First day as a sorcerer 1

Note: This story is taken in a different universe whereas the United States is called Dayland instead. The country where Dan lives is called Icade (pronounced aikæd) which is Texas. I'll be adding a few notes for location placements.

It was Sunday and Dan was moving to the school, Core Intelligence High, or Core Intel for short, in Hursh (what was Florida). He brought two suitcases with him, packed with clothes. His mom took him to the airport at about 5 AM, it was a quick thirty-minute drive. Dan's flight was at 7.30 AM, he had about two hours left. He was on the same flight with Sam.

Dan's mom and Sam's family accompanied Dan and Sam all the way to the terminal. It was time for their flight and they said goodbye to each other.

"Bye mom, see you whenever I get the chance to see you again." Dan said

"Yeah, love you." She said

"Love you, too."

"Hey, promise me something?" She requested


"Make friends, okay?" She said

"That's a tough request." Dan replied, sarcastically

"Hey, I'm serious. You're gonna need help in being a sorcerer. I should know." She said based off of something in her past

"Wait... What do you mean?" Dan realized something

"No time, we'll miss our flight." Sam said

"Bye Dan, Bye Sam. Take care!" Dan and Sam's mom yelled

"We will, Mom, Ms. Fash!" Sam replied

Sam pulls Dan away. Dragging him away.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Dan wondered

The two went on the plane and flew to Hursh, they arrived in one and a half hours. Leaving the airport they were thinking of grabbing a taxi or by train. Hursh is famous for its electric speed trains that can get to all around the country within 30 minutes or less—like a pizza delivery service. But instead, they met an unexpected man waiting to pick them up. He was wearing a bright grey samue with matching male harem pants. He was holding a sign that said 'Daniel Fash & Sam Merrickson'.

Dan and Sam looked at each other

"Who's he?" Sam asks

"I dunno."

The two approached the mysterious man with no thought in mind.

"Hey, you two!" The mysterious man said while waving

"Hey." Dan waved back

"My name's Hinora Kai, your homeroom teacher." He introduced

"Oh, you're here to pick us up?" Dan ask

"Dark sorcerers and Core users enrolling in Core Intel are rare. So I'd like to see the real thing for myself." Kai replied

"How thoughtful." Dan whispered

"I know. Anyways let's go to the school now."

"Okay, where'd you park?" Sam ask

"I don't have a car." Kai stated

"Are we walking there?"

"Yes. Now hold your luggage."

Dan and Sam gripped their luggage tightly. Kai raised both his hands and tapped Dan and Sam's shoulders and they became a bright flash of white and disappeared. They reappeared in a hallway.

Twelve doors in that short straight hallway, six on the right and six on the left. On the doors were copper nameplates. On the right, it spelled 'Fash', and on the left spelled 'Merrickson'.

"You guys had time to get a nameplate for the doors?" Dan commented

"It took about 5 minutes to do." Kai replied

"Are we not gonna talk about that we just teleported?!" Sam freaking out

"You'll get used to it if your partner's a light core." Kai replied

Kai then unlocked both doors in half a second. He didn't move out of sight but both doors were unlocked and opened. Dan was skeptical. He entered his dorm room and placed his suitcases on the edge of his bed. In the room were a bed, a desk, an office chair, and a closet. The floor was carpeted and the bed was medium, preferable by Dan.

"You'll unpack later after class." Kai said

"There're classes on Sunday?" Dan asks

"It's only an orientation. Test out your skills and partner up for up coming missions." Kai reiterates

"Partner up? Fuck." Dan whispered under his breath

"It's not that bad. I'll match you with someone on par with you." Kai heard it

"He heard that?" Dan does it again

"I heard that too."

Dan left his room and rejoined Kai. Sam also joined them.

Kai then walks the two of them to the elevator. Kai pressed the button and it opened, the two enters before Kai. Kai presses the button 'L'. It drops two floors down, passing 2 and 1. The doors opened and they walked out of it. Directly in front of the elevator was the lounge. Two couches across each other and two sofas next to each couch. Four girls and four boys sat on the couches and sofas—their classmates.

