Cursed Bloodline

Before they made the call, Derrick, Nate, Vic, and Sam had to travel to the Varr family residence. It took them about fifteen minutes to get there. Sam and Vic was sent to a healing room. Derrick stayed with the two, keeping an eye on them. Nate went to his father, William Varr.

Walking to his father's office was a big hassle for him. Just passing with his cousins and nieces, uncles and aunts, he could sense the tremendous amount of hate coming off of them.

"Out of my way"

"Fuck off"

"Get out of my face"

Nate wasn't at all trying to be nice with any of them. Considering what they did to his brother. Neglect and abuse. Practically torture for his brother. However, despite being the family heir he was still abused by his family. Because they deem him not worthy of being the head of the clan.

He made it to his father's office, burst the doors open without knocking.

"Father!" He exclaimed

"Nathan? You're back I see. Couldn't keep your promise?"

"Apparently not."

"I assume a good reason."

"We're at war. All of the sorcerer society against six people. Six people that collectively can destroy the entire country."

"Yes, those criminals. So what?"

"Two of them are a Supreme-rank."

"Let the Hinora clan do something about it. Don't they have a Supreme-rank?"


"The hell did you call me?"


His father grunted. He was frustrated that his own son saw him as a coward.

"Fine. Our clan will lend a hand. Now what?"

"I'll be staying for a few days. Wait until further notice."

"Are you ordering me?"

"You bet I fucking am."

Nate then left the office with the door open to spite his dad.

Two hours later, Sam was sent back to the school. Vic decided to stay. The three were waiting in the family room, told by Nate. Derrick felt uneasy to be in there. Vic didn't really know why she was there.

The room was large and had less a crowd. Just a short table, floor mats, big windows that gave a view to a yard. They sat on the floor.

"Hey, Nate?" Vic called


"I'm sorry if this is insensitive, but what's the problem between you and your family?"

"This family treats each other as rivals to get rid of. We don't say 'hi' to each other, we stare with an intent to kill."


"Derrick was outcasted."

"Let's not talk about that." Derrick said

"I think I get the picture."

"On top of that, me. I'm kind of pissed off myself."


"Second child don't get to be the head of the clan. At all. It's supposed to get passed to my uncle Joseph, the youngest sibling in my dad's family."

"How many siblings does your father have?"

"Two. The other one is my uncle Mike. He had a son too."


"He died. Suicide. At least that's what they said. I never knew him, though." Derrick cleared up

"Oh... What was his name?"

"Michael Varr. He was a Heat sorcerer. 'Varr Family's Devil'. That's what they call him. He was born thinking he was a cursed child needed to get rid of. Just like me. Just... Like me..."

"Why was it that they don't accept any other core element?"

"A supremacy back around five hundred years ago. The cold soothes, the cold is pure, the cold is angelic, kind, all kinds of bullshit. Varreux was the first Varr family sorcerer. He was practically a racist."

"And his ideals lived on for five hundred fucking years. Their whole purity bullshit is just sickening. How they're so entitled and so full of themselves is just, honestly, disgusting."

"But family is family, right?"

"What?" Nate and Derrick said in unison

"Look, I know what they've done is bad and all that... But you're still family aren't you?"

"I dunno. What about you? What's your family like?"

"I've mentioned this once before, my dad's a former assassin. And he's the only family I have. My mom left, my dad was an only child and his parents are dead as well."

"Is he a loving father?" Derrick asked

"Yes," she nodded

"I'm glad."

Derrick thought about what Vic said. He had a long thought process of what she said, 'still family'.

"Is that really possible?" He wondered as he glanced at Nate. His eyebrows raised and his eyes shined with a sincere light of hope for the first time.

Entered the room was William Varr and Lily Varr, Derrick and Nate's parents.

"Derrick?" His father uttered in disbelief

"Father." Derrick stood up

"You're back."

"Way to state the obvious."

"Father, have you done what I asked?"

"I have. Now Nathan, let's discuss your future."

"Not interested."

"Nate. I know you hate them, but you should."

"You have no say in this family!"

"Shut up! Nate's my brother and I will act as fact!"

"You dare raise your voice at me, filth?"

"The fuck did you say?"

"Nathan! Listen to your father."

