Maniacal Mission 3

2034, Libra High School

In a middle of a white circle, bounded by nets, his eyes determined, looked out forward. A discus in his right hand. A thousand pairs of eyes locked onto him. The world was watching him.

"Competitor number 8, Jason Johnson." Announced to the world

Jay was an aspiring discus throwing athlete. He won six tournaments back-to-back. He trained ever since he was a little boy. Now, this was a chance for him to compete internationally. Despite having to know sorcerers exist, regular sports tournaments are still an anticipated thing. Especially in Dayland.

It was his one opportunity to become a professional discus thrower athlete. He started spinning to prep his throw, he spun a total of three times. And then, at the moment of release, something else came forth. Half a millisecond the discus was off his hand, and sparks burst out of his hands, igniting ever so quickly. Exploding the discus and unleashing flames.

He was confused. He hadn't known what was going on. He glanced at his hand to find it engulfed in flames. He started screaming, panicking. But, he didn't feel the heat. He just felt the flames.

An hour had passed, and he was still in shock but slowly calming down.

In the locker room with both his parents sitting next to him.

"What happened out there?" His dad asks. His voice was cracking. A sensation of genuine terror.

"I... I don't know." Jay replied. His mind, scattered all over the place.

"Why didn't you tell us?" His mom asks

"I didn't know! It just happened!" Jay yelled out

Jay started trembling. He was scared and confused. What could this have meant to him? Why him? Why at the moment of his career break?

Then entered the room was a man in a white shirt and baggy sweatpants. He approached Jay whilst snapping his fingers.

"Are you Jason?" He asks in a nonchalant manner

"Uh... Yeah." Jay replied

"Is this a good time?" He asks again

"Maybe, I don't know. My mind's a mess right now." He says as he squeezes his head with his palms

"Who're you?" His dad ask

"Hinora Kai. High-Rank grade 4 sorcerer. Pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself

"What's happening to me?" Jay asks as he looks up to Kai.

"Sorcery awakened in you. The 'when' is different for the majority of people. But, you just had bad luck and awakened at what will now be the peak of your career." Kai explained

"Peak? Can't I still compete?" Jay questioned

"Nope. Once you awaken, you're out. No sports tournament for you. Not even vehicular racing is allowed." Kai answered

"What do I do now?" Jay confuses

"Jason, you've always been strong for your age. That's a subtle indication. To be a sorcerer, our bodies need to complement our sorcery. Yours just happens to be heat." Kai stated

"But, I don't want to be a sorcerer. It's not fair! I trained all my life for this!" Jay started yelling angrily. "All those years of training and just out the window!" He tears up as he yells

"Jay... Calm down." His mom tried to difuse his frustration

Kai then dashed and picked up Jay's parents and sat them down on a different bench and he grabbed a fire extinguisher.

"No!" Jay's hand bursts to flames, setting his clothes on fire, exposing his upper body.

Kai sprayed Jay with the fire extinguisher. Putting out the flames and covering him in foam. He then levels to Jay, crouching on the floor.

"Jason... Can I call you Jay? Jay, sorcerers are dangerous. You should know this. When uncontrolled, you might end up killing someone, accidentally or on purpose. Ending someone's life on purpose with sorcery, do you know what the penalty for that is?" Kai explains how dangerous it is to be an untrained sorcerer, then asks

"No." Jay replied as he shook his head

"Death. If accidentally, then they're imprisoned or sealed. There's absolutely no room for redemption." Kai replied with a dead serious look on his face

Jay tenses up. Kai stood up and looked down at Jay. "You almost hurt your parents. And I know you didn't mean it. But, regardless. You need to become a sorcerer. Hate it or not. You will become a sorcerer." Kai stated

2036, Cave 2, Kris Colt and Jason Johnson

In a wide-spaced cave, stood a beast like a komodo dragon but bigger. Like really big. Maybe four feet tall and ten feet long. It growled at Kris and Jay.

"Fuck this shit." Jay, absolutely done with it

"Yeah, I have to agree. Let's get this over with." Kris felt the same way

Kris rubs her hands together, opens her palm, and placed it near her mouth. She blows to her palm and unleashed clouds of freezing mist. Jay punched his fists together, getting a little spark out of it, and his fist started glowing. He lifts his hands in the air and smashes the ground. Unleashing flames. The flame engulfs the beast and melts it out of the ice.

Mist of the melted ice shrouded the beast. The beast jumps from the mist and goes for Kris. Jay pulls her out of the way and the beast misses. Jay grabbed its tail and swung the beast, smashing it to a wall.

"What's working with Hiro like?" Jay asks all of a sudden

"He's cute. An idiot and a coward at times." Kris replied in an instant

"What's life before... This." Jay asks

"Why'd you wanna know?" Kris answers with her question

"Coz not everyone wants to be a sorcerer." Jay replied

"Like you?" Kris assuned

"Yup." Jay nods

The beast then runs at them, it folded itself, turning into a ball. Then imaginary purple spikes materialized. It launched itself toward them.

They dodged it pretty easily. The beast then turned directions right before hitting the wall.

"Why?" Kris wonders

"It fucked over my career." Jay replied

The beast then was heading towards Jay. He punches his fists together again, then pounds his chest once. His body glowed a bit brighter than before. Then all the glow culminated in his right hand. He punches the beast as it was about to hit him and sent it back to the wall. Whilst also unleashing a barrage of flames.

"What career?" Kris asks

"I was an athlete."

"In what?"

"Disc throwing."

"Being banned and blacklisted from competitive sports must hurt. So, you still hate being a sorcerer?"

"Yeah, I do. But, I tend to not think about it too much. What about you?"

"Tch. School was boring. It was full of boring people." She sighed

"Isn't Core Intel just another school?" Jay ask

"Yeah, for fucking magic!" Kris stated as she chuckles

"Got a point." Jay replied

"If the people are boring at least I can do a bunch of shit I couldn't before." She shrugged

Kris drops to one knee, touches the ground with her right hand, and freezes the ground towards the beast. She froze the beast in place. She then created a scythe from ice and ran to the beast. She jumps as she swings down to its head. She pierces its head and slowly freezes the head.

The beast was fidgeting to break free. Its tail was the first to break free. The beast swings its tail at Kris and sends her flying. She stopped short of the wall and was able to recover quickly.

The beast then broke free of the ice. And propelled itself toward Jay. Bunting his stomach. Jay was thrown to the wall across the room.

"Ow... That actually hurts. Kris, you good?"

"Essentially, yeah."

The beast then ran towards Jay then curling into a ball and rolling toward him.

Luckily for Jay, the beast didn't have its spikes out. So, Jay was merely crushed by the beast. Like an SUV car hitting someone at forty miles an hour. Crushed against the wall. He couldn't breathe, couldn't see. He was suffocating.

But, he glowed brighter and brighter. The more force that was given to him, the brighter he glowed. That was Jay's special constitution; Conversion.

Conversion is a constitution that can only be ingrained with—commonly—light sorcerers. Heat sorcerers can have this constitution but the chances are adjacent to zero. Conversion—unlike water, fire, wind, and ice—can only be used by people who were born with it.

Conversion is an ability to subconsciously or consciously (for someone like Kai) convert kinetic energy into thermal energy (Heat sorcerers) and electricity (Light sorcerers).

Jay knew about this constitution about a month after he awakened his powers as a sorcerer. He was on his way to meet Kai and he was involved in a car crash. He was jay-walking and was hit by a sedan moving at fifty miles an hour. He was slammed into the ground. But, he had no broken bones. Not even a wound. Instead, he started glowing. At the moment, he couldn't control the "release" so he just released it automatically.

Kai was across the street and grabs Jay off the street and jumps up to the air. Incredibly high up, around a thousand feet off the ground. And exploded in the air.

After bringing Jay safely down and putting him in a place devoid of people Kai explained the situation.

"How do I control it?" Jay asks

"Simply, realization. This isn't a power given to you by some powerful being. It's a power that's from inside you. Therefore, it's yours and it will always belong to you. See it as yours. See it as a body part you can control." Kai explained

"I realized that this power was mine alone. It's special to me. I'll use it for when I need to. And right now, I need it. I still hate being a sorcerer. I would give anything to have my old life back. But, I can't. You wanted me to realize that, right Kai?" Jay came to a realization

"I can't go back, so I'll move forward." He begins to accept it

"RELEASE!!" He yells aloud

Jay unleashed an explosion that burn the beast's skin off. The beast was repelled at incredible speed. Kris erected a slanted spire from ice. The beast pierced through the spire and stuck impaled. Its blood then quickly spilled. Emptying the beast.

"It should be dead now." Jay thinks

"What the hell was that thing?" Kris asks

"I think this beast was barely a maniacal beast. It's tough but it could only use the one spell." Jay assumed

"Well, good job on taking it out. Let's go."

Hidden room

"Shujin, that beast was weak." Ri said

"What can I say? I'm still inexperienced." Shujin shrugged

"Of course you are... What now?" Ri asks

"Just wait and see, I guess."