The End of Turmoil

The Dragon hovered above the night sky like a disaster ready to descend. No one moved as they were all fixed to him who was flying with very wide flaps of wings.

Aerchon's eyes opened wide. His mouth fell open as he looked up.

"Impossible..." The voice that came out of Aerchon's mouth was soft with mixed feelings of admiration, and a strange sense of terror.

Meanwhile, the Ogres looked frightened. They were all in a hurry to run away from that place. Including the Bowelfang who should be their mainstay weapon.

However, Dragon-Erend swooped down on the Bowelfang and stuck his claws at the creature. The Bowelfang thrashed around like prey that had been cut off in the grasp of a predator.

Even so, the Bowelfang wouldn't give up without a fight. He swung his long, slender arm towards the Dragon-Erend's head.


The arm hit the side of Dragon-Erend's head until he lost his balance in flight. But that didn't stop Dragon-Erend from falling and made him get into trouble. An attack like that only made him angrier.

Dragon-Erend swooped down and slammed Bowelfang into the ground then dragged him across the ground for several meters.

Dragon-Erend released his claws and flew high leaving Bowelfang below. But it didn't last long. Before Bowelfang could stand up, Dragon-Erend was back down and grabbed him with his hind legs.

Then, Dragon-Erend used his hand to claw at Bowelfang.


Dragon-Erend roared in Bowelfang's face. The green giant looked helpless in front of him.

Even though he repeatedly tried to fight back by moving his arm, Dragon-Erend threw him away with his hand and then bit the giant's neck.

The scene looked just like a one-sided massacre. Dragon-Erend mauling on Bowelfang like a lion preying on a rabbit.

Suddenly from the mouth on the Bowelfang's stomach, another long green arm came out to grip the Dragon-Erend's leg and threw him.

Dragon-Erend was flung several meters away and knocked down many trees. Dragon-Erend immediately bounced back with a furious roar.

From Bowelfang's stomach, something crawled out. He tore open the Bowelfang's stomach and came out in an even more bizarre form.

If the previous Bowelfang was a green fat creature, what came out of his stomach was a skinny creature with unnaturally long arms and legs.

Overall his form is almost the same as the previous Bowelfang. The only difference between them was that this second creature's body was much thinner but of the same height.

It also has a mouth on its stomach which is much smaller. The previous Bowelfang was motionless on the ground with his belly torn apart. No one knows whether it's dead or not.

The skinny Bowelfang leaped at Dragon-Erend. His movements were extremely fast and in an instant, he was already surrounding Dragon-Erend with his long arms and legs. Then he bit the Dragon-Erend's neck.

Dragon-Erend roared in pain. There was mucus coming out of the teeth biting his shoulder. The bite started to pierce the scales on Dragon-Erend's shoulders.

But that of course wouldn't be enough to defeat Dragon-Erend. Dragon-Erend stuck both claws into the skinny Bowelfang's back.

Blood was dripping from his back but the skinny Bowelfang didn't scream at all as he was still biting the Dragon-Erend's shoulder.

As a result, Dragon-Erend clawed and tore apart the skinny Bowelfang's back.

After a while, all that was left of the skinny Bowelfang's back were bones as the Dragon-Erend tore him apart non-stop.

He was dead but still clung to Dragon-Erend as if he didn't want to let go.

Dragon-Erend continued to tear his body apart with his claws. The skinny Bowelfang's blood spattered all over the place. Paint the forests below them red.

Some also splashed towards the small palace. It didn't take long for the thin Bowelfang to crumble into small pieces leaving only his head behind.

Which ended up being forcefully pulled away by Dragon-Erend. Dragon-Erend then devoured the green Bowelfang's head.

After that, he felt his head begin to dizzy and his body weakened. The Dragon-Erend swayed to the right and left as if it was about to collapse.

Moments later he completely collapsed. With a thumping sound and a very loud vibration, he fell to the ground knocking down the trees he fell on.

Suddenly, the night became silent. This silence was so strange because previously there had been great turmoil and chaos.

The silence that came made everyone there feel that they had moved to another dimension. Coupled with blood and corpses scattered everywhere. It makes everything look surreal.

Aurdis approached Aerchon. After she doesn't know how long she has been trapped in awe and fear of Dragon's appearance and what he's doing here, Aurdis can finally able to move.

Aerchon is the same as Aurdis. He also just woke up from the previous incident.

"You alright?" Aurdis asked Aerchon with a worried look on her face.

"I'm fine. How about you?" Aerchon asked back, equally worried.

"I'm fine. Delirien is also alright."

From behind, Delirien walked toward them.

"I just witnessed something that..." Delirien seemed to have a hard time getting her words out.

Aurdis and Aerchon understood it. They were also still having a hard time comprehending what had just happened.

The troops from the Ogres Kingdom attacked suddenly and killed many soldiers. Aerchon and Aurdis felt desperate when they saw the number of Ogres and felt that their lives were in serious danger.

Their chances of escaping such a large number of enemies were small. But suddenly Erend came and turned things around with his mysterious power.

Aerchon immediately checked the surroundings. His heart ached when he saw the many corpses of his soldiers lying with the Ogres.

When the Elves died in the human world, it was decided that they would be left there. The Elves agreed that bringing back all their corpses to their world would be very difficult.

The Elves didn't want to waste the time of their precious relatives just to take care of their lifeless bodies.

Warriors who died on the battlefield, the Elves considered it an honorable death. But the sense of loss remains when they see their friends or family die.

Aerchon regrouped with the few surviving soldiers. But their condition didn't look good. Aerchon ordered the few Elves who were still able to fight to guard Aurdis and Delirien while he would call for help to Elvenhaven City.

Aurdis immediately ordered some Elves to go to the battle site and look for Erend.