"To hell with both of you!"

Vic felt really out of place and awkward. She felt like she should say something to calm the situation down.

"Why don't we all just sit down first? Talk about this with a cool head?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm... Nate's partner, Victoria Lau, sir."

"Why are you here?"

"Don't talk to her like that."

"You don't tell me what to do."

"Fine, just do what she says, let's just sit down."

The five sat on the floor. The table was placed horizontally. East, the door, west the window. Derrick sat at the east end, his dad on the west. Vic and Nate sat together on the south, Nate's mom on the north.

The air felt heavy with hatred. The five felt incredibly uneasy. They stared at each other awkwardly for a full minute. Two minutes passed. Five minutes.

"Derrick, why do you think I should?"

"One, your responsibility. Two, you can change this."

"Why me? Why not you?"

"It's got to be you, Nate."


"I'm not like you. You were born like them. You were actually born a sorcerer."

"Looks you've finally realized you're not a sorcerer."

"Hey, fuck face. I'm YOUR son. Yours too, mom."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that I am your son. I am a part of your family."

"No, you aren't."

"Get your dick of your ass. Pardon me for my language, but he's trying to let you atone."

"Atone? I've commited no sin."

"Ignorance is a sin."

"So? He's just like what he said, he wasn't born a sorcerer."


"Don't try to be my son. You're nothing but a failure. Trash. Weak. Pathetic. You're just a normal, weak human being."

"Weak...?" Derrick stood up. His dad stood up as well.

"Feeling like leaving? You should! You don't belong here! Take this bitch with you!"

"The fuck did you say?"

"It's best for you two to leave, you shouldn't interfere with Nathan's future."

"Fff... Fuck you." Derrick whispered

All they heard was a glass shattering. From inside to outside. Derrick slides on the dirt ground of the yard outside, and then threw his father. He rolled on the ground, struggling to stop. He eventually did.

"What was that? I didn't even see him move..."

"You know... If I wanted to, I can kill every single member of this pathetic excuse for a family with my BARE HANDS!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

His father casted "Ice Aurora", the light already shrouded and touched Derrick. A single muscle tensing would cause the spell to activate and freeze him in place.

Derrick breathed in through his nose, then exhaled the breath immediately. As he exhaled, he launched himself forward, dashing at his father, he landed a punch directly at his forehead.

He was thrown back far. His punch was so fast it reached supersonic speed. A loud sonic boom alerted a lot of the people inside. One by one they start going outside. None were going to lend a hand, they hoped he would die.

Derrick dashed forward, dropped his body and sweeped his father's legs. He dropped to the ground. Derrick kicks him at the side of his chest. His rib may have cracked. He limped back to his feet. Derrick dashed forward and lands a light frontward kick for him, but heavy for anyone else. Then a low kick to his left knee. Derrick punches forward to his abdomen, then an uppercut, then a jab at his face, a left hook to his jaw. Derrick's movement was simply too fast for his father to ever see coming, let alone react to. Derrick dashed around him and locked his legs with his father's. He trips and falls down on his stomach. He flips him facing up and held down his arms with the weight of his body on his knees. He punches his face repeatedly, slow interval in-between punches. A total of five punches. His father was bleeding from his mouth and his nose.

Derrick raised his hand high, it would be his final punch before he killed his father. It would completely shatter and crush his skull. He held tears in his eyes as he was about to punch. He stared at his father's helpless eyes. He followed through with the punch as he screamed at the top of his lungs. The ground shook as his fist lands adjacent his father's face. Next to his left ear.

He got up and tried hiding his tears. He wiped them away while facing away.

"Why did you make me do this? I KNOW I'M NOT THE SON YOU WANTED ME TO BE, BUT WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SEE ME AS A SON!!?? Why do you see me as some mistake to get rid of? I live eight years of my life thinking I was born a mistake and that I needed to disappear. Why? WHY!? I just wanted a family that loved me! Is that too much to fucking ask?"

His father sat up with one of his legs up. He rested one of his hands on his knee. He couldn't look at Derrick in the eyes. He looked at the ground in silence.

Derrick clenched his fists hard, grit his teeth, holding back more tears. He dashed away, leaving his father alone. Nate, his mom, and Vic joined him.