"Students, these are the two last students to join our class. Sam Merrickson, Core-user, and Daniel Fash, dark core." Kai introduces them

The entire class glared at Dan. Dan didn't comment, he was used to it. Doesn't make it any less annoying to him.

"Alright, follow me."

Kai walks to the exit door and goes through it. He walks to the big field. It was as big as the soccer field Dan trained at, maybe even bigger, slightly. Kai was already in the middle of the field.

The students followed him out and saw him in the middle of the field. "What?" Dan confused.

"The distance was at least 50 meters. And he's there in a second or less. Did he teleport again?" Dan speculated

The others ran out to join Kai. A girl with straight bright cyan hair made it quicker than Dan could track her movements. Just like Kai. A dude with spiky hair and a red hoodie just started flying in the air, flames were coming out of his feet like thrusters. Another dude with cyan hair, a turtle neck, and a pin on his chest started running in an ice skating motion. Ahead of his feet formed an ice floor for him to skate on. The rest just sprinted there. Dan and Sam were last to arrive. They formed two rows of five columns in silence.

"Alriiiiight... You already know me but I'll introduce myself again. My name is Kai Hinora, call me Kai. I'm a Light core High-Rank sorcerer, grade four. And I'm your homeroom teacher." Kai pauses for a moment and glances from right to left at the students

"Now, I'd like for you to introduce yourself." Kai continued

Dan stood next to Sam on the second row on the left side, in front of Dan was the guy with the turtle neck. He spoke first, "My name is Nathan Varr, I'm a Cold sorcerer." Nathan then fell silent and the guy next to him spoke. He had a white breathable wet suit for exercise. He had yellow hair and looked like he hasn't slept in days. "Hey, my name's Hiro Kiota. A Light sorcerer." He said in a shaky nervous voice.

Then a white girl with a beanie, short hair, barely past her ears and a few strands covering her face. Dark yellow and black in the end strands. Looks like it was dyed. A blue crop top shirt with a black long sleeve innerwear. "Kris Colt. Kris with a K. A Cold sorcerer." She spoke in a soft but firm voice. Next to her was a six-foot black teen, he wore a tight red and orange shirt, pressing his abs. Thin, slick hair. Dan notices a necklace under his shirt. "Jason Johnson, call me Jay. A heat sorcerer." He had a very deep voice not silky, though.

Next to him, was the last girl in the first row. A girl with a top knot and square glasses. Maroon traditional jacket with a 3/4 sleeve and black leggings and black boots. "I'm Victoria Lau. A Heat sorcerer." Dan figured she's Chinese and she was born in Dayland. According to her face and faint accent.

Then behind her was a girl who was carrying a scabbard with a sword sheathed. Dan notices that there's a crescent moon on the end of the scabbard. Her eyes facing directly to the ground, avoiding eye contact. She keeps rubbing her hands together. "M-M-My name's... Laura Crescent, a Light s-s-s sorcerer." She spoke in a shaky voice, her face was gushing red. Dan took an interest in her.

"She has the guts to go around carrying a sword but not to introduce herself?" Dan chuckled in his thoughts

"It's called performance anxiety, cocky brat." Jon commented

"I didn't ask for your opinion, shut up."

Next to the timid girl was the guy who flew with his feet thrusters. His hands holstered inside his bright red hoodie. "Heath Hart, Heat sorcerer." A quick one. Next to him and Sam was the girl with the bright cyan hair, she wore a light grey sleeveless tight jogging shirt with matching pants. "I'm Volta, a Light sorcerer." She spoke in a monotone lifeless voice. Hearing her voice Sam got nervous and just found himself holding a glance at her. He didn't say anything until Dan nudged Sam's hand. "Oh uh... My name's Sam Merrickson, a Core User." Sam wore a Sunkist yellow high collar jacket with 3/4 cargo pants. Then it's finally to Dan. "Hey, my name is Daniel Fash, call me Dan, a Dark sorcerer." Most of the students then took a quick glance at him.

"Introduction over. Now all of you are Low-Rank sorcerers, grade one. So are all that have just started. Now let's do an assessment."