To Surpass You 3

I went to my room and laid on the floor. I didn't feel like getting on the bed. I wanted to talk to Sam or at least Dan about this. But I don't know how to contact them. I realized that my house was still there. It was a bought home so it was still my mom's. Maybe they took it back after she died. I had this urge. I kept fighting it. It's not that I don't want to do it. I don't think I can, mentally.

"Screw it!" I said. I left my room and dashed out of the school. I think I remember the general direction if my old house. I must have been still living there after she died, right? No way I could stay alive without food or water.

I retraced my steps getting to Core Intel. I remember I rode a train to Hursh from... I can't remember. But I remember that it was seven stops away with the express train. So it might've been a bit far. There was only one place seven stops away, Icade. It might've been faster by plane honestly. But, I don't have money, I don't think.

I arrived literally the next day. 1 a.m. I was sleepy but also determined. I remember that my house was close to the station and it wasn't in a complex. So, a place where only one house exist with a big field for me to train. After two hours of searching, I was getting really tired. But I think I found it. It was a big house and empty. No occupants I mean. The door was locked. So, I opened the window and vaulted in.

Wow. It's one dusty place. Eight months I left it be? I searched the home. It was the same as I remembered it. I walked up stairs and got in my room. It was so... Simple. I wasn't much of that kind of teenager, was I? Just a bed, a few photo frames, a desk, a chair, a window. Then I left and went to my mom's room. It was tidy, like mine was. I might've gotten a clean habit from her. I shuffled through her stuff. Opened her drawers, closets, looked under the bed, and all over the room. One stood out to me. A small metal box with a note on top of it. I found it on her book shelf.

The note reads "For Volta".

I opened the box. There was a necklace in it. A lightning bolt emblem tied to a metal string. I took it out of the box and admired it. Looked at it at every angle. It was silver, with very subtle bright teal coloring on the bolt. I quickly wore it. I let it out over my shirt. I noticed a piece of folded paper under the necklace. I took it out and unfold it. It was a letter. Her hand writting was so neat and elegant.

Dear, Volta

I don't think I can ever tell you this in person, but I have an illness. An illness that makes my heart weak around magic. When I found out you had magic I was scared. I was scared of dying and leaving you behind. But you were so eager to become the fastest sorcerer, I put my fears aside and did everything I could to help you out. You were so happy when you could break the sound barrier. Now, I don't know if you're ever going to read this but I hope you do. V, you're a fearless girl and I couldn't be more proud of you. But, you've always been afraid of being alone. You'd cry everytime I left you alone, you cried when you moved to another school, and so on. I know it'd be hard if I was gone, but don't be afraid to make friends. Don't be afraid to walk a path alone. It'll only be for a while. You'll find someone that'll be there for you no matter what. When you do, hold them as dearly as they hold you. I wish I could be there to see you grow up to be the fastest sorcerer.

Love, Mom