Who're you calling easy?

"You're that kid that fought Terror, right? Both of you are?" Cryo asked

"So?" Sam replied

"You boy, what's your name? Sam was it?"

"It is."

"Your Necrotization is dangerous. So, I'll probably kill you. Though you're useless without your weapon."

"My necro... What do you want?"

From atop the railing to suddenly in front of Volta. He grabbed her necklace and just snatched it from her neck. Then he dashed back to the other side of the sidewalk.

"This, right here." He said

"An arcade trade-in prize?"

"That's how you got it?! I could've been playing arcade games to get it this whole time?!" He moaned

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked, confused

"This ring right here is the Star ring. I'm not gonna confirm it, but I'm confident that it is."

"Star ring?"

"One of the three Dayton rings. Like the Overhaul ring."

"One of three? How? It was just a prize."

"The locations of the rings are completely random. They weren't stored in some vault by the siblings. They were one by one killed and their rings were stolen. Sold, used, whatever."

Cryo then pocketed the ring inside his trench coat. He jumps in front of Sam punches him to the side. It was a regular punch. Leather gloves covering his fists.

His physical strength was definitely greater than Sam's. Sam was quickly overwhelmed with a few punch and kicks.

Sam ran at Cryo trying to land a desperate blow. Cryo raised his hand and unleashed "Howitzer Wind: 1/10". Pressurized wind that can even destroy a tank. Using a lesser form of it, Sam was merely thrown really hard to a nearby building. He plummeted into it. He cracked and dented the wall.

Cryo raised his hand and opened his palm. His palm glowed bright blue.

Volta knew that it'd be a killing blow to Sam. She limps to her feet. Trying to stand up. Using the railing to help her up.

"No!" she moaned

A loud sound of a small projectile travelling at the speed of sound. Greater than the speed of sound even. Volta could barely perceive it. A bullet. Headed directly to Cryo's head. Cryo quickly turned around and released "Howitzer Wind 10/10". As he shot out that stream of wind, it felt like a gush of a hurricane. Every glass within the vicinity shattered. Volta was knocked down to the ground. She hit the railing as she fell.

After the wind subsided, Cryo finally saw what was shot him. "A fucking bullet? For real?"

He picked up the bullet from the ground. "A 7.62 bullet. A sniper?" He looked up top of the buildings. Saw one person on the side holding a gun. The guy was shrouded in darkness. Everywhere else was lit up. The building had leverage in height compared to other buildings. It was an ideal spot for sniping. Then he put the gun behind him and it disappeared. Then he brought out some kind of grappling hook equipment out of thin air. He shot it to the side of the building then dropped down while holding it.

The guy lands on the ground smoothly, then pressed a button on the end and pulled back the hook to it.

"Where the hell is that chain being stored in?" Cryo questioned. He didn't see a compartment to store the chains connected to the hook.

The guy put the hook gun thingy behind his back then pulled out an entire katana. Two inches longer than Laura's.

"Where the fuck did he hide that?"

Cryo then charged the same spell he was about to use on Sam. "Flash Freeze". Once cast, a big gush of wind that instantaneously freezes everything. Even the air itself. Its range was small, but it was effective for close-quarter-combat or surprise attacks up close.

The distance between Cryo and the other guy was probably a hundred meters. Maybe a little bit more. In an instant, Cryo couldn't even see it. The distance between them was closed in an instant. A big gush of wind behind him. He held the blade up high and was about swing down.

Cryo leaned back. Really far back. And released his spell and froze the guy instantly. Cryo panted. His heartbeat went up like crazy. He stood up straight and took a few steps back. His body then calmed down. A few seconds later and the guy stopped moving.

"Well, that was a lot easier than I thought."

Cryo turns half around back to Sam and his ice started to sweat. Then it started to melt. A haze of heat was sent surrounding the guy. His blade was set ablaze. The guy thawed out of the ice.

"Now, who the hell are you calling easy?" He asked arrogantly


The guy starts to swing his blade. His blade cuts through Cryo's neck but it didn't kill him. Cryo jumps to the side, back to the bridge. Then the guy flips his blade and swings upward, unleashing an ascending wave of flames at Cryo. Cryo was forced to fall back. He casts "Water Wall" to block the flames. The flames were put out and his wall turned to vapor.

Cryo some how ended up at the other end of the bridge, now their places are reversed. The guy then again dashes so quick at Cryo as he thrusts his blade with one hand. The thrust of his blade created an explosion that sent Cryo through a window of a building.

"That should buy me time." He muttered

He then dashes to Volta as he puts his sword away. He picks her up and then puts her in the building that Sam previously crashed into. He brought Sam in the building too.

He pulled out a Healing Crystal for Volta to heal. It's not for a full recovery though.

Volta examined him. Pale yellowish orange shirt, similar to Sam's but his had 3/4 sleeves that were rubber ended.

"Who are you?" Volta asks

"Derrick, nice to meet you. Use this." He introduces himself as he handed her a healing crystal

"Are you from Core Intel?" Volta asks again

"Yeah, I am. Now stay here. That guy's dangerous." He claimed

Derrick dashes back out. As he got outside he saw the festival from afar. And it was ablaze. Smokes filled the sky. Then a projectile of some kind crashed landed into the building Sam and Volta were in.

"What the fuck?" Derrick yelled. He was tired of it already.

He ran back inside to check on the two. The projectile lands in front of Sam.


"Could you shut up? Don't curse in front of a kid."

Heath was hugging a small child in his arms. The kid was fine but Heath wasn't.

"Another from Core Intel?" Derrick assumed

"Who're you?" Heath said as he lifted his head to look at Derrick

"Third year, Derrick." He introduced himself

"Who?" Heath asked again, unsure

"What the fuck happened in that festival?" Derrick asked

"A sorcerer attacked. Heat sorcerer. He's strong. One of Shujin's guy. He's insane and already killed a lot of people. And could you not curse in front of a kid?!" He said then progressively become more angry

"If you can fight, then stand." Derrick said

"Hey, Theo?" Heath spoke to the kid


"I need you to stay here for a bit, okay? I'll handle the bad guy."


Heath sits the kid in between Volta and Sam. Heath stands back up and joins Derrick. Sam stands as well. "I'm fighting too."

"Fine, get in my way and I'll kill you myself." Derrick said in a very serious tone

Sam gulped. Then nodded.

"Sam, be careful." Volta said to him