Back up Index Network. A couple of years ago before April was released from the incubator I got this strange signal out of nowhere, I was able to translate the signal and found that it was a message from my future self, I guess after a million phone calls I was FINALLY able to pick up hehehehe. Anyways I found out what was going to happened and was able to create a back up "

Raphaela casually laughed it.

" Why didn't you say so sooner?! "

Terabyte shouts at her.

" I guess I forgot about it completely, clumsy me "

" So where is this Back up Network ?"

Kiva ask.

" Hehehehehehehe, it's right there on GG's wrist "

Raphaela points out and everyone looked at the bracelet in his wrist. Suddenly the tiger on it glowed and a small white ball the size of a pill floated out of it.

" Wait, I thought april made this ? "

Terabyte ask while looking at the small lighy

" She didn't, I was, I made it and gave it to April for safe keeping but I ended up completely forgetting about it so April didn't have that data in her memory "

" So you're saying that you sorta erased your own memory of creating it and is just remembering about it ? "

Nightshade ask

" Hehehehe who knew she would give it to GG as a gift, Don't worry once the back up network is still she will have all of her memory other than after she was taken over "

The light went inside April's mouth and raphaela placed her hand on April's body. Suddenly April's body glowed white as circuit runs all over her . Minutes later she slowly opens her eyes and everyone was shocked. April looked around confused as to where she is and why they are looking her like this.

" Welcome back April "

" Oh, it's the original, What is April doing here, Waaaaaaah the ghost ? "

April got frightened, all she remembers is being in that haunted house with Genesis and being a very deep sleep.

" Hehehehe, worry about that later, first there is something who missed you so much "

Raphaela said,

April look at Genesis who still had his back turned to everyone. She runs over to him and hugged him from behind while crying on his back.

" Waaaaaaah April though she would never see you again "

It was a very emotional moment and no one wanted to interrupt it. Genesis could feel her hands around his waist and aslo hear her voice. Without turned around he placed his hand on her head.

" It's good to see you again kid "

He said with a soft voice, April wiped her tears away and hold his hand. Genesis could feel the warmth in her hand and he was having that feeling inside him again as if the whole in his heart has been refilled. Hold her hand automatically and soon realized this. Genesis heart is warm and at peace again he looks at April and she was smiling happily again.

In outer space.

Dark Neptune is in the sattelite looks closely april. She couldn't comprehend the situations as that wasn't supposed to have happened. She was listening into the conversation of Raphaela this whole time

<< No, This is impossible, How could something so small have such a major affect on time... No.. Noooooooo.. Destroyed them, Destroy Them All >>

She gave her command to all of the Android who immobilized and aim for Genesis and the others. The Warships main cannon was armed and ready to fire.

" It's looks like they are finally going all out "

Terabyte said.

" Then we will strike back with everything we've got, what do you say Genesis? "

Ulimate ask.

Genesis was silent once again and after much consideration he smiled sadistically with glowing skyblue eyes. Suddenly his headphones went up to 7, his hair changed color and his wings appeared again

" Time for payback "

He said.

Everyone got ready for battle by releasing their true powers. It was the time to fight back and be humanities. They take off to the battlefield to fight with everything they've got.

Nightshade takes off to the battlefield riding on the back of a viscous and carnivorous plant. The plant stretches it's vined out to grab them and throw them in its mouth filled with acid. Nightshade laughed seductively as she watches them melt away into nothing.

" You may my stronger than titanium but if it's for the man I love I'll destroy anything that stands in way Fufufufufu "

She continued roaming the streets devouring Android. Purshion was aslo in the streets hiding behind a car, She whistles once and called for am army of animals and bird, some of which were free from zoos.

" Attaaaack "

She gave her command and told the tigers, lions, gorillas to attack.

" Wait are you talking ?! you can talk ?! "

Overheats ask.

" Of course I can, do you think I'm stupid? "

" Yes but since everyone is going all out then so am I "

Overheat release an explosion of heat that changes color from orange to blue.

" What do you think pretty badass right ? I can only maintain this power for 20 minutes but it still enough to do some damage "

Overheat shoots blue flame at the Android and within minutes they turned into a pile of steaming hot piles of molten metal on the ground. Terabyte and LockJaw was walking through the battlefield together, She was on her tablet while lockjaw is protecting her.

" Now much more time do you need ?"

He ask.

" Just give me a few more minutes it will be ready soon enough "

After a few more minutes of waiting a blue maclaren drives through the battlefield on it's own and came to a stop before her. Terabyte got in the from seat and pressed a button in the glove box.

" I may not have the power the laws of physics like Genesis or to manipulate technology like Dr Raphaela but I still have my skills as an inventor "

The cars entire body separate and began to reforge itself like a transformer until it became a humanoid female mecha with Terabyte inside of it acting as its pilot.

" What do you think? "

She ask LockJaw and he just keeps looking at the large bust of the robot.

" It's....a... Major improvement "

" Hey keep your eye up here!, anyways not need to hold back LockJaw "

Terabyte said and a helmet closed over her head and she takes off into the air. LockJaw adhere to her command and removed his white robe. His body was filled with holes with chains dangling out from these holes. He used the chain to push himself up in the high into the air and release all of his chains that covered a large distance. The jaws at the end of the chain bit the Android one after the other and when they would attack him the jaws huddled close together to form a shield.

Terabyte flies through the air in her Mecha shooting Android with Gatling protruding from her wrist and to defend against the attack of the Androids she block with a shield strong enough and made from the body of the androids. Terabyte then takes a gun from all the back of her mecha and fire that the Android while defending.

" Have a load of this "

A missile was fired from the knee of her Mecha and it bombed ten Android at once. Terabyte looks at Genesis and the others that was still on the roof of the same building.

" What are they doing? "

She ask herself.

Standing on the roof was Genesis, Ultimate, Kiva, Gordon, Raphaela, Artemis and April. The large warship in the sky had armed it's weapon ready to fire.

" We have to take down ship, Genesis,Artemis, Kiva and I will handle it while the rest if you will handle the troops on the ground "

Ultimate said.

" Tch, I agreed to help you take that down and now your making Demands, I feel like a cheap villain "

Genesis said, Gordon then turned to Raphaela.

" Dr Raphaela I'm going to need to ask you to do something for me "

" Go on "

" Can you make some weapons suitable for me ?"

" There is no use asking her for weapons. She doesn't make them for anybody but herself"

Genesis said he then turned his gaze at the ship as it fired a powerful beam at them. He casually stepped off the ledge and walked in the air towards the beam. As the beam got closer he smiled and kicked the beam into the sky.


The beam was powerful enough to level the city for miles and yet he kicked it away like it was nothing. Everyone on the roof look in awe as the beam open up a hole in the sky. Genesis turned around and look at April.

" Stay there and don't move "

" Kaaay, April will be here waiting for you "

Genesis Kiva, Ultimate and Artemis flew up to the ship dodging the beams fired from the ship while April and Raphaela remained on roof. They managed to infiltrate the ship once again by blowing a hole in the side of the it. As they walk down the corridor Android kept shooting at him aimlessly.

Kiva used her psychokinesis to control all of the them and throw them off the ship. More sets of Android appeared until they manage to break into the control room. Inside was the Android who took Raphaela at first.

<< Insolent lower lifeforms, how far you enter this chamber without our permission >>

" We didn't come here to make small talks with you, Call your forces off right now "

Ulimate said

<< You're not in any position to make any demands >>

Said the face that popped up in the monitor, It is a red haired version of MII and she has a sadistic look on her face.

" Dark Neptune, Stop what your doing "

Heading Ultimate said this Genesis felt repulsed.

- Using these cheap pick up line as expected of a cheap *ss hero -

Dark Neptune laughed at Ulimate

<< Hahahaha, you can't stop me nor hope to stop me, I have a superior mind compared to human, Howver >>

She looks at Genesis.

<< Don't think that miscalculation has given you the upper hand, I'm still one step ahead of you >>

Suddenly a shadow with red eyes attack Genesis from behind and without looking around he smiled and use his wing to block a sword. Genesis laughed and he looks around at Artemis who attacked him, Her eyes was red and she wasn't talking with her own voice .

" I had a feeling that you might made a sudden move on this one "

<< Fu >>

" What's the meaning of this Artemis ?"

Ultimate ask.

" She's been taken over by her creator fufufufu, all of you might want to hang on "

Genesis punched the floor of the ship and caused a powerful vibration through the floor. Suddenly explosions occurred all over the ship and soon it tilted and starts to fall from the sky and crashed into a open field.

" Hahahahahahah "

Genesis flies out if the ship and Artemis came after him. She digitally materialize a weapon and fired it at genesis. The beam passed his face and ended up grazing his cheek, Genesis was suprised when he noticed the wound on his cheek and smiled.

-so she's using my powers against me again Fufufufufu -

" Fine, if you want to play a villain LET'S SEE WHICH ONE OF US IS WORST "

Genesis hold out his hand and by generating a warm and cold temperatures he was able to create a Thunderstorm. Genesis laughed loudly as lighting flash from the sky. Artemis attacks him and she was struck by lightning but the was deflected away.

<< Your desperate attempt are futile, they won't work against the powers of physics manipulation>>

She moved to closed and closer with the intention to kill him. Genesis continue to smile and he was assured of his victory. He casually flick something at Artemis that punctured her chest.

<< What, But how? >>

" Dark Ore, a little present I picked up about in the Antarctica. I thought it might come in handy but you seem to be shocked, why? Did anger cloud your judgement Hahahahaha "

Genesis had the Dark Ore in his pocket all this time and even he almost forgotten about it. Dark Neptune most likely didn't pay attention to that because she has been affected by human emotions and humans sometimes forget something important for something more important.

" That's checkmate "

He said confidently